《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》King Size


You wake up to someone shaking you. "You finally awake?" asked Joji. You open your eyes slowly. "What time is it?" you ask. "12..." answers Joji. You sit up slowly as Joji walks to the computer and starts to edit.

"Want something to eat?" you ask. "No... Not yet." answers Joji. You lay back on the bed. "You know... King size beds aren't that bad." you smile. "You have never had a kind size bed?" asked Joji. "Nope!" you answer. "Then this bed must feel like heaven." laughs Joji. "It is." you smile.

"How was the filming?" you ask. "It was great!" answers Joji. "Is the video okay?" you ask. "It's amazing!" answers Joji. "Are you okay?" you ask. "I just am really tired." answers Joji. "You seem excited." you laugh. "I am honestly ready to fall asleep." laughs Joji. You pat the bed, "When ever you are finish." you wink.

Joji roll his eyes, "Why are you still here?" asked Joji. "This bed is heaven. I actually want to see you work and I am to lazy to walk back to my apartment." you laugh. "Want a piggy back ride?" asked Joji. "Aren't you tired yourself?" you ask back. "Fair enough." laughs Joji. "Exactly!" you shout.

You close your eyes, "Joji?" you ask. "What?" asked Joji. "I am really in love with your bed." you laugh. "I swear.... If you get my bed pregnant!" shouted Joji. "What the fuck?" you start to laugh loud. Joji laughs with you. "But I swear... Watch my bed make twin set beds." laughed Joji. "Piss off." you laugh with him.

"Is Max and Ian back home?" you ask. "They should be home by now." informs Joji. "By the way, why didn't you let Anisa stay in your apartment or in mine?" asked Joji. "It felt weird and awkward..." you answer. "Good god..." whispered Joji. "Hey! I was with her ALL day." you inform.


"Fine...Fair enough." smiles Joji. "Exactly!" you shout. "So if it was Katt?" asked Joji. "Piss off.. Anisa hurt Ian and I have not gotten over that!" you explain. "That is true..." whispered Joji. "Katt got hurt by Max. She needed a friend. So I was there for her." you add on. "I get it now... So if I get hurt by you... Will you be that friend for me?" asked Joji. "Isn't that why Ian is here?" you ask.

Joji rolls his eyes, "Today just isn't your day." laughed Joji. "Anisa and me were together for a full day... Not the best one." you agree. Joji laughs, "Look I don't like her much either... But calm down." laughs Joji. You roll your eyes. "Joji... Next time I need to hang out with Anisa... Give me a weeks notice." you order.

"Can you hang out with her tomorrow?" asked Joji. "Nope!" you answer. "What?! Why not?" asked Joji. "Jack and Mark are going to do videos with me the whole day." you inform. "Why can't you invite Anisa? She is a great gamer!" asked Joji.

You get close to Joji, "I don't like her that much, to invite her with my two great friends. Especially when she tends to flirt a lot with Mark." you explain. Joji rolls his eyes, "You got to like someone!" shouted Joji. "You, Ian, Max, Katt, Robin, Lily, Carson, Jack, Felix, Mark, Hila and Ethan... Want me to continue?" you ask. "I got the point." laughs Joji.

"Besides... Why do you like her?" you ask. "I don't like her. But if she makes Ian happy... Then we should include her into things." explains Joji. You start to laugh, "She only started to make him happy. In the beginning was the worst." you inform. "I know that!" shouted Joji. "You surprise me Joji." you laugh.


"When are you going to start liking her?" asked Joji. "In a year." you answer. "Why am i not surprised?" asked Joji with a laugh. "Let me guess you already like her?" you ask. "I don't like her but I don't dislike her either." explains Joji. "Dislike is too nice... Hate! Is a better word." you snap.

"Okay... That took it far!" laughed Joji. "I don't like her!" you shout. "Fine!" shouted Joji. "You disappoint me..." you whisper. "Shut up! You love me!" shouted Joji. "Not right now. Fuck you!" you laugh. "That's just cold! So... Can Ian and Max make a video with you, Mark and Jack?" asked Joji.

"Max can. Ian has to hang out with his girlfriend." you answer. "i am going to hang out with her." informed Joji. "Excuse me?!" you shout while you sit up. "Ian wants me to get to meet his girlfriend. Every best friend has to be good friends with their significant other." explains Joji.

"Joji... You go anywhere with her... And I swear I will kiss either Ian or Max." you warn. "Too bad... I already made plans." smiles Joji. You get up. "Where are you going?" asked Joji. "Going to bed." you answer. "Don't you want to sleep here?" asked Joji. "Not with you!" you shout and close Joji's door.

You walk into the hallway. "Wait!" shouts Joji. "What?!" you shout. "Do you still have pizza?" asked Joji. "Fuck you!" you shout. "I was kidding!" shouted Joji. "About hanging out with her?!" you shout. "No..." answered Joji. "Then.. Goodnight!" you shout.

You walk to your apartment, "Honestly... Fuck her..." you whisper as you get out your keys. "Fuck who?" asked a voice. You look up and see Anisa. "Why are you here?" you ask. "Joji told me to come..." informed Anisa.

You try to get the keys in but fail. You kick the door. "Stupid shit!" you mutter. "Do you need help?" asked Anisa as she got close. "No!" you shout as the door opens. You step in fast and slam the door. You lock it quickly.

Your phone vibrates. You look at it to see a message from Joji, Ian and Max. You open Ian's message first because you are mad at Joji. "Do you know where Anisa is?" you read. "She is with Joji. She just came!" you text back and send it.

You open Max's message, "Anisa just left us. Is she with you?" you read. "She is with Joji!" you text back. You walk to your room. You jump into your bed and check Joji's message. "Why is Anisa here?" you read. "You didn't tell her to come?!" you text back.

You close your messages and go to sleep, "I need to wake up early for Mark and Jack..." you whisper and fall asleep.

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