《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Hijack


December 29

You pack your bags while Frank and Joji take a nap. "You going to wake up?" You ask Joji. "Frank and me want to sleep... Let us." muttered Joji. "You want me to pack up for you?" you ask. "Will you?" answered Joji. You laugh, "Sure..."

You finish packing your bag and start with Joji's. That's when Frank starts to whine. "You want to shit buddy?" you ask with excitement to get Frank even more excited. You pick up Frank and walk down stairs. You see Katt with her kitty laying on the couch watching T.V.

"Easy life!" you laugh. "She doesn't want to do anything!" shouted Katt. You let Frank down and open the backdoor so he can go out and pee. "You know... You can play with her.. You know?" You asked. "Max got this toys to play with her.... But no!" She loves just laying around." smiles Katt. You roll your eyes. "How is Frank doing?" asked Katt.

"He is happy." you smile. He is peeing out in the backyard. "What did you finally name your kitty?" you ask. Katt stands up, "Zoey!" she shouts. The cat stays on the couch and doesn't move. "She doesn't like that name..." you point out. "It's a good name... She just needs to get use to it." frowns Katt. You laugh.

Frank barks so you can let him back in. You open the door and he runs in. He runs up stairs by himself. "He must love Joji." laughs Katt. "He actually loves the bed." you correct. "At least he moves around!" shouts Katt. You grab an energy bar and walk back upstairs.

You walk into the room to see Frank laying on top of Joji's chest. "Or maybe he does love Joji..." You whisper. "I am just kidding, I grabbed the piece of fur and plotted him on my chest." laughs Joji. You laugh with him. "I will finish my packing don't worry." smiles Joji.


You lay on the bed, "Japan... Here we come." you smile.

Soon you are on the airplane. You are worried but Frank is somewhere down the the bottom part of the airplane alone... In the dark...

"I wish he could be up here with us..." You whisper. " Don't we all... "smiles Joji. "I actually mean it..." You whisper. "He will be okay." Joji holds you hand. "Just think positive." helps Joji. "Fine.." You whisper.

The plane takes off. "He is just a puppy..." you whisper. Joji is asleep though, he is right. Frank will be fine. You close your eyes and hope for the best.

Joji's Point of View-- She soon goes to sleep. That will help her calm down, Ian, Max, Chad and Katt will stay with Robin and Ella for New Year's. But (Y/N) and me promised my mom that we will be with her for New Year's. Besides, my father is waiting for me to do the surprise. One step at a time... I plan to go to Hawaii with her.

Your Point of View-- You wake up and it's finally time to the plane. "You ready?" asked Joji. "Yup!" you shout. Ready to see Frank! You pick up Frank and your suit case. "Let's go." smiles Joji.

You walk out to see Lily with her car. "Hey!" she shouts. Joji rolls his eyes. "If I can hijack that bike over there maybe we can get out of here alive." laughs Joji. You try to hold in your laughter as you see an old age man walk by with his bike. "Be nice!" you shout.

Joji and you walk over to Lily. "Hello son." smiles Lily as she hugs him. She hugs you next, "Nice to see you again." You hug her back. "We should of hijacked the bike." you laugh with Joji. "What did you say?" asked Lily. "Nothing." you lie.


Lily takes you back to the small house they have in a lonely hill. "How did you have friends, if you barely lived near anyone?" you ask. "I would ride a bike to the park." answers Joji. "Was the bike red?" You ask. "No... It was black with blue flames." answers Joji. You laugh.

"So, why the dog?" asked Lily. "So you can eat it." answered Joji. Your haw drops to the floor. "I only ate a dog once!" shouted Lily. You grab Frank from Joji. "No!!" You shout. Lily and Joji laugh, "We are just kidding." smiles Joji. "Still..No!" you shout. "I want grand kids Joji. Just give me one!" shouted Lily.

The car comes to a stop. "That will happen soon... Just not with her." winks Joji. Your eyes widen, "You wonder why I leave you half of the time." You smirk. Joji rolls his eyes. You get of the car with Frank. Joji takes the suitcases inside.

Lily, Joji and you sit at the kitchen table to eat. "So... Tell me about this Colorado house." says Lily excited. "Robin brought it... I am just not so sure... My parents are in Colorado and I don't exactly want to see them..." You explain. "You know while we are over here Max and Ian will go get the house ready after New Years?" asked Joji. "I know... But I don't know if moving into that house will be a great idea..." you whisper.

"Why not?" asked Lily. "Well... For starters... I can't get I job where I want to work because the boss there hates me..." You explain. "Why?!" shouted Lily. "I kind of made her mad... For leaving..." you whisper. "Stupid people don't know what they are missing." smiles Lily. "I guess..." you shrug.

"Look... I am going to go finish my album... I will come back in a while." smiles Joji as he gets up. "So... What are we doing for New Years?" you ask. "We will watch the ball go down in New York... Of course on the T.V." laughs Lily. "That's all?" you ask. "There is surprises to come. The boys love to surprise women on New Years." winks Lily.

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