《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Disgusting


December 23

You wake up to hear your alarm over. "I am awake!" you shout. You touch your phone to shut it up and it works, "Thank you..." you mutter. Soon it goes off again, this time, someone is calling.

You answer, "What?!" you shout. "Come outside cranky pants..." orders Joji. "Let me change..." you whisper. "Okay!" shouts Joji.

You walk to your closet and change quickly, "Didn't even get to shower..." you whisper. You rub your head as a headache starts to come in. "Stupid me..." you hiss. "I should of had slept early.." you mutter. You start to change quickly.

You grab your backpack and stuff some money and energy bars into it. You open one energy bar and began to eat it. You walk into the hallway to see lights and Joji.

The lights spell out, "Happy Birthday." You look at Joji, "My birthday was yesterday..." you whisper. "Better late than never..." whispers Joji. "Aren't the landowners...Going to get mad?" you ask.

"I do something to make you proud... Just for you to complain..." whispers Joji. You sigh," The lights are beautiful..." you smile. "And?" asked Joji. "I love what you did with you hair." you laugh. Joji hugs you, "Let's go out and eat." smiles Joji.

"Where is my gift?" you ask. "You didn't even give me a second to breathe." laughs Joji. You extend your hand. "Here..." Joji grabs a bag off the floor.

You look inside to see a lot of things. "God..." you whisper. "Shirts, a necklace and a new pair of shoes." smiles Joji. You drop the bag and hug Joji. "Thanks." you smile.


"Let's go to the mall..." you whisper. "What about breakfast?" asked Joji. "After..." you correct. "Yeah, sure...But why?" asked Joji. "Holiday shopping..." you smile. "what happened to doing that yesterday?" asked Joji. "Ian didn't let me." you explain. "Fine." mutters Joji.

You walk into IHop. You quickly order Orange juice and chocolate pancakes. "Thanks." you smile to the waiter.

"Want to get another tattoo... For Christmas?" asked Joji. "Matching?" you ask. "If you want to." smiles Joji. You laugh, "Sure, but the point of Christmas is to keep the gift a secret."

"I will give you something else too. Don't worry." smirks Joji. "Good luck." you mutter. "We have to board a plane to Australia soon...SO! Hurry up and eat!" orders Joji.

"A what? To what?!" you shout. "You forgot?!" asked Joji. "I didn't know if you were serious!" you inform. "Well, I was... Now hurry up!" orders Joji. You stuff your mouth with pancakes. "I hate you..." you whisper in between.

You and Joji run to the mall. You buy a necklace and bracelet for Max's mom. You buy three new shirts for Max's dad. You do the same for Max. You buy two shirts and a funny mug for Ian. You buy a Best Friend shirt for Katt and a new watch.

"Let's go!" you shout. "What about for me?" asked Joji. "That is a secret!" you shout. "Fine..." muttered Joji.

You arrive at your house and pack a quick bag for the trip. You grab your suitcase and backpack. "Let's go!" you shout. "We have an hour, got everything?" asked Joji. "Yes!" you shout. "Fine..." whispers Joji.


You see Ian and Max waiting inside the airport, "You guys are late!" shouts Ian. "We have 20 minutes.." informs Joji. "Shut up!" shouts Max. You roll your eyes. The four of you board the plane.

You sit next to Joji while Ian and Max sit in front of you. "Honestly... I need a more better announcement..." you shake your head. "sorry..." laughs Joji.

You close your eyes and fall asleep. "Good night..." you hear Joji say.

Soon you wake up to hear people shouting your name. "Yes..." you smile. "Wake up!" shouts another person. You quickly open your eyes. "Yes!" you shout.

You see Max, Joji and Ian already to leave. You shake yourself awake. "Hey.... Are we the last ones off again?" you ask. "Yes!" shouts Ian. "Great..." you whisper. "Let's just hurry up... My parents are waiting." informs Max.

You grab your backpack and phone and walk out on the plane with Joji.

You soon meet up with Max's parents as they wait outside with a van. Katt is also with them. You run up to her but she runs pass you to hug Max. "Wow... I feel the love..." you whisper.

Ella walks up to you with Robert right behind. She hugs you quickly, "Just so no one sees that Katt rejected your hug." whispers Ella. "Thank you..." you whisper back. Ella let's go and hands you a bag, "Happy birthday sweetie." she smiles. "Thank you." you smile back.

Ella walks to the boys next. Robert comes up to you, "Having Christmas and your birthday on the side week, "Lucky of you." Robert hugs you and you hug him back, "Nice to see you!" you shout with excitement.

"Why so happy to see me?" asked Robert. "Last time I was here... You were partly the reason I stepped out of my comfort zone." you explain.

Soon you get a phone call from your mother, "I need to take this..." you whisper. "Go ahead." smiles Robert.

You walk away from Robert and answer the phone, "Hello..." you whisper. "Your father is worried... When are you coming home?" asked your mom. "I just left New York to come to Australia... I don't think I am going to Denver anytime soon..." you inform.

"What about New Year's?" asked your mom. "I am going to Japan..." you inform. "Then we are going to Japan with you!" shouts your mother. "Mom... I am fine..." you whine. "I am not! I miss my daughter!" shouts your mom.

"I never thought you would miss someone like me..." you whisper. "Why won't I?" asked your mom. "Because! You don't call someone disgusting and expect them to stay!" you shout. You hear your mom gasp.

"I am sorry... I will try to explain this to your father..." Then your mom hangs up. You turn off your phone and walk back to Robert.

"I had a gift myself... here..." Robert hands you a bag. "Thanks." you smile.

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