《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Family Dinner


You arrive to a restaurant. You get off the bus with Joji.

"You hungry?" asked Joji. "We just had Chicken and beer." you laugh. "... I have some room.." muttered Joji. "I'll rather watch you eat." you muttered back. "Come on... Just eat a sandwich with me." begs Joji. "We will see." you smile.

You enter the building with Joji. "Can we have a party room?" asked Ethan. The person takes the group into a huge room with a huge table.

Joji sits on your right side and Jack sits on your left side. "It's a buffet?" you ask Joji. Joji laughs a little, "Just eat a few things. Please." begs Joji. You groan.

"Want would you like to drink?" smiles the waiter. You smile, "Water." you answer. The waiter smiles one last time and leaves. "You can now get food." smiles another waiter.

Joji stands up, "You coming?" asked Joji. "Give me a second to not throw up." you answer. "Come on, who doesn't like to eat?" asked Joji.

"Hey, Mark let's eat dessert first and then food!!" shouts Jack as he gets up and smiles wide. "Seriously Jack?" you ask. "What? Who doesn't like to eat?" asked Jack. Joji and Jack high five each other.

You roll your eyes. Jack smiles and leaves the room. "Come on, eat some chicken with me again." smiles Joji. You roll your eyes, "Let's see, what there is to eat."

You follow Joji, He grabs a plate and rushes to the pizza place. You follow with a plate. "Pizza!!" shouts Ian as you get near.

"You idiot, do we have to go over this again!" shouts Max as he grabs a pizza slice. "I never learn... So..." whispers Ian. "Bacon on pizza is the best!" shouts Max. "My son... Pineapple is the best thing on pizza." smiles Ian. Joji takes a slice of pizza for you, "Pepperoni is really a good thing on pizza." smiles Joji.


"Want do you really want to eat?" asked Joji. "I don't know..." you muttered. "Oh my god..." mutters Joji. "What is your favorite food?" asked Joji. "Umm... Energy bars." you smile.

"I give up on my girlfriend!" shouts Joji. You blush when you hear Joji call you his girlfriend. You look to your right to hide your face and see your favorite food. "French Fries!" you shout and run to them.

Joji rushes right behind you, "Pizza and fries... Great choose." winks Joji. You roll your eyes. Joji takes the big spoon and grabs some fries with it. "Here." he puts the fries onto your plate. You smile with joy.

"Why are you blushing?" asked Joji as he grabbed some fries for himself. "No reason..." you answer. "You sure?" asked Joji. "Want to get something else?" you ask. Joji looks at you, "What made you blush?" asked Joji. You run to a random place.

"Look... Beef!" you shout with a smile. "(Y/N) What made you blush?" asked Joji as he followed you. "Joji... How many times have you called me your girlfriend?" you ask. "Um.. Not much?" answered Joji a little confused. "There is your answer." you smile.

"(Y/N)...Is that what made you blush?" asked Joji. "Yes." you answer truthfully. Joji smiles wide. "Did you really want beef?" asked Joji. "Yes." you kind of lie.

You go back to the room and sit down to see Jack with food and a few cookies. "Really?" you ask. "Hey! You got pizza and fries! Let me live my life!" shouted Jack. You laugh and begin eating.

"How long have you and Joji been dating?" asked Hila. "2 months." answers Joji. You roll your eyes, "A few weeks... I think..." you answer. "Guys don't even know how long you've been dating and already have matching tattoos." laughs Aki.


You laugh with her. "We have had our downs.... A lot of them... So... Give us a break." begs Joji. You nod in agreement. "What do you mean?" asked Joey (The Anime Man). "We have been together, broken up, been together, broken up...Than been together.." you explain.

"Well... That isn't a great start.." whispers Marzia. You look at your plate and play with it. "Marzia... Those weren't great word chooses..." hisses Felix."Sorry..." whispers Marzia.

Joji holds your hand really tight. "What?" you ask. You see red veins in Joji's eyes. "You okay there buddy?" asked Ian. "Seizure..." whispers Joji. Your eyes widen.

Max and Ian get up fast and move Joji away from the table. "Make some space people!" shouts Ian. Joji lays onto the floor. "Joji?!" you shout as he starts to jump up and down.

You and Max hold him down, so he doesn't run into anything. "Great job (Y/N)" you repeat in your head. You think about a song that would calm Joji down.

"A drop in the Ocean

A Change in the Weather

I was praying that you and me

Might end up together.

It's like wishing for rain

As I stand in the desert

But I am holding you closer then close

'cause you are my heaven.

I don't want to taste the weekend

If you don't love me pretend

A few more hours than it's time to go.

And as my train rolls down the east coast

I wonder how you keep warm

It's too late to cry

Too broken to move on

And still I can't let you be

Most nights I hardly sleep

Don't take what you don't need from me."

Joji calms down, "Ready to go home?" asked Ethan. Joji sits up, "I won't want to ruin the fun." groans Joji in pain. "Accident?" asked Ian. "No." answers Joji.

"You won't ruin the fun." smiles Hila. "No, let's go on." answers Joji. "Joji and me can stay until a taxi arrives." You suggest. "(Y/N)!" hisses Joji.

"Sounds great, besides, it's 6 o'clock we can keep busy as a hotel." smiles Ian. "Ian!" shouts Joji. "Plus I want to sleep." adds Max. "Max!" shouts Joji.

"Sounds like a plan!" shouts Ethan. "We will see you soon!" shouts Hila as the group goes onto the bus.

"Anyone know the taxi number?" asked Ian as he got out his phone.

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