《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Pink Season


January 4th

You wake up to not see Joji in bed with you. You check the time to read five. "What an ass... He left me.." you whisper. Frank climbs into bed with you. "Your ass dad left me and you alone." you mutter. Frank just sits and sticks out his tongue. "What if having a kid is a good idea..." you whisper. Then you start to laugh. "Nope! Not at this age!"

You put Frank back on the floor so you don't kick him off by accident. You get out of bed and put Frank back onto the bed. You walk to your backpack and take out a hoodie and jeans. "I would love to go on a walk with Lily..." you whisper. You put on your alien hoodie with black jeans. "Want to go for walk!" you say in an excited voice to get Frank hyper. He starts to jump and bark.

You put the leash on Frank and walk to Lily's room. I knock once and let her get up. "Come in. Joji and his dad just left." informs Lily. She is in bed with popcorn and watching a movie. "Going out on a walk with me isn't going to happen... Is it?" you laugh. "I thought you were asleep. Let me get change." smiles Lily as she gets out of bed in jeans and hoodie. "Ready!" she shouts.

We walk out of the house to be in clear darkness. "No... Lights.." you whisper. "No lights... Just wind and the lights from the city." smiles Lily as she point at it. "Something I could live for.." you whisper. "Joji always lived it this way.... I never understood why he left for New York..." whispered Lily. "It was to escape... He might of had felt lonely... Maybe he had something over in New York to live for...." you explain. "He had you..." whispered Lily.


"Excuse me?" I asked. "He found you in Harvard and wanted to keep contact with you. He found out you moved to New York and boom! He told me he wanted to move to New York. We asked why and he said it was nothing to worry about." she smiles. "That could be any reason." you laugh. "Not when he said you guys should let me move to New York if you want Grandchildren." added Lily with a laugh. "We promised each other no kids...." you whisper.

"You have Frank... Don't you?" asked Lily. You look at the ground, "You got me there..." you let out a laugh.

"Where is Joji?" you ask. "He and his dad went to the studio." answers Lily. "Studio?" you ask. "Don't tell them I told you... But by studio is this small room Joji's dad rented. It's filled with a microphone or two and some DJ supplies. Nothing serious." laughs Lily. You hold in your laughter. "Joji is something..." you whisper. "When he was a crybaby I knew he was going to be special... Something I could show to my mom and she would be proud that I married Joji's dad..." whispered Lily. "Was she proud?" you asked.

Lily busted out laughing, "yes until she heard Joji only went to Harvard for a music career." explains Lily. "He did good..." you whisper. "Honey.... He did good but we wanted him to be a lawyer... or Doctor..." explains Lily. "He is doing something in his life... That he loves..." you whisper. "That's what I love more... When we confessed why he was going to Harvard. I wanted to smash his head on the wall over and over... Are you stupid... I kept asking... But Joji's dad let him go.... I am happy my husband was wiser then me... I always jumped to conclusions..." smiles Lily.


"Did you jump to conclusion with me?" you ask. Lily's jaw drops to the floor. You do a small dab. You laugh, "Want to go back home?" you ask. "Okay... I did jump to conclusions with you!" confessed Lily. "I was just kidding, Lily." you laugh. "But.... I hate losing Joji... Ian... Max took him away from me...." whispered Lily. "Want to talk about it?" you ask. "I will make tea..." whispered Lily.

You guys walk back to the house and take a seat around the kitchen table. You wait for Lily to finish the tea to talk. She comes back and gives you a cup. "You can talk about it with me." you smile weak. Lily smiles and takes a drink.

"Ian and Max are great friends. They really are, the fact that Joji came back from Harvard made me happy! Finally my son will live and stay with me... Nope! He went to New York to go find you and along the way... Found Ian and Max... When Joji didn't find you... He was planning to come back... Ian and Max told him to settle.... Find a place of his own..." Lily leans back into her chair. "I remember talking with Joji on the phone.... Telling him to come back.... He told me no... That he had a reason to be in USA and he found another reason to be there... I let him..." whispered Lily.

"Then... When I found out that the reason he stayed with because of you... The reason he went to New York and left me for you." whispered Lily. Your eyes are widen. "I am sorry, Lily, I guess I never saw it that way..." you whisper. "It's okay sweetie... The good thing is that you are making him happy." smiles Lily. Your phone rings and you check it. "He did not..." you whisper. "What?" asked Lily. "Joji... He dropped the album...." you whisper.

"What album?" asked Lily. "I would show you... But you would then ask for Joji's sexuality." you laugh. "The Pink season album..." whispered Lily as she checked her phone. Your eyes widen, "You follow him?" you ask. "Well... he is my son." laughs Lily. You shake your head and smile, "Let's listen to it on YouTube, where it is cheap!" you smile. "Hell yeah!" shouted Lily.

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