《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Two Coffees


"Wake up!" shouts Ian on the top of his lungs. You open your eyes to see Max and a girl next to him. Ian is on the bed jumping up and down. "What now?!" shouted Joji.

Ian jumps down from the bed, "You have exactly one hour to get ready." informs Ian. "Let me guess we have 1 hour to get ready and 1 hour to get to the airport." you smirk. "Exactly!" shouts Ian.

"Who is this?" you ask. "Hey, my name is Anisa." says the women. "Ian's friend." adds Max. "Will you be saying bye to Ian?" you ask. "No, I am going with Ian back to New York." smiles Anisa. You look at Ian, "It was only one night... What did you so to her?" you ask.

"One night with amazing memories." smiles Ian. "Max, let's go, they need to get ready." smiles Ian as he takes his girlfriend's hand and walks out the room with Max.

You sit on the edge of the bed, "You ready to go?" you ask Joji. "Hell yes... Ready to create some new tunes!" shouted Joji as he took of his shirt and slipped on a new one. You laugh.

You get some clothes from your backpack, "Black jeans and a grey shirt... Again?" asked Joji who has on a white shirt and grey pants. You smile with a evil grin. "Want to make a deal?" you ask.

"Why not...What will it be now?" asked Joji as he sat next to you. "You wear everything black for once and I wear something pink and white." you smile. "That's easy!" shouts Joji. "I have nothing White or colorful so I will need YOUR clothes. Which means, you will wear MY clothes." you smile with an even more evil grin.


"No... No! No! No!" shouted Joji as he got up. "Come on Joji... Something that will at least fit you." you suggest. "Something not too tight!" warned Joji. You throw your backpack at him, "Choose from there." you smile and head to Joji's suitcase.

You grab a pink shirt with grey/white pants. You turn around to see Joji in tight shirt and pants. "Don't say anything!" shouted Joji. You cover your mouth to hide your huge smile. "Wear a hoodie... Might help." you suggest.

Joji goes back into your backpack and grabs a hoodie. "Let's just go... Before I kill you." muttered Joji. You slip into the new clothes quickly. "Do you have a white hoodie?" you ask Joji. "Of course... Some where in there." answers Joji. You roll your eyes and check again.

You slip into the white hoodie, "Your clothes are comfortable." you smile. "I would like to say the same thing to you... But this are really tight..." mutters Joji. You walk out the door together to see Ian, Max and Anisa.

"What happened to you guys?" asked Ian. "Joji wanted to make a bet..." you answer. "Should of had just stayed quiet." laughed Max. "I couldn't... I thought she wasn't good at making bets..." explains Joji.

The group walks out of the hotel and onto a taxi. Max,Ian, Joji and you try to fix in the back while Anisa sits in the front. You guys finally arrive at the airport.

"I really made a bad decision of making that bet with you..." muttered Joji. "Joji, in the bathroom you can change." you smile. "No... I am not giving up that easily!" shouts Joji as he walks to the airport building.


You sit with Joji. Max has the window seat while Joji sits in the middle. Ian and Anisa have their own seats somewhere else in the airplane.

"How did he get a girlfriend in one night and I had to wait so many years?" asked Joji. "I honestly don't know... She came last night with him. He asked her if she wanted to go to New York with him and she said yes." explains Max.

You look into your backpack to find a book, "The poem book Joji gave me..." you whisper to yourself. You hide it so Joji doesn't see it. "I never finished it..." you whisper.

"You want something to drink?" asked Joji. You snap out of your thoughts, "What?" you ask. "Want something to drink?" asked Joji again. "No thank you..." you whisper. "I will like two coffees." orders Joji to a flight attendant.

"Why two coffees?" you ask. "You have been out of it... You okay?" asked Joji. You try to think about what to say, "Remember that poem book you gave me?" you ask. "Yes...What about it?" asked Joji.

"I haven't exactly finished it..." you whisper. "And?" asked Joji. "I didn't want you to feel bad..." you whisper. "Why would it make Joji feel bad?" asked Max. "I don't know! I just forgot about it...." you whisper.

"That would not make me feel bad." laughed Joji. The Flight Attendant comes back with the two coffees.

"Well. I will see you guys soon." smiles Max as he takes sleeping pills. "You sure about that?" asked Joji. "Yes, yes I am." smiles Max as he closes his eyes.

"Want to play I spy?" asked Joji. You laugh and punch Joji's shoulder, "I spy with my little eye... Something brown." you smile. "Well... Look at it!" ordered Joji. "I am!" you shout. You look deep into Joji's eyes. "This isn't fair..." whines Joji.

"Do you give up?" you ask. "Nope! My eyes?" asked Joji. You shake your head. "I spy with my little eyes something white..." Joji looks down at his hands. "Your coffee cup." you answer. "You got it." smiles Joji. "SO romantic." you roll your eyes.

You lay on Joji's shoulder. "I am sleepy..." you yawn. "Go to sleep." suggested Joji. "You will be okay?" you ask. "Yes, Yes I will." Smiles Joji. You close your eyes.

Joji's Point of View-- I check my phone to see messages from my mother, "Be safe." I read over and over.

I look out the window to see that the sun is getting out. "How can (Y/N) and Max be so tired." I laugh to myself. Max soon wakes up, "I want another hour of rest...." whines Max. I roll my eyes and look at (Y/N).

"Thank god, she is still here with me." I think to myself.

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