《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Birthday


December 22

You wake up to see your phone with a lot of notifications. "Nice to see that a few people remember my birthday..." you mutter. You check to see many people wishing you a happy birthday.

You get off your bed, "This is great..." you whisper. You walk over to the closet. "I would rather be with Joji..." you rub your eyes to wake up more. You soon get a phone call. It's from Ian.

You answer, "Hey..." you fake a smile. "Open the door." orders Ian. "I thought you had a key..." you whisper. "Max has it right now." informs Ian. "Why does Max have it?!" you ask. "Because I didn't ask to have them back." explains Ian.

You walk to your door. You hang up and Ian is on the other side, "Hey." smiles Ian. He has a bag of McDonald in his had. "What are you doing?" you ask. Ian holds up the bag, "Breakfast." smiles Ian.

You let him in, "Why?" you ask. "Why what?" asked Ian. "Why are you here with breakfast?" you ask. "Joji ordered me to give you the best birthday while he is gone." informs Ian. You shale your head and laugh, "Ian... Are you Joji?" you ask.

"No...Why?" asked Ian. "Unless you are Joji this isn't exactly the best birthday..." you explain. "Sorry.." whispers Ian. You hug Ian, "But thanks for trying." you whisper.

You sit with Ian, "Want to go to the mall?" asked Ian. "Yeah, sure." you answer as you take a bite from the pancakes. "Just get ready... okay?" orders Ian. "okay." you smile.

Soon you and Ian finish your breakfast. "Get ready and fast." orders Ian. You laugh, "Sure."


You walk into your room and open the closet, "Easy and fast..." you repeat over and over again.

You put a black hoodie on in case it is cold and walk back to the living room where Ian is waiting. "Ready?" asked Ian. "Yup." you smile. Ian walks out the door and you follow. You lock the door and walk down the stairs.

Soon you are at the mall with Ian, "I have 100 dollars, anything you want. Just ask." smiles Ian. "No... I can..." Before you finish Ian talks over you. "I don't know what to get you, so take this as a gift!" laughs Ian. "Fine..." you mutter.

Ian and you walk around the mall for awhile, "Let's go to vans.." you whisper. Ian follows you to the store. As you enter Joji, Getter and a few other people are in there.

Ian grabs your hand, "Let's come back later..." he whispers. He pulls you out of the store. "Hot Topic is also a good store..." Ian fakes a smile. You pull him towards you, "Ian... Let;s go in there... Shop and leave..It's easy... What's the matter?" you ask.

"Getter... Isn't exactly a fan of you and that's why you aren't here with Joji right now. They are going to stay here all day and collect cans for the foster homes..." Ian lets the information out.

"Not a fan of me...Huh..." you look through the window of the store to see Joji and Getter laughing together. "We look around, buy and leave...Easy." you repeat. You drag Ian into the store.

Getter stops talking and looks at you, "You said she wasn't gonna be here..." you hear him whisper to Joji. Joji smiles to you but you ignore him.


You grab a shoe and ask for your size. "Why are you not scared?" asked Ian as he looked around. "Just ignore them." you whisper. The grab comes back with a box, "Thanks." you smile and walk to the counter.

You pay for the shoes and walk out the store. "That was amazing..." whispers Ian with a smile. "Thanks..." you breathe. "I look up to you now!" laughs Ian. You laugh with him too. "Let's go waste those other 30 dollars in food." you smile.

"Nope!" shouts Ian. "What?" you ask. "I heard you like bracelets..." smiles Ian. You look into his eyes, "I love them..." you whisper. "Let's go see what we can get." smiles Ian.

He pulls you into a jewel store, "Maybe we see your bracelets." orders Ian. The man takes you to a small box case with a few bracelets.

You look at one that has something to do with friends. Ian picks it out without asking you, "I see you looking at it." winks Ian. You smile.

Soon the bracelet comes back and you put it on quickly. "Thank you!" you hug Ian. "No problem..." whispers Ian.

"Let's go back to your house." smiles Ian. "But... Can't we go out somewhere else?" you ask. "Nah... I will rather go home and watch a movie." smiles Ian. You roll your eyes. "Let's go..." you mutter.

You unlock the door to your apartment, "Ian...What's so bad about moving in, with your significant other?" you ask. "Let's not ask that right now.." whispers Ian. You roll your eyes and walk into the apartment.

"Surprise!" shouts a few people. You jump back into Ian. "Be careful there." laughs Ian. You laugh with him.

You look around and see Joji. "Why are you here?!" you shout. "Did you get her the bracelet?" asked Joji. "Like you ordered." smirks Ian.

Getter comes from behind, "Hey there." he smiles. "Why are you here?" you ask. Ian leans into your ear, "We were faking all of this to make this happen, calm down." informs Ian. You smile at Getter, "Hey there!" you shout.

"I heard you like the store Vans..Here you go." Getter hands you a bag. "Thanks.." you smile.

You look inside to see, a new warm looking hoodie, You take it out, "Thank you!" you shout as you look at it some more. "No problem." laughs Getter.

"Let the party start!" shouts Joji. You hear the music start and see Getter start a few dance steps. You laugh. Ian walks away and enters the kitchen.

You look at Joji, "This is the best birthday." you smile. "That's all I wanted to hear." smiles Joji as he pulls you into a hug.

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