《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Bone


December 31

You are outside looking out for Frank. Since there are no neighbors they don't have fences, so you have to take care of Frank. "Frank!" you shout when he goes to far. He runs back easily to your hands.

Joji and his dad are out somewhere getting last minute things for food and drinks. Lily and you are staying up in the house to make the food but Lily has better skills in cooking. You pick up Frank and go into the house. "I can't wait for the New Year..." smiles Lily so wide. "Why is it so important?" you ask. "Well, I know it doesn't seem important... But I like to think of it as a seeking opportunity." explains Lily.

"I don't understand..." you whisper. "You will... It's a time to let the past behind and be able to change...." explains Lily. "Do you want me to change?" you ask. "Of course not! It's your decision if you want to change." smiles Lily. "I think... I would like to change a few things..." you whisper. "Like?" asked Lily. "I want my job back... A chance to change the way the boss thinks about me..." You explain.

"It's a new year... New things... New chance.... You can use that excuse..." answer Lily. You think about it, "Lily..." you whisper. "Yes honey." she smiles. "When Joji was little... What was he like?" you ask. Lily smiles with a evil side to it. "He was loud.... Cried a lot and his poop... Don't get me started on it." laughs Lily. "Are you serious?" you ask with a giggle.

"Joji was the loud kind, you put him down. He cried. He wanted food, he cried. He was a crybaby." laughed Lily and you. "Who as a crybaby?" asked Joji as he set the bags down on the counter. "Ian." lies Lily. Joji laughs, "Mom, he was never a crybaby." Lily looks at Joji, "He cries more then you." Lily winks at you. "Ian was always the weak one..." you lie so Joji would drop it.


"I am going to tell this to Ian.." whispered Joji. "God... Don't be a snitch!" laughed Lily. "We all love him and he knows that." you laugh. "Okay, you guys are acting weird. Did you tell her?" asked Joji. "Tell me what?" you ask. "I only told her that you were the crybaby mister, so yes! I told her!" shouted Lily. "Really mom?!" asked Joji.

"I wasn't crybaby!" shouted Joji. "Yes you were." laughed Joji's Dad "Dad... You aren't helping me..." groaned Joji. "You weren't helping me when you made me lose sleep and having to feed you!" laughed Joji's dad. "Anyone want some tap water?" asked Joji. "Ew! No!" shouted Lily. "WE have water bottles." informs Joji's dad. "Give me cup." you order.

Lily and Joji's dad look at you. "What?" you ask. "Tap water isn't that great." smiles Lily. "Well... If you run out of water bottles.... You have to use Tap water." you laugh. Lily laughs. Joji's dad opens the closet in the kitchen to see a lot of water... Bottles. You frown, "You make yourself clear..." you whisper. "Of course we do." Lily does a hair flip.

It's 10:30 and you guys are around the kitchen table with a lot of food around. "Let's pray now." smiles Joji's dad. "Thank you lord for our kids having a safe trip, the food we have had this whole year. The jobs we have had this years and that we were able to live one more year." prays Joji's dad. You all let go of each others hands. "Amen." you whisper and dig into the food.

Lily made a turkey and ham with some sushi. Frank is at your feet begging for food. "You can't have this buddy..." you whisper. Frank walks away. "Joji... Don't give him food." you order. Joji's and is under the table, "I wasn't going to give him food..." lied Joji. As he puts a bone on the table again.


Frank comes back to your feet. "You can't have this food..." you repeat. Frank lays at your feet. "Anyone want wine?" asked Lily as she got the bottle from under the table. "Do you guys have everything under the table?" you ask with a laugh. "Not the important stuff like this bone." smiles Joji as he tries to put it on the floor. "Joji, don't feed him this food!" you order. "Why not?" asked Joji. "He is still little, his stomach hasn't adjust to this food!" You explain. "Fine..." whispered Joji as he put the bone back on the table.

Lily serves the wine to everyone. "I love it that you guys came!" smiles Lily. "I am glad that we actually came. Instead of moving to Colorado, we should move here." you suggest. "The reason I lived in New York is to leave this place." muttered Joji. "Why do you want to leave this place?" asked Joji's dad. "I don't want to be near my past.... When I am creating my future." explains Joji. "So you would know how I feel..." you mutter. "I promise, when we find a better house. You will love me even more." smiles Joji.

You roll your eyes. "What do you guys want out of this year?" asked Lily. "To be with Joji as long as I can." you answer. "You are always going to be with me." laughs Joji. "We have had our problems... A lot of them...." you explain. "I understand, don't think Joji's dad was an easy catch." laughs Lily. "I was the easy catch! You were the one who had to choose between me and Jon.... You choose Jon first!" shouted Joji's dad with a laugh.

"He had the money to satisfy women." she argues. You cover your mouth so your food won't fall out. "Then she came crawling back with she wasted all of Jon's money." whispered Joji's dad. "Oh shhh! You had my heart. Jon had my eyes!" laughs Lily. "What does that mean?" asked Joji. "Your dad was my real love but I was blinded by Jon's money." laughs Lily. You roll your eyes and laugh.

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