《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》SoundCloud


You make it to Joji's house finally. "I need to take this." smiles Joji as he get's his phone out. "Fine..." you mutter. He goes into his room while you stay on the couch.

You get out your phone but soon someone knocks on the door. You get up and open the door. "Hey." you smile. "Hey, aren't you Coconutowl?" asked the pizza deliver man. "Yup!" you shout as you take the pizza box.

"Can I take a picture?" asked the pizza deliver man. "If I can get 50 percent off." you wink. Both of your laugh. He takes out his phone and takes a picture with you. "Thanks." you smile and give him the money.

The man walks away. You close the door and walk to the kitchen counter. Joji comes back into the living room.

"Did he come?" asked Joji. "Yup!" you answer. "Did you pay with my money or yours?" asked Joji. "Mine..." you answer. "Do you want me to pay you back?" asked Joji as he got out his wallet. "It is fine Joji." you smile.

"Whatever you say." smirks Joji. "Who called?" you ask. "Getter." answers Joji as he grabs a piece of pizza. "Who now?" you ask. "Getter from soundcloud... Makes music..." explains Joji. "I honestly don't know..." you whisper. Joji sighs.

Joji gets out his phone and logs into his Twitter account. "This guy." Joji points to a guy. You look at the picture, "He looks high." you laugh. "He is high off his Caprisuns." adds Joji with a laugh.

"But why did he call?" you ask as you open the box of pizza and grab a piece. "Music brah." answers Joji as he also grabs a piece. "Okay... When is he coming?" you ask. Joji sighs, "So many questions... Don't you think?" asked Joji.


You rises your arms up, "I am just curious because I am having visitors too." you explain. "You have your own place. I have my own place." smirks Joji. "Yeah! But I wanna know which days you aren't going to be here so I can prepare to be here alone all day." you laugh. "Fair enough..." whispers Joji.

"This whole week." answers Joji. "Even Christmas AND my birthday!" you shout. "Well... Just your birthday..." corrects Joji. You get up and grab the whole pizza box. "Joji... I better get a good long ass paragraph essay about what is going through your head!" you shout.

"What is going through your head!?" shouted Joji. "What do you mean?" you ask. "Taking the pizza!" shouted Joji. "I paid!" you shout. Joji stays quiet, "I want one more slice..." whispered Joji. "Piss...Off..." you muttered and walk out of his apartment.

You drop the pizza box on the floor and go back to Joji's, "Also! What's so wrong about having the same apartments!?" you shout. "We aren't married!" shouted Joji. "We aren't sleeping together!" you shout. Joji gives you the death glare, "You want to go there... Why me?!" shouted Joji.

"Not anymore! EW!" you shout. Joji grabs your hand, "Say that again...And to my face!" ordered Joji. You look into Joji's eyes, "You are the most disgusting person on this earth! I would rather sleep with Ian then you!" you shout into his face.

Joji smirks, "Fine." he lets go of your hand but you don't let go of his. "Um... Going to let go?" asked Joji. "Not yet..." you whisper. Joji laughs, "You pervert!" shouts Joji. "More like... I don't want to lose you... I would rather stand here all night then go to sleep mad at each other..." you explain.


Joji smiles, "I would rather do that too." Joji pulls you into a hug. "Would you really rather..." But you don't let Joji finish. "Ian is more disgusting... I will rather stay with you all night sitting in a garbage can with twelve dead rats." you explain. "Good enough answer to me." smiles Joji. He hugs you tighter.

"Joji... I left the pizza in the hallway..." you mutter into his chest. "You mother.... I mean... Bad mom! Left our son out there!" shouts Joji. You laugh into his chest. "Can we go get it now...?" you ask.

Joji let's go of you, "Wait here...." orders Joji as he jogs to get the pizza. He comes back ,"There were about three rats trying to get a slice of pizza." laughs Joji. "No!" you shout. "I am not kicking, look at their nibs." Joji points at them. You sigh.

"Want some noodles?" asked Joji. "Money down the sink..." you whisper. Joji puts his arm around you, "It will be okay." he kisses your forehead and walks you to sit at the kitchen table.

Soon after you are on the couch watching Family Guy with Joji while eating Noodles. "So... Why are you missing my birthday?" you ask. "He is having us collect cans for foster homes." explains Joji.

"That's a good excuse..." you whisper. "Want a paragraph still?" mocked Joji. "An introduction and conclusion with evidence and context." you wink. "God... I remember Language Arts... Worst class... EVER!" shouted Joji.

You laugh again. "I hated math." you confess. "That subject was easy. What are you talking about?!" asked Joji. "After you not being an accountant and turning into a YouTuber... I don't think so!" you laugh. "shut up..." muttered Joji.

"So, when are you giving me my birthday present?" you ask. "Christmas and birthday present put together....Equals only one present!" winks Joji. "Fuck... You..." you whisper.

Soon you get a phone call. "Please don't answer it..." begged Joji. "I let you answer Getter!" you shout. Joji rolls his eyes.

You answer, "Hello..." you whisper. "(Y/N)!" shouts your dad. "Hey..." you whisper. "When are you coming home?!" shouted your dad. "I don't know..." you answer. "What about your birthday?" asked your dad. "You never celebrated it.." you whisper. "Shut up! and come home!" shouts your dad. He hangs up.

You put the phone down carefully, "Told you not to answer." frowns Joji. You look at his dark eyes, "Joji..." you whisper. "What?" asked Joji. "Hug me..." you start to cry. Joji pulls you quickly into a hug, "Of course...Sweetie..." whispers Joji.

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