《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Pizza


"Joji.... It's for your mom." you encourage him. "We are going to stay here and.... Just eat pizza all day!" shouts Joji. You laugh. "I wish... But Joji... Turkey!" you shout. "Forget the turkey! Do you trust me?" asked Joji. "Yes! But..." Joji interrupts you.

"Then we stay here... and eat pizza..." smiles Joji. "Fine.... Just this once! On Christmas...." But before you can Finnish Ian talks, "We go to Max's house because they have money." smirks Joji.

You sigh, "New year's with your parents....." You suggest. "Fine..." groans Joji. "You call your mom to cancel also!" you shout before Joji says anything. Joji falls to the floor, "Ugggh I don't want too?!" shouted Joji. "I don't want to die... So it is your turn." you smile.

Joji takes out his phone, "God, I want to live for a lot of years... Please don't not kill me now...." whispers Joji as he dials his mother's number.

"Hey, mom." smiles Joji. Lily says some words. "We aren't going tomorrow... For Thanksgiving..." whispers Joji. You can hear Lily yelling but not able to understand her. "We are staying here...." whispers Joji. Lily yell some more. "With, Max, Katt, Ian and his new girlfriend and Chad." explains Joji. Lily says some words. Joji finally hangs up.

"What did she say?" you ask. "She said... When we go to Japan we are dead, you and me are going to make the food and that to stay safe." explains Joji. "I can't cook..." you whisper. "Good luck!" smiles Joji.

You check your phone to see Jack and Mark have texted you. "Who is it?" asked Joji as he looked around the store. "Just, Jack and Mark." you answer.


"By the way, I want to make a video with you tomorrow. I know it is Thanksgiving for you guys and all but it won't take long." you read Jack's message. "Will Mark join us?" you text him back.

You check Mark's messages, "Jack and me will be able to make a video with you on the 28th this month." you read. "Sounds great! What time?" you text Mark back.

You put the phone down, "Will Max and Ian really come?" you ask Joji. "Yes... They don't want to go back home either so..." answers Joji. You smile, "Should we get the pizzas now since I don't think anyone will be open tomorrow." you suggest.

Joji jumps up, "Crap! You are right!" shouts Joji. He walks to the door, "Remember! Ian likes Pineapple on his pizza and Max likes bacon!" you shout as he leaves. "Thank you!" you hear him yell.

You sit down behind the counter. you hear the bell ring. You look up to see Jack and Mark, "Holy! Crap!" you shout. Jack looks around, "It's more comfortable then I thought." smiles Jack.

"How?! Did you guys, get here?!" you shout. "We heard you weren't going anywhere for Thanksgiving... So... We brought Ethan and Hila who brought over some food and even a Turkey!" shouts Mark. "Joji just went to go get some pizzas..." you whisper.

"More food, the better!" shouts Jack. "By the way, Ian and Max invited us." adds Mark. You sigh, "Good... So now if Joji gets mad, we can blame Ian and Max." you smile. "Sounds like a plan." agrees Mark.

Robert comes back, "Well, young men can we help you?" asked Robert to Jack and Mark. "No thank you, we were just waiting for (Y/N)." smiles Jack. "Well... She is all yours." smiles Robert.


Robert turns around, "Joji..." he mouths. You shrug and look at Mark and Jack. "Let's go!" you shout. "Where are we going?" asked Mark. "To the cafe!" You shout.

You get out your phone while Mark and Jack order food. "Joji?" you ask. "What's up? Sorry I am not at the bookstore yet." You interpret Joji. "Mark, Ethan, Jack and Hila are here for Thanksgiving. Ethan and Hila are bring a turkey." you inform and close your eyes. You wait for Joji to yell.

"Sounds great. Tell them that it will be up in the roof. So make sure they make the turkey extra warm. Thanks for telling me and not waiting until the last minute." You hear Joji. "Are you mad?" you ask. "No! Ethan, Mark and Jack are cool and Hila is like my 2nd mom, she is amazing!" shouts Joji.

"Thank you for not yelling." you smile. "No problem. Call the kids and tell them the goods news." orders Joji. "Um... Ian and Max were the people who invited Mark, Jack, Ethan and Hila... Actually." you inform. "And they didn't tell us?!" shouted Joji.

"I thought you weren't going to yell?" you ask. "I didn't make promises...." mutters Joji. You roll your eyes, "Anyways, meet you are the apartment." you hang up and turn again to see Mark and Jack getting the food and drinks.

"You guys tired?" you ask as they get near. "No way! Jack is never tired!" winked Jack as he sat next to you. "Are you not tired? You went from a convention to working at a store for a lot of hours." asked Mark. "I try to keep up with life." you smile in a weak way.

"Ian and Joji told us that your life is depressing though." added Jack as he took a bite from his sandwich. You roll your eyes, "They... Were not lying..." you confess. "What do you mean?" asked Mark.

You look out the window, "A girl... That... That went to Harvard is suppose to do something great in this world! In the end... All I ever did was finish college, run away from home and work in a bookstore!" you explain. You cover your face, to not show your frustration.

Jack pats your back, "I heard... You helped cure some people of Cancer..." smiles Jack. "From who?" you ask. "Joji, Ian and Max." smiles Jack. You smile a little, "Thanks...That makes me... Feel a little better..." you smile.

"We got to go back to our hotel. But see you tomorrow on the roof." smiles Mark as him and Jack walk away.

You turn around to walk to your apartment.

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