《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Zombies


You and Joji wait outside in front of a H and M store. "They will be here any moment..." whispered Joji. You and him are sitting on the edge of the sidewalk. "in which game was I best at playing?" you ask. "The one with the zombies." answers Joji. You nod your head.

"You were great in every game... Don't worry." smiles Joji. You roll your eyes. "Do you mind hanging out with Anisa alone tomorrow?" asked Joji. You look at him weird, "Why?" you ask. "Tomorrow is the last day I am going to record... Got to finish my videos." informs Joji. "I will hang out alone." you inform.

"Why?! Ian is going to be with me and someone has to be with Anisa!" shouted Joji. "We are grown women... We can take care or ourselves... Well come of us.." you answer. Joji rolls his eyes, "Come on! Anisa really wants to be friends with you." begged Joji. "I am going to hang out with me, myself and I." you confirm.

Joji lays back on the sidewalk. "Come on... She is really nice..." informs Joji. "Joji... I just want sometime with myself to be honest. If I can't be with you, then I want to spent it with myself." you answer. Joji looks at you, "Fine..."

Soon you see Ian and Anisa walk towards you and Joji. "Hey!" smiles Joji. "Let's go have some fun." smiles Ian as he walks with Anisa. "Make sure, it isn't obvious that we planned this...." whispered Joji into your ear as he took your hand and walked with you.

You fine arrive at the arcade. "Let's do the scary games first!" shouted Anisa as she point at a machine. You look at Joji. "Let's go!" shouts Joji as he pulled you with him. "If you get too scared close your eyes." whispered Joji into your ear.


You sit in between Ian and Joji. "What is this game about?" you ask. "It isn't really a game... It more like a video. With first person view. The person walks around and the video tries to scare you." explains Ian. "Great..." you whisper as you lean back and try to not look so much at the screen.

The person enters an asylum, "Look! It's where Ian grew up!" shouted Joji. Ian's arm goes pass your eyes and into Joji's shoulder, "Fuck off!" shouted Ian. You laugh. This makes your feel calm. Joji slips his hand into yours, " You're welcome..." whispers Joji as the person creeps up the stairs.

There were a few jump scares and scary stories told. "That was fun... In a way..." you whisper. "Admit it! You were scared!" laughed Joji. "Not really..." you whisper. "That's the first." adds Joji. You roll your eyes.

You look at the zombie shooting game, "Hey, Anisa do you like zombies?" you ask with an evil grin. "Of course! Who doesn't?!" asked Anisa. "(Y/N) doesn't." answers Ian. Joji punches him, "Hey! Watch your mouth!" ordered Joji. Ian rolls his eyes.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" you ask Anisa. "Um... What do you mean?" asked Anisa. "I mean do you want to go play that zombie shooting game?" you smile and point at the machine.

Anisa gets excited, "Hell yeah!" shouted Anisa. "Let's make this funny." adds Joji. "Oh, brother..." whispers Ian. "A game between you and (Y/N). Winner gets couple winning privileges." smiles Joji in an evil way. "Let's do this..." smiles Anisa.

You pick up the gun from the slot. "Have you ever done crazy mode in this game?" asked Anisa as she picked up the gun. "Nope." you lie. You point at the screen and shot the first Zombie.


"Whoo! First kill!" shouted Joji into Ian's face. You laugh and shot the ten other zombies that come to attack you and Anisa. "You sure you never played?" asked Anisa. "I have played other games but not this one." you lie again. "Beginner's luck..." muttered Anisa as she shot 5 zombies in a row.

You smirk and shot the next 10 zombies that come out. "Joji! Next it is me and you!" challenged Ian. "Fine by me." smiles Joji as he crosses his arms.

Soon the a zombie attack Anisa character and she dies. "Keep playing! You might get high score!" shouted Ian, Joji and Anisa. "Okay!" you shout and point at the screen to shot another 5 zombies.

Soon the screen goes to another screen when you finally die. "New High Score! 1,150,000 points." announces the machine. You smile and put your initials in. "Whoo! You go girl!" shouted Anisa. You look at your initials in first place. "That was fun!" you smile.

Soon Ian and Joji pick up the guns. "You are dead." muttered Ian. "Good luck!" shouted Joji as he pointed at the screen and got first kill. "Go Joji!" you shout.

Joji and Ian go back and forward until Ian dies, "Dammit!" shouted Ian as he kicked the machine. Joji stops shooting and a zombie attacks his character. "You got 2nd place!" shouted Anisa. "What?" asked Joji. You look at the screen to see that Joji got the 3nd best score. "Cool!" shouted Joji as he grabbed the gun and out Joji on the screen. "So happy my name is short." smiles Joji. You roll your eyes.

You look at the claw machines, "I am not good at those..." you whisper. You then hear Joji yelling, "We are the winners! You are the loser!" chanted Joji. He picks your up. "Joji!" you shout as you feel like throwing up.

"I got you women!" shouted Joji as he put you down. You laugh and try to claim back your thoughts. "i would rather wither like a warning or a Piggy back ride." you laugh. "Got it." laughed Joji.

You and Joji walk away from Ian and Anisa for a while. So Ian can get Anisa a stuff bear. "What are you going to get me?" you ask. "Want a Hello Kitty?" asked Joji. "Fuck you." you laugh.

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