《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Mansion


You arrive to Colorado and get send to the hospital. "Yeah... Max... Just meet us at the hospital!" ordered Joji to the phone. He hangs up and looks at you. You are both in the hospital. "The cinnamon rolls were a mess?" asked Joji with laugh. You laugh with him, "Then won't you be sick?" you ask. "I don't know..." whispered Joji as he checks his head and stomach. "I am good..." he whispers. You laugh and shake your head.

"Have you had sex recently?" asked one of the ladies in the ambulance. You look at Joji, "Yes..." you whisper. "With a condom?" asked the lady. "yes..." you answer. "Okay. Ate anything that can make you sick?" asked the lady. "A cinnamon roll?" you answer. "Okay... Well... Let's see what the doctors have to say." smiles the lady. You shale your head.

Joji is trying to keep Frank down who is in a pet's cage. "Joji... We had a condom on right?" you ask. "Yes..." answered Joji. "For both the times?" you ask. "Yes...." Joji looks guilty. "What is that face suppose to mean?" you ask. "Maybe... Just maybe... I checked and the condom was broke the first time we did it... " Joji closes his eyes ready for you to yell. Your jaw drops, "If it is a baby... I swear I will hit you..." You warn,

Joji bites the inside of his mouth, "It's been like two months, if it was a bay it would of had made it's appearance months ago." smiles Joji weakly. You give him the death look, "Joji...." you groan. The ambulance stops and they take you inside the hospital. "I will wait out here for Max so he can take Frank." smiles Joji. "Fine...." you whisper.


You are put into a room and you wait for the doctor and Joji. Soon Joji, Ian, Max, Katt and Chad come into the room. "Where is Frank?" you ask. "In the car with my mom. Robin is about to come." informs Max. You smile weakly. "Are you okay girl?" asked Katt. You frown, "If having a fever and stomachache is good then let's leave..." you mock. Katt holds in her laughter, "I will go sit over here..." she whispers. She walks to the couch in the corner.

The doctor comes in, "Well... You only have a fever but the stomachache is weird..." whispered the doctor. "Please tell me I have cancer or something before telling me I have a child..." you think to yourself. "Can we have a test in something." smiles the doctor. "For what?" you ask. "Just a simple test." smiles the doctor. "Yes." answers Joji. The doctor leaves.

"You only said yes in hopes that they say we are having a kid!" you shout. "Maybe... Maybe not.." answers Joji. You grit your teeth. "You are sick girly. calm down." laughs Katt. You roll your eyes. "You are the worst...." you whisper to Joji. "How?!" shouted Joji. "I said I didn't want kids until we were old enough... I am barely 24..." you whine. "That's old in my book.." whispered Max. "Shut up!" Katt and you shout.

The doctor comes back with a machine and connects some wires to your stomach. "No baby...No baby..." you think in your head. "Just as we thought." smiles the doctor. Your eyes widen. "It's not a baby but maybe a really serious virus." explains the doctor. You let your breathe out.


"We will give you some medicine and you can all leave." smiles the doctor. He leaves and Robin enters, "Wow.. This room is confusing..." whispered Robin. "how?" you ask with a smile. "The boys are sad and the girls are happy." laughs Robin as he point it out. You look at the four boys. Joji is holding back his tears, "Joji, we still have many years." you smile. "I know..." he mutters.

The doctor comes back with two bottles of medicine to take every four hours. You are let out of the hospital. You walk out of the hospital to see Ella in a mini van. Joji. Ian and Max sit in the back. Chad, Katt and you sit in the middle while Robin and Ella are in the front.

You drive to the house. "how does it feel to know it is not a child?" asked Katt. "It was a relief..." you answer. Robin passes Frank back to you, "I missed this guy." you pat Frank's head.

Soon you arrive to the house to see a mansion. "I hope the inside is better then the outside." you laugh. "Trust me, it is." smiles Katt. Chad, Katt and you leave the van first. Ian, Max and Joji follow. "Let's go inside." smiles Ella.

You walk inside and put Frank down, "Fancy..." you smile. The entrance is not the living room. It's stairs leading up to the room. If you keep walking straight it looks like the kitchen. To the right is the door to go to the basement and garage. To the left is where the living is at. "Robin... Don't you want this?" I ask. "No, Australia is my house." laughs Robin.

Robert comes out from the kitchen with a tray, "Welcome home!" he shouts. You run up to him, "I would give you hug but the tray is in the way! Why are you here?" you ask faking your curious. "I opened a bookstore here with the help of Robin." smiles Robert. "That's good." you whisper. "Anyways, are you not sick?" asked Robert. "I went to the hospital... I am okay for now." you smile. "That's good to hear when I have food on the table." smiles Robert.

The family walks to the kitchen. "Are you going to stay here?" you ask Robert. "Of course not. I found a cheap apartment." explains Robert. "But you should stay in the mansion with me and Joji." you frown. "No... I want a place to myself." explains Robert.

"Anyways... Let's get to the important stuff... The food!" shouted Ian. Everyone laughs as the fill in the kitchen table. "May I inform! No feeding Frank!" you shout. "Fine!" shouted everyone.

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