《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Me Before You


"What am I, going to do?" asked Max. Joji grabs Max, "Going outside. What movies did you rent by the way?" asked Joji. "Warcraft and Me Before You." answered Max. "Give me the Me Before You." ordered Joji. Max hands him the box.

Joji pushes Max outside, "Good luck!" shouted Joji as he shut the door. "Lock it." you remind him. Joji locks the door, "There?" asked Joji. You smile.

"Let's watch the movie now." smiles Joji. You lay again on Joji's chest when you hear your phone ring. "Check it." smiles Joji. "Nah." you frown and watch the T.V.

Joji gets up, "It's from Robert." informs Joji. You grab the phone from Joji, "Hello!" you shout. "(Y/N) when are you coming back to New York?" asked Robert. "Tomorrow. I promise." You look at Joji for help but he is eating a cookie. "Please don't let me down..." whispered Robert. "I won't..." you promise Robert and hang up.

"Happy that I checked the phone?" asked Joji with a smirk. "I hate you for checking my phone actually." you laugh. Joji rolls his eyes and pulls you into a hug.

You lay in the bed together for a while, "I hate how he dies and leaves her alone." you inform. Joji laughs, "That's what he wanted. You can't change someone's mind. Even if they love you so much."

You look into Joji's eyes, "Would you die and leave me alone if you were in a wheelchair?" you ask Joji. He looks back into your eyes, "It depends." he answer with a smirk. You push him away, "Piss off." you mutter and look back at the movie.

"Would you die... and leave me alone if you were in a wheelchair?" asked Joji. "No!" you shout. Joji gets all into your face, "Are you sure?" asked Joji. "Yes!" you shout. "Positive?" asked Joji. You kiss Joji, "Positive." you confirm and watch the movie again.


Someone knocks on the door again, "Max?!" shouted Joji. "Ethan!" shouted the person behind the door. Joji gets out of the bed and walks to the door. "Hey." smiles Joji.

"We got back and just wanted to give this to you and (Y/N)." informs Ethan as he gave Joji two bracelets. "Thanks." you smile as you take one of the bracelets. "You feeling better?" asked Ethan.

"Better than ever!" smiles Joji as he pulls you in closer to him. "This are beautiful, Ethan." you manage to say. "Hila picked them out. We couldn't forget about you, Ian,Max and especially Joji!" explains Ethan.

"Hila wants to have a party downstairs in our room... Would you guys like to come?" asked Ethan. "We have nothing to do here anymore. So show us the way." smiles Joji. Ethan starts to walk away.

You close the door and lock it, "We need to remember to lock things." you say to yourself and follow Joji. He holds your hand on the way to the party room.

You enter the room to see beer, vodka and some wine. "Good!" shouts Joji as he kisses your cheek and runs to the table. "Yeah, see you soon!" you shout. You see Jack sitting alone with a beer in his hand.

You run to him and sit next to him, "Hey!" you shout. "Top of the morning to you lad!" shouted Jack. You laugh, "Want a beer?" asked Jack. "No thank you... Do you have some water?" you ask. Jack takes out a bag, "Just to not get TOO drunk." winks Jack.

You take one of the water bottles, "I will miss all of this..." you whisper. "We can collaborate... You know..." suggested Jack. "What would we play?" you ask. "There are a lot of games out there! You can choose!" shouted Jack. You smile.


"I will see..." you whisper. "If I had to choose... It would be... You know that game... Where there is a dad and he has to protect his babies from dying while the mom is driving home." explains Jack. "Explain more..." you whisper.

"There is a dad. and how many babies there are. There are tons of ways the babies can die but the dad has to stop them. The mom comes home and the babies are still alive then the dad wins. Mom comes home and all babies are dead, dad loses." explains Jack.

"I would love to play that game." You smile. "I love that game!" shouts Jack. "I will win." you smile. "Excuse me?!" shouted Jack. "Did I say something wrong? I said I would win!" you shout. "I will win!" shouted Jack. You shake your head, "In your dreams."

"There's also this game, where you are a disease and you can go against your friends to try and stop their virus and try to get your virus to kill everyone in the world." laughs Jack. Your eyes widen. "Why is that a game?" you ask.

"You should try it. It will be fun." smiles Jack. "That's what they all say." you roll your eyes. "You got to try the game before judging it." smiles Jack. "I know that." you smirk.

Soon Mark comes over. "You guys okay?" asked Mark. "Just talking about the future." smiles Jack. "Good." smiles Mark.

"So when you going back to Ireland?" asked Mark. You look at Jack, "Ireland... You aren't starting in USA?" you ask Jack. "USA is too over rated for me." smiles Jack. "Have a safe flight then." you hug Jack.

"I will try..." whispers Jack. Soon Ethan starts to talk, "This was a great time with you all! Let's do this again sometime! See you soon!" shouted Ethan.

You get up and try to find Joji. You then see him throw himself onto the table with the drinks and he slides across the table and drops everything that was on the table. "Joji!" you shout.

"Nice job..." muttered Ethan. "Sorry..." laughs Joji. You drop to the floor where Joji is laying down, "Are you drunk?!" you shout. "Just a little..." whispers Joji.

"let's just hope you wake up early..." you pray and get him off the floor.

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