《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Meet-Up


You wake up and grab your phone. "It's already Saturday..." you yawn. Soon you get a phone call. "Hey..." you yawn into the phone. "Get ready." orders Joji.

You sit up, "Why?" you ask. "The concert..." answered Joji. "It's today?!" you shout. "Yes. I told you that already." explain Joji. "No! You told me the weekend. So I thought Sunday!" you shout. "Hurry up, you have one hour to get ready." informs Joji.

You hang up and run to the closet. You lip into your clothes and start to pack your backpack.

You stuff gum, your phone, and money into your backpack. You soon get a text message. You grab it quickly.

"Will January 10th be a good day to meet?" asked Diego. "You live in New York?" you text back. You put your phone in the small pocket.

you walk into the kitchen and grab energy bars, "I will ask Joji if we can go to the store after the concert..." you remind yourself.

You walk into the hallway to see Joji getting out of his apartment. "Good to see you ready." smirks Joji. You roll your eyes and lock your door.

"What do you want to eat?" asked Joji as you to walk down the stairs. "I have energy bars..." you answer. "You need to eat something!" ordered Joji. "A hot dog, french fries with a soda sounds nice..." you whisper. "I know a place..." smiles Joji. "Of course you do..." you laugh.

You walk to a hot dog stand with Joji. "So, do you like Halsey?" asked Joji. "Of course! Who doesn't?" you answer. "People who don't understand her music." laughs Joji. "I will help them understand..." you mutter.


Joji orders the food while you sit on the grass out of everyone's way.

Joji soon comes and sits with you. "You don't want anything on yours?" asked Joji. "I am okay with the simple..." you answer with a smile. "Good for me." smiles Joji back. he hands you the food and starts to eat his food.

You finally finish eating after 45 minutes, "Let's go." smiles Joji as he gets up. You follow him. "I wonder what song she will sing..." you wonder out loud. "Don't worry, it will be great." smiles Joji.

You walk to see a bus tour arrive at the building. "Why are we early?!" you shout. "Because Katt got tickets to meet her!" answers Joji. "We are going to meet her?!" you shout. Joji's mouth widens into a smile.

You run over the the entrance. "Do you have tickets to meet Halsey?" asked a women with a clipboard. Joji shows her the tickets," Thank you... You can go in." smiles the women as she opens the door.

You walk in to see five other girls, "Where are all the boys?" asked Joji in a whisper. "I think there wasn't a lot of tickets out to meet her..." you answer. Halsey soon comes out.

"Hey!" Halsey shouts. You try not to faint, "God... I never get to meet my heroes... Now I can..." you whisper. Joji laughs.

"I have a question.... Did any of you get backstage passes?" asked Halsey. You look at Joji. He shakes his head no. You sigh and look back at Halsey. "Well! Two of you lucky seven people will soon get backstage passes!" shouts Halsey.

"We need to win.." whispers Joji. You agree. "So... How is everyone?" asked Halsey. "Your smile is perfect!" you shout out of nowhere. "Why... Thank you!" smiles Halsey like that wasn't awkward.


"Hold on a second.... I know you two!" shouted Halsey. "You do?" Joji and you ask. "Yes!" shouts one of the girls. "You are Coconutowl from YouTube... and You are FilthyFrank also from YouTube!" answers Halsey. "Oh my god...." whispers Joji. "She knows us..." you add on.

"I am do glad to see you both." smiles Halsey as she hugs you. You hug her back, "My life is complete... I can die now..." you whisper. Halsey laughs, "Come on guys... I am not that important!" blushes Halsey as she hugs Joji.

"You are important to the people you save..." answers Joji. "Save people from what?" asked Halsey. "Depression, Anxiety, Suicide and people who just hate their lives... Your music means to people more then you think..." answers Joji.

Halsey's eyes widen, "That is so sweet...It makes me want to cry.. But I can't cry right now because I am soon going out there to sing..." Halsey's voice cracks as she hold in her tears. You look at her, "You're so adorable..." you smile.

Halsey hangs out with the other five girls before going out to sing. "What do you think she will ask?" asked Joji. "I don't know... But we need those backstage tickets..." you answer.

Halsey comes back, "Do you guys want to take a picture?" asked Halsey. "That should be our question... Not yours." you laugh. "You guys are famous too! I am a big fan to be honest!" confesses Halsey.

Joji grabs his phone, "Selfie!" shouts Joji as you get in the picture with him and Halsey.

Halsey out of no where kisses you on the cheek. Your eyes widen and your cheeks turn red. "That's a surprise..." you whisper. Halsey also kisses Joji on the cheek. "You both are wonderful people too. Keep doing what you are doing." Halsey walks away.

She turns around. "Also my manager will ask the question. Good luck to all!" she waves good-bye and goes to her room to get ready.

The manager comes in, "When is Halsey birthday?" he asked. Joji raises his hand, "September 29!" shouts Joji. "Correct. Here." the man gives Joji the pass.

"What is Halsey's real name?" asked the manager. You raise your hand, "Ashley!" you answer. "Good job. Here." smiles the manager. "Thank you all for coming and enjoy the show." smiles the manager.

You walk out the room with Joji, "I am glad we made it together." smiles Joji. ''I am too." you smile.

You get in the front row and sit down. "You might want to stand up..." suggested Joji. "Why?" you ask. "The people are starting to come..." Joji points at the door where people are getting ready to get in.

You stand up quickly, "Thanks..." you smile and look up at the stage.

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