《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Onesie


December 25th

You wake up in the morning to find Joji hugging you. You pats his arm. "Wake up.." I say normally. Joji mutters something but you don't hear it clearly. "Dude! Wake up!" you shout. "Why?" asked Joji. "It's Christmas..." You answer. "Do we really care?" asked Joji. "I still need to pee..." you lie. "Save that shit for later." laughs Joji. "I will legit shit in this bed!" you laugh.

Joji finally lets you go. He opens his eyes and starts to laugh loud, "Are you really wearing a onesie!?" asked Joji. You roll your eyes, "Look, having a unicorn onesie at my age is normal!" You lie again. Joji rises his left eyebrow. "Okay! Katt and Ella made me!" You confess. "God.. Ella is wearing a onesie too?" asked Joji. "You are too." you smile.

You pick the onesie off the floor, "You can't make me wear that." laughs Joji. "Wear it for me..." you beg. "I won't be caught dead in that." laughs Joji. He finally sits on the edge of the bed.

Someone knocks on the door. You open it to see Ian and Max in a onesie. "I have predicted that Joji is not going to wear a onesie... Am I right?" asked Ian. "Yes..." you muttered. Max goes Ian some cash. "Please excuse us while we change the babies diaper." smiles Ian as he takes the onesie from you. Max drags you out of the room.

"Telling my mom we will be down there in a few minutes." orders Max. He closes the door on you. You lean against the door. "Just get in it!" shouted Ian. "That's for babies!" shouted Joji. "It can be for grown men too!" shouted Max. "I am not going to wear that!" shouted Joji. "You wear a onesie to play Pink Guy!" shouted Max. You can hear Joji gasp, "How dare you call my pink suit a onesie!" shouted Joji.


You walk down the stairs laughing, "Why is he like this... " you think to yourself. You enter the living room to see everyone is a onesie. "Hey..." you smile walking in. "Where are the boys?" asked Ella as she brought a tray with milk and cookies. "Aren't those for Santa?" you ask. "Satan." corrects Robin. Your face turns confused.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot we are doing Christmas." Robin laughs in an evil way. "Go back to Halloween." you laugh. "I would but Ella won't let me..." whispered Robin. You smirk, "Why not?" you ask. "She is more into the Christmas stuff." answers Robin. "Anyway!" shouted Ella. "Why aren't the boys here?" asked Ella.

"Yeah, why did those cunts leave me here?" asked Chad. You roll your eyes. "Joji didn't want to wear his onesie. So they are up there getting him into one." you answer. "Understandable!" shouts Chad.

"We are here now!" shouts Max. The three boys enter the living room. "Ella don't give cookies and milk to Joji." you order. "Why not?!" whined Joji. "You didn't get into a onesie when I told you!" you explain. "I am in one now? Aren't I?" asked Joji. "Ella... Only give me one cookie with half emptied glass." you order. "Or is it half full?" asked Ian as he took a cookie from the tray.

You roll your eyes, "Why can't we have one normal Christmas?!" shouted Katt. "Last time I checked, we can't have anything normal!" laughed Robin. Katt drops to the couch, "Or a normal family..." she whispered. "We are nothing but normal." you smile.

"Who wants to open there present first?!" shouted Ella. You rise your hand, "I would love to give Robin his gift actually." you smile. Robin shakes his head, "No. I am okay sweetie." Smiles Robin. "I actually insist..." you smile. You hand Robin a box.


He opens it to see twenty books, a three shirts. "Thank you." smiles Robin. You keep looking at him. "Oh! There's a card." smiles Robin. He takes out and reads it. Tears roll into his eyes, "Thank you..." smiles Robin. He puts the stuff back in and keeps the box near him.

Joji rises his hand, "Let's get people to cry." smiles Joji. he hands you a box. "You know... You only needs to give me one." you laugh. "You deserve a million gifts." smiles Joji. You roll your eyes and open the box. Right away a puppy crawls out. "You didn't?!" you shout. You hug it and kiss it.

You start to cry, "This is my first pet..." you confess. "It's a he." smiles Joji. "What are you going to call him?" asked Katt. "Frank." you answer with a laugh. Joji covers his eyes, "I will return him... Next thing tomorrow...." he groans. You frown, "Please don't!" you shout. "God... Frank it is I guess..." laughs Joji. You hug the Frank and let him go to walk around but he stays close.

Katt looks at Max, "You better have gotten me a puppy or cat." warns Katt. "Mom... Is there a pet store that's open?" asked Max. Katt punches Max's shoulder. "That actually hurt!" shouted Max as he rubbed his shoulder.

Max hands her a box and she opens it to see a kitty cat. "Aww... It better be a she..." warned Katt. "It's a she..." answers Max. "It's transgender..." whispered Joji into your ear. You laugh.

You lay on Joji's lap while he sits. "Did you like Frank?" asked Joji. "Hell yeah boiiiii." you laugh. "Stop... Just stop... Don't... You gave me cancer for a second." laughed Joji. "Shut up!" you shout.

The presents go around until everyone is focused on just talking and being with family. By the end you get a new puppy, shirts, a sweatshirt and a matching shirt with Katt. Also the new house in Colorado.

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