《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Fart


Soon the place is pack and Halsey comes out to sing. You sing along to her songs. Joji stays calm the whole entire time and shouts some lyrics at random times. You get worried from that but pretend to not notice.

Soon Halsey takes a break. "Are you okay?" you ask. "Yes...Why?" answered Joji. "You aren't singing along..." you explain. "I don't want to have another random seizure..." explains Joji better. You nod your head.

Halsey comes back with a different outfit. You take out your phone again and get ready.

Soon another song comes on and you sing along with it. Joji just closes his eyes and listens. You stop what you are doing and move the phone to take a video on Joji.

He is moving back and forward to the music while he has his eyes closed. He slowly starts to hum too. You smile and forget all about Halsey to look at Joji.

Soon the song stops and so does Joji, "What were you doing?" asked Joji. "Taking a video of the crowd..." you lie.

Soon you feel the floor move and something hit your legs. You close your eyes, "Please don't be Joji..." you whisper. You open your eyes and see Joji on the floor.

You fall to the floor and try to get Joji from not hitting anything. "Move!" shouts two men as they make their way to you and Joji. "What does he have?" asked the man. "He is having a seizure!" you shout.

The men try to help you hold down Joji. Halsey comes down from the stage and tries to comfort you, "He is fine..." she repeats over and over. But every time she says it, you can feel it as a lie.


Soon Joji sits up, "I am sorry for ruining everything..." he whispers to the crowd. "You did nothing wrong." smiles Halsey. You hug Joji, "You make me so worried all the time..." you whisper and trying to not let any tears on Joji.

"I have something to confess when we leave..." whispers Joji. "We are leaving now." you correct him. "What?! We still need to meet Halsey!" shouted Joji. "We already did. Now to the hospital where you can get a check up." you inform.

Joji pulls you close, "I only wanted her to come over and give us attention... No hospital..." confessed Joji. You grab your forehead.

"We can walk you to the exit." smiles Halsey. "No.. We will be staying..." you smile back. "But doesn't he need a check up..." whispers Halsey. Joji gets up quickly, "I am fine now... Thank you..."

"I would like it if you stay backstage... You know... To calm down a little bit more..." suggested Halsey. "Sounds like a good idea..." smiles Joji as he takes your hand and walks with two men to backstage.

You sit on a couch with Joji. "Won't you rather lay down?" asked the man to Joji. "No... I would rather want her to sit with me." explains Joji. The man nods and walks a way.

You slap Joji on the back of the head, "You are too crazy sometimes!" you shout. "I know." laughs Joji. "Can you not do that next time?" you ask. "It's a prank bro..." laughs Joji.

Soon Halsey comes in, "Are you really feelings better?" asked Halsey as she sat in the couch next to you. "Yes." answers Joji. "That's good...Guys want anything?" asked Halsey as she got up.


Before Joji can answer you do, "We are fine. Please, sit down." you smile. "i actually wanted a beer..." muttered Joji. Halsey laughs, "Beer... After having a seizure. Funny."

You fake a smile, "Joji..." you muttered. "Just a prank bro..." laughs Joji.

"So, what's your favorite song?" asked Halsey. "Of yours or in general?" you ask. "Both." smiles Halsey.

"Well, from yours... It would have to be Ghost.." answers Joji. Halsey's eyes widen. "Ghost?!" asked Halsey. "Yeah... I remember you put a song titled Ghost on soundcloud... It was amazing..." explains Joji. "But my favorite song in general is STFU." Joji ruins the moment.

Halsey looks at you, "My favorite song by you is *(Answer it)"

*Control Colors Hurricane Castle

"But my favorite song in general would be Plastic" you add on.

"What songs do you guys listen too?" laughs Halsey. "Well... Filthy Frank and Joji's music. "Joji makes music?" asked Halsey. "Well... If Frank can do music... Why can't I?" asked Joji. "I would love to listen to your music." smiles Halsey. "It's all on soundcloud."smirks Joji.

"We need to go." comes in Halsey's manager. You get up and so does Joji. "Can I have more time to talk with my friends?" asked Halsey. "No." answer the manager as he leaves. "We will see you around." you hug Halsey.

"Honestly..."muttered Halsey. "i would love to stay and chat.... But... Work is calling..." sighs Halsey. She hugs Joji quickly and leaves the room.

Joji and you walk out the exit. "Want food?" asked Joji. "Hell yeah..." you answer. Soon you hear a sound.

"What was that?" you laugh. "It was a fart." laughs Joji. "Did you just fart?!" you shout. "I have never farted in front of Ian or Max. You I can trust." laughs Joji.

Soon you and Joji can't stop laughing. You both fall to the floor. "I can't believe you just farted." you keep laughing. "What's so wrong with farting?! Why am I still laughing?!" asked Joji. "That's one step for man... One giant leap for this relationship." you laugh. "Stop it..." Joji continues to laugh.

Soon Joji helps you, "My hip hurt because of you..." you mutter. "My cheeks hurt because of you." mutters Joji. "Fair enough....." you whisper. "Want a hot dog again?" asked Joji.

You hug Joji's arm, "No... A pizza at home sounds fun..." you answer. "Sounds like a great plan to me." smiles Joji. "Just don't fart." you laugh. "How about we make it home before we make any more fart jokes." suggested Joji.

"Why?" you ask. "We will fall to the floor in tears... and we wouldn't get home anytime soon." explains Joji. "We should order it now." you suggest. "good idea." Joji says as he gets his phone.

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