《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Chicken


You wake up to see Joji still hugging you. You smile to yourself and stay still. "Staying in this position can be stressful... You know..." muttered Joji with his eyes closed. You get your head off his chest and laugh.

"It was fun while it lasted." You say and get out of the bed. Joji sits at the edge. "Time to get back home!" shouts Joji as he gets up. You roll your eyes and grab some clothes from you suit case.

Ian and Max run in. You look at them confused. "Joji! We need to stay one more day!" shouted Ian. Joji looks confused, "What do you mean?"

"Like Mark and the whole other gang wants to hangout and have fun." explains Ian. You look at your phone to see a message from Ethan.

"We are going to hangout in L.A. for a while with some friends. You should stay and hang out." you read. You out the phone down and look at Joji.

"Fine.. one more day... And that's all!" shouted Joji. Ian and Max celebrate. You sigh and get into the bathroom. "We should really start locking our doors!" you shout. Joji laughs.

You keep on your black shirt but slip into gray pants with a gray hoodie. You walk out to see the boys ready. You sit on your bed and put on your shoes.

Someone knocks on the door. Ian opens it up to see Jack. He smiles at you. You smile back. "You guys coming or not?" asked Jack. "We are almost ready!" informs Max. Jack nods his head.

"May I come in?" Jack asked. Joji nods his head. Jack walks to sit on Joji's bed. You smile at him. "Going to blog?" you ask. "Of course not. It's good to live in the moment once in a while." laughs Jack. "Couldn't say it better myself." you agree.


"Well, Jack and me will get a head start. Ready to go?" you ask. Jack follows your lead to the door. "You guys better make sure we don't get there before you." warns Max. "I am on my game today." you lie.

Jack closes the door behind him. "We should speed walk." he suggests. You follow his lead to the stairs. "Don't worry. They always take the elevator." you inform.

"So, what will you do the last day in L.A.?" asked Jack. "I want to relax... Live once in a while." you answer. "Than skydiving?" asked Jack. "Okay... That doesn't sound relaxing." you laugh with him.

"Than a spa day?" asked Joji. You think about it for a while. "That isn't too relaxing." you answer. Jack rolls his eyes. "Might as well tell me then." he mutters.

You laugh, "I would like to race." you wink. "That is too dangerous." freaks out Jack. You look at the floor. "But it sounds fun!" you shout. Jack shakes his head.

You finally arrive to floor one and open the door to see Ethan, Mark, Felix, Kevin, Hila, Einshine, Anime Man and many more YouTubers are in the waiting room.

"Hey!" smiles Hila. You wave hello. "We met the other day!" she continues. "I remember you." you smile. "Today we just want to remember everyone this is a day of fun. So enjoy yourself" Hila hugs you and walks away.

You turn around to talk with Jack but he is nowhere to be found. You look around to see him talking with Mark and Felix. You sit down and wait for the rest.

You close your eyes just to relax for a bit, while Joji, Ian and Max come down. After a few minutes your feel someone's presence.


Jack sits next to you, "You fine?" he ask. You open your eyes. "I am fine... Why you ask?" you question him. "You look pissed off... In a way..." Answers Jack. You smile. "You know me so well..."

Jack laughs, "So... What is wrong?" asked Jack. "I want to live... Live a life... I won't regret." you answer. "And?" asked Jack. "I also want attention... From anyone at this point." you continue. "From me?" asked Jack. "A little..." you mutter. Jack giggles a little and looks at you.

"I can't get you my attention.... You aren't mine to keep." answers Jack. You look into his Blue beautiful eyes.

Soon Joji, Max and Ian arrive. "Your three demons have arrived!" shouted Max. You laugh a little.

"You are right... I am sorry..." you whisper to Jack and walk over to Joji.

Jack's Point of View-- "Going to ask her out or not?" asked Mark. "Hell Yeah!" I shout. I look over to see her with closed eyes. I want to kiss her there and now. "But..." I whisper. "But what?" asked Felix. "She isn't my.... To keep..." I continue. Mark pushes me towards her.

Your Point of View-- You walk into a mall place. "Great.... Time to get lost!" shouted Ian as he took Max's hand and ran with him. "Remember guys! Enjoy Yourself!" shouted Hila. Ethan takes her hand and runs away.

You look at Joji's hand which is holding onto you tight. "The photo booth... Sounds like a great place to start..." whispered Joji. You smile at him, "You know me so well."

"Want to suggest something?" asked Joji. "Want to get drunk first?" you ask. Joji laughs, "A few beers won't hurt..."

Joji pulls you and you chase after him. "I am going to trip!" you shout. Joji looks back at you, "No! You won't!" shouted Joji.

Soon you are sitting around a table with Joji in front of you. The waiter brings some chicken legs and beer.

You eat a little. "You have the most greatest ideas." smiles Joji as he drinks his cup. You lean back, "I learn from the best." You wink at him. He laughs with you.

Soon the chicken legs are gone and the beers cups are empty. "One beer cup never hurts." smiles Joji. You smile. "Want to go take that picture?" you ask. "And kiss you with the smell of beer in your month?" asked Joji. You frown, "Sorry..." you whisper. "That would be an honor." smiles Joji.

He puts some money on the table and grabs your hand. "Keep the change." he tells the waiter and runs with you outside.

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