《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Raihnbowkidz


You sit back down with Joji. "Are you mad?" you ask. "Honestly... Yes..." answers Joji as he pinches his nose. "It was for the better..." you mutter. "Whatever you say..." whispered Joji. You look at your hands. "I am going to the restroom..." you whispers.

You stand up and leave the party room. Max and Ian come back, "We got more pizza... Want some?" asked Ian. "Not right now... When I come back from the restroom..." you inform and keep walking to the restroom.

You enter the restroom. You look yourself in the mirror. "I am sorry..." you whisper to yourself. Ian walks into the restroom.

"Are you a women?" you ask. "No but I heard you crying." Ian answers. He leans against the wall. "You okay?" he asked. "Not really..." you whisper. Ian gets close and hugs you.

"Why?" he asked. "I feel like I just do Joji wrong... Every time..." you answer. "Is this about keeping him here?" asked Ian. "Yes..." you whisper.

Ian lets go of you and looks you straight in the eyes, "It will be alright... This is for the better." smiles Ian. "Now let's get out of here before I get mistaken as a white mom." winks Ian. "Sorry mom." you smile.

You walk back to the party room, "Let's get some cookies." smiles Ian. You smile and walk with him to the cookies. You grab a few and walk into the room.

Max and Joji are laughing. "Where were you two?" asked Joji. "In the restroom." answered Ian as he took a slice of pizza and started to eat it. "Cool." smiles Max. Joji sighs, "Were you in the girl's restroom again?" asked Joji. Your eyes widen.


"She needed some mother, daughter time with me. So... Of course I walked into the restroom and made her feel better!" Ian deafens himself. You smile. "Did he really help you?" asked Joji. You shake your head yes.

Soon Max gets a call, "The taxi is here." He informs. You grab a pizza slice and eat it quick before getting out of the building.

You climb into the taxi car with you in the middle of Joji and Ian. Joji is on your left and Ian is on your right. "Are you still mad?" you ask Joji. "Honestly... No... But next time just hear me out... Okay?" asked Joji. "Deal." you smile.

You arrive at the hotel. "Me and Ian are going to get somethings. You guys can wait for a few minutes, right?" asked Ian. "Yeah... We will be okay." you smile. "See you soon." smiles Ian.

You walk to the elevator and press the button to floor 12. "What will we do?" asked Joji. "There is a T.V, blankets and two beds that can turn into one huge one." you smile. "I am happy to be with you." Smiles Joji as he pulls you in closer.

You room to your hotel room. "You get your bed close to mine!" you order. "You look for a good channel!" ordered Joji as he got the beds together.

You change the channels, "Does... Courage the Cowardly Dog sound good?" you ask. "Perfect!" shouts Joji.

You jump on to the bed, "Where are you going?" you ask Joji. "Going to get some snacks." he answers. "Energy Bars!" you shout as Joji closes the door.

You move to your side and close your eyes, "We are okay..." you whisper to yourself. Soon you feel tired and stay there.


"Wake up!" shouts a voice. You wake up to see Joji with a bag, "What did you get?" you ask. You sit up. "Some cookies, chips and energy bars." smiles Joji.

Joji climbs onto the bed, "Where is Ian and Max?" asked Joji. "Not here yet... I think..." you answer. Joji puts the snacks in the middle of both of you, "Did you get candy?" you ask. "I got some kit-kats." answers Joji. You check the bag, "Don't eat them all though." muttered Joji. You roll your eyes.

Soon you lay on Joji's chest while watching Courage the Cowardly Dog. "This is way better than going to that next place." you whisper. "I agree." smiles Joji. "See... Sometimes you got to listen to me too." you smirk. "Fair enough." smiles Joji.

Soon the door opens and Ian and Max walk in. "We got some movies!" shouted Ian. "We are watching Courage the Cowardly Dog." laughs Joji. "Ian got a girlfriend thought." adds Max.

"What?"you ask with happiness. "She was okay." mutters Ian. "Mother, son talk!" you shout and get up. "Max you talk with me about porn." orders Joji. You roll your eyes. "Who is she?" you ask Ian.

"Someone we saw at the store. She talked with me about video games and I found her interesting." explains Ian. You take out your phone and open Instagram, "Better... Show her." you give Ian the phone.

"She gave me her phone number not her social medias. " laughs Ian. You push the phone into Ian's hands. "Lair! She gave you her Instagram!" shouts Max.

Ian rolls his eyes and types in some letters, "Here.." groans Ian. You look at it to see RAIHNBOWKIDZ. "She is pretty." you smile. You look up at Ian, "Go get her!" you order.

"What?!" shout Joji, Ian and Max. "You never get a chance like this twice." you smile. "(Y/N) how would I get a chance with her?" asked Ian. You take Ian's phone, "What's her phone number?' you ask. "(Y/N) what are you doing?!" shouted Ian.

"Max! Joji! Hold him down!" you order. Joji jumps out of the bed and grabs Ian. You jump onto the bed. Max wraps his arms around Ian. "Stop!" shouted Ian.

"Found it!" you shout and dial the phone, "Pick up..." you whisper. Soon you hear a hello, "Hey." you smile. "Who is this?" asked the girl. "Ian's friend. Look you and him should go on a date... Like right now." you suggest. "Right now?" she asked.

"Look, Ian is leaving tomorrow to New York... This is your one chance. Take it!" you shout. You hear nothing, "Pick me up at 7:30..." she orders. "I'll text to address..." she informs and hangs up.

"My life is ruin!" shouted Ian as he fell to the floor. "She said yes..." you inform. "Really?" asked Ian. "At 7:30 she already sent the address... Might want to hurry." you order and throw the phone at Ian. He gets up and runs to the door.

"I owe you bid time!" shouts Ian as he closes the door.

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