《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》2 O'clock


You wake up to your phone ringing. "Ugh... I am coming!!" you shout. You get your phone and accept the call. "Open the door, sleeping cunt." ordered Max. You hear someone scream and a slap sound.

"Sorry he called you a cunt." you hear Ian. You laugh, "Ian, being called a cunt is a honor at this point." you smile. "That's good." answers Ian.

You get out of bed, "Is Joji with you guys?" you ask. You slip into your slippers and walk to the living room. "No, he is with Mark and Jack getting beer." informs Ian. You open the door.

Ian hangs up and enters the room. "Joji told us to go get Hila and Ethan from the hotel. Bring them here to make some food. Than leave to get some snacks." informs Ian. "So! Chop! Chop! Before they close the stores." orders Max.

You walk to your room. "Where is Anisa?!" You shout As you get some clothes from your closet. "She is with Joji and them..." muttered Ian. "Not happy, I hear." you smirk.

You grab a shirt that's white and says "With my Woes." on the front. You switch your normal shirt for the new shirt. You grab your black jeans. You switch your sweat pants for the black jeans. You run to your bed and look around the floor, you grab your blue vans and put them on.

You finish up with your hair and grab your backpack. You move into the living room again.

"Of course I am not happy." muttered Ian when you come back. "Be happy Ian. We got (Y/N) and she is twice as cute as Anisa." smiles Max as he gets up from the couch.


"If Joji takes Anisa from me. you got to date me!" ordered Ian. You roll your eyes, "Also Max, I am not as cute as Anisa. She is hot! I am average as fuck!" you explain. "Shut up and take the compliment!" shouted Max as he walked out.

You follow them out, "Who has a car?" you ask. You follow them into the elevator. "Ian." answers Max. Ian is on his phone. "What's wrong?" you ask Ian. "Anisa is texting me somethings..." answers Ian. You shrug it off and decide to let it go.

You step off the elevator. "What hotel are they staying at?" you ask. "just across the street." answers Ian. You look at him weird, "Then... Why... Get them from the hotel?" you ask. "Turkey, stuffing and potatoes. We need to help them carry the food." explains Max.

"Makes sense..." you say and soon Ian stomps on the floor. "You okay there Sponge Bob?" asked Max. "Anisa... She and Mark took a picture together..." muttered Ian. "Ian..." you whisper. "No! I don't want a mother, son talk!" shouted Ian.

You move in close to him, "Ian... Don't get mad... Joji sees me with some boys and he stays calm..." you whisper. "That's what you think!" shouted Ian as he pushed you away. "Excuse me?!" you ask.

Max gets in between you and Ian, "Last time you were with Jack... Joji kind of smashed a glass of water into the wall... Don't ask... Let me handle this... Go with Hila and Ethan...Floor 3... door 303." informs Max as he shoves you along.

You walk a way. "I was only trying to help..." you mutter under your breathe. Soon Joji and Jack text you. You get out your phone and look at their text messages.


"We are almost there. We going to have fun!!!" you read Joji's messages. You move to Jack's messages, "What would you like to drink?" You text back to Jack, "Water... I will drink water." you text back.

Soon your walk inside the hotel. "Floor three..." you whisper and walk to the elevator. You press number three and wait for the elevator to start.

You step out of the elevator and walk to room 303. You knock. "Coming!" shouted Hila. She finally opens the door, "Ethan and me will carry the Turkey. We placed the other food on a cart." explains Hila as you enter the room.

"Couldn't you just put the Turkey on the..." Before you can finish Ethan and Hila shout at your, "It wouldn't work... Now... Get the elevator ready for us!" You rise your arms and run to the elevator.

You wait for them to go in, "Ian and Max might meet you down there." you inform. "The more help the better..." smiles Hila. You watch the elevator go down. You walk back to their room and start to roll the cart.

You go back to the elevator and wait for it to come back up.

You get downstairs and roll the cart again.

You make it to Joji's apartment. You knock on the door and Ian lets you in. "You feel better?" you ask. "I'll talk about it later..." whispers Ian. You see Anisa and Mark talking together. "Sounds like a plan." you smile.

"It's barely 2 in the afternoon... Ian and Max you got the snacks?" asked Joji. Ian and Max pull up four bags and set it on the table. "Eat!" shouts Max. You roll your eyes. You grab some water bottles from the package and take them to the cooler.

"Is Ian okay?" asked Joji as he put some beers in the cooler also. "Anisa and Mark..." you whisper. Joji turns around to look at them. "That! Answers everything. Thank you." smiles Joji.

You smile, "So... You smashed a glass of water... When I was with Jack?" you ask with a smirk. Joji looks at the floor, "Yes...But let's not talk about that..." whispers Joji. You smile and hold his hand. "Let's get snacks..." you wink.

Joji follows you back into the living room. You sit on the floor with Joji. "Want chips?" asked Joji. you shake your head yes. "I have a feeling this will be the best Thanksgiving ever." you smile. Joji shakes his head, "Agree." smiles Joji.

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