《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Thanksgiving


"It's 5 o'clock Joji!" informs Hila. Joji claps his hands together. "Everyone carry as much food as you can." orders Joji. "Or use the cart." laughs Hila as she point at it. "What Hila said!" laughed Joji. You shake your head.

Hila rolls the cart to the elevator while Mark and Ethan carry the Turkey. "How was cooking the Turkey?" you ask Hila. "It was harder then you think..." laughs Hila. You make it to the rood.

You see that a huge tent is set up and heaters are inside. "Joji? You did this?" you ask him. "Of course! With the help of Jack and Ian." smiles Joji proudly. You smile, "Good job..." You pat his back.

Hila sets the food on a table. You sit next to Joji. Jack sits far a way from you. "Jack!" you shout. He looks up, "yeah?" he smiles. "Come here." you pat at the chair next to you. Jack rolls his eyes and walks to sit next to you.

"I hope you don't mind, Joji." smiles Jack. "I don't." laughs Joji. You roll your eyes.

Hila starts to put food on everyone's plates. "If you don't like something don't say anything. Just don't eat it. You whine and I pour the food on you." warns Hila. You laugh. "Hila, i bet your food is wonderful." you smile. "Thank you." smiles Hila as she sits next to Ethan.

"Well.. Everyone hold hands." orders Ethan. You hold Jack's right hand and Joji's left hand. "I am thankful that all our channels and Twitch are doing great." says Ethan. "I am thankful, that we met great friends this year." smiles Hila proudly.

"I am thankful for the strength that this year has given to me and to all of those who needed to be strong." smiles Mark. I am thankful for the food that Hila and Ethan have made and the food that We were able to eat." laughs Jack. You roll your eyes.


"I am that this year I was able to meet all of you wonderful people. Especially you Joji... Without your guys in my life... I would probably be in my apartment right now eating energy bars and crying with 10 empty ice cream tubes." you laugh. "Same!" shouts everyone. You laugh and wait for Joji to say something.

"This year... I became someone I thought I would never be... I actually care about people...But People care about us... We call them Subs... But they should be called family... So I am thankful for our HUGE family. This family... Has grown up together... And I am thankful that we have been here for one another." smiles Joji. "Preach!" shouts Ian.

"I am thankful, that we have been to so many places in this world... Japan...LA...Australia... Colorado.... So I am thankful that we were safe and still are alive after all those airplane trips." smiles Max.

"I am thankful that we have Ethan and Hila who took it upon themselves to make food for us 20 year old people." laughs Ian. "I am also thankful that today wasn't just a day for us to hang out alone... And that we came together in order to eat and celebrate Thanksgiving." smiles Ian.

"I am thankful I met you Ian and your wonderful friends. I don't know where I would be." smiles Anisa. You roll your eyes. "She better stay with Ian and not go with Mark... or I will ruin her..." you think to yourself.

"That sounds great!" shouts Ethan. You let go of Jack's hand but you hold on to Joji's hand. "Let's dig in!" shouts Ethan.

Joji let's go of your hand and grabs his silverware. You do the same. You taste the turkey, "Oh my!" you shout. "What?!" shouts Hila. "It taste SO good!" you shout as you take another bite. "Don't scare me like that!" shouted Hila,"But thank you." adds Hila.


Everyone doesn't talk for a while until Ian talks, "What would you want next year to be... To be the same, to be better... Or to be worst." asked Ian. "It can stay the same." answers Ethan. "I agree." smiles Hila.

"Next year... Should be better." answers Anisa. "How? Why?" asked Ian. "I met you... This year was lonely... But I am hoping that we stay together for many years and that we make each other happy." answers Anisa as she grabs Ian's hand. Ian blushes. You smile. "Go Ian!" you think in your head.

"It will get better." answers Joji as he takes a bite from his stuffing. "Why?" you ask curious. Joji rolls his eyes, "because you will be in it. Or what? You going to break up with me?" asked Joji. You roll your eyes, "Shut up..." you mutter. "but I agree with you..." you add. Joji smiles.

Everyone soon finishes their food. "Hila... That was the most wonderful dinner... I have had in years." smiles Joji. "it's the only dinner you have had!" laughed Max. "my mom fed me this year!" shouted Joji. Max rolls his eyes. You laugh.

"Anyone want beer?" asked Mark as he got up. "I do!" shouted Anisa as she got up to walk with Mark. You stand up, "Anisa! Sit down... I will help Mark!" you suggest. "oh... okay..." whispers Anisa as she sits back down.

"Thank you..." mouthed Ian. You wink at him and walk to Mark. You help him get some beers for everyone. "Let's toast!" shouted Ethan as he opened the beer bottle. You get ready too. "To the Pilgrims for taking this land from the Native Americans!" shouted Ethan as he bumped bottles with Hila. You laugh and bumps bottles with Jack then Joji.

(Sorry if I triggered some of you)

You sit down, "We should of had brought wine." you whisper. "We only wanted beers... Don't blame us!" shouted Joji. You roll your eyes. "Red wine... Sounds good though." you tease Joji. "Step off!" shouted Joji. You laugh and lean on him, "love you..." you whisper into his chest. "Love you too..." whispers Joji into your ear.

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