《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Baskin Robins


You wake up to your alarm clock. "Shut up!" you shout and slam your hand on the clock. You set up slowly, "It's 8:30...." you whisper. You check your phone, "We got to take Jack and the rest to the airport at 10. Come to my apartment to say bye." you read a message from Joji.

You get out of your bed and run to your closet. You grab a hoodie and grey jeans. You run to the bathroom and fix your hair. You run to the kitchen, "Energy bars... Energy Bars...." you whisper to yourself. You find two, "I need to go buy some more..." you whisper and run to the kitchen table. You grab your keys and phone and leave out the door.

You walk to Joji door and knock. Jack opens it, "Hey..." he smiles. You smile back and walk in. "Want pancakes!" shouted Ian from the kitchen. "You made pancakes?" you ask. "Hell yeah!" shouts Max as he takes a bite. You laugh.

You sneak up on Max, "Mine!" you shout as you take his pancake. "Hey!" shouts Max. You take a bite, "Ian, this are good." you smile. "Hila and Ethan already left..." whispered Joji as he read something on his phone. "They said good-bye last night Joji, don't be sad..." muttered Ian.

You laugh. Anisa taps one of your shoulders. "May we, talk?" she asked. "Yeah, sure... Ian I want three pancakes when I come back!" you order and follow Anisa into Joji's room.

"What's up?" you ask. "I just want to know why Ian is in a bad mood..." whispered Anisa. "What do you mean?" you ask trying to make up lies in your head. "Well... He isn't giving me the good eyes..." explains Anisa. "Have you asked the others?" you ask. "Yes... They say that... It is normal..." she informs.


You smile, "It is normal... Especially if you are around Mark..." you add on. You cover your mouth. "Mark? Why would he be mad about me being around Mark?!" shouted Anisa. "I mean... If I was around Mark... Then he would give me the evil eye..." you try to cover up the truth.

"Move..." muttered Anisa. You move out of the way. You follow her into the living room. "Do you trust me?!" shouted Anisa to Ian. Ian looks at you, "Sorry..." you mouth. Ian rolls his eyes. "Want me to hug (Y/N) and post it somewhere... Maybe send it to you?" asked Ian to Anisa. Anisa's eyes widen. "Go... Ahead..." whispers Anisa.

You look at Joji and you see him with a smirk. "Why are you smirking?!" you shout. "Watch this..." whispers Joji. Ia throws the phone at Joji, who catches it. "(Y/N) just hug me and mean it." ordered Ian as he got close. "Fine... Besides you are my best friend." you smile and get close to him.

You get close to Ian when Anisa pushes you out the way. "Fine! You win!" shouted Anisa. You fall to the floor, "And this is the first time... While you did it multiple times..." you explain as you get off the floor.

Joji pats your back, "Thanks for being tough." smiles Joji. Anisa rolls her eyes, "I am sorry.... I will stop doing that..." promises Anisa. You smile at Joji, "Where are my pancakes?!" you shout at Ian.

Max walks to you with pancakes. "We have to take Mark and Jack but in 1 hour. So hurry up." orders Max. You sit on the floor and start to eat. "They are really good Ian." you smile. "You helped me with my problems... So there you go." smiles Ian. You smile.


"Ian... Want to have a double date?" asked Joji as he sat next to you on the floor. You look at Joji weird. "Come on, it's been awhile since we have been on a date." laughs Joji. You roll your eyes. "Why not?" asked Ian as he look at Anisa. "It will be fun..." smiles Anisa. "Where would we go?" you ask.

"To an arcade." smiles Joji. "I am going to get you a stuff animal." adds Joji. You roll your eyes, "You are going to fail..." you whisper as you take a bite from your pancakes.

You take Jack and Mark to the airport, "See you next year." you wave at Jack. "See you on Christmas!" shouts Jack. "We are going somewhere else on Christmas." you laugh. "Then be safe. See you next year." smiles Jack as he leaves into the airplane.

You look at Joji, "Want to go for a walk in the park?" you ask Joji. "Yeah...Sure..." answers Joji. "Want to get some food before we go?" asked Joji. "I already ate pancakes..." you mutter. "i did too and I am still hungry." laughs Joji. "Fair enough... I want ice cream!" you shout. Joji laughs, "Let's get food." smiles Joji.

You walk into the food court, "ice cream! Ice cream!" you start to shout. "Baskin Robins?" asked Joji. "Yes!" you shout. "Over there!" shouted Joji. You follow him to the Basket Robins.

"Want flavor do you want?" asked Joji as he looked through the menu.

~Wild 'n Reckless Sherbet ~OREO cookies 'n Cream ~Cotton Candy ~Strawberry Cheesecake

You choose your ice cream choose and order it from the cashier. "I will like Rocky Road." orders Joji. "Coming right up!" smiles the cashier.

You stand in the waiting line with Joji. "The arcade huh?" you smirk. "I will win you a stuff animal, if that is the last thing I do!" shouts Joji. You roll your eyes. "We will see tonight." you challenge.

Soon they call your orders up. "Thank you." you smile at the person and take your ice cream.

"What will you win me?" asked Joji. "A game between me and Anisa in whatever shooting game. I win, you and me have winner privileges." you suggest. Joji claps his hands.

"Sounds like a plan... Want to cheat?" asked Joji. "How?" you ask as you and Joji sit in around a table. "Let's go to an Arcade right now and practice on a game you think you can win in." smiles Joji. "Let's go now!" you shout.

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