《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Mad


You wake up to see Joji on the next bed beside you. You get up and turn on your phone. You see a few messages from Sean, Mark, Joji and Ian.

You turn off your phone and get up. You wake to the bathroom and look into the mirror.

Your hair is a mess. "Lucky, I didn't wear makeup..." you whisper to yourself and wake out of the bathroom to not see Joji in bed.

You look around and the bed starts to move. You run to the side of the bed to see Joji having a seizure.

You drop to your knees. "Hold on Joji..." you whisper and try to get him away from the bed as possible.

You hum a few notes and see that it isn't working. "Joji... I can get Ian quickly. If you want." You suggest. But Joji shakes his head no and points to his throat.

You think about what he would mean and you remember. "I can't think of a song..." you whisper and close your eyes.

"If I told you this was only gonna hurt

If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn

Would you walk in?

Would you let me do it first?

Do it all in the name of love

Would you let me lead you even when you're blind?

In the darkness, in the middle of the night

In the silence, when there's no one by your side

Would you call in the name of love?

In the name of love, name of love

In the name of love!"

Joji's breathing calms down. You smile at him. "That time it was slow." Muttered Joji.

"What do you mean?!" You shout. Joji smiles. "If you can. Or whenever... I just want eggs and bacon..."


Joji slowly gets up. You help him lay down on his bed. "I will be right back..." you whisper.

"Where are you going?" Asked Joji. You grab your phone, keys and wallet. "To get Ian." You answer. Joji sits up.

"What for?" Asked Joji. You roll your eyes. "He needs to check on you."

You walk out and see Max and Ian running towards you. "We already ordered breakfast." Informed Ian.

"I am going to go downstairs. Joji just got a seizure and I want you to keep an eye on him." You order Ian.

Ian crosses his arms and looks at you straight into your eyes. "You aren't going to go see Jack... Are you?" Asked Ian.

You sigh, "I just need to ask him somethings..." you lie. Max touches your forehead. "She doesn't have a fever..." Muttered Max.

You slap Max's hands away. "I just want to talk to Jack..." you hiss into Max's face.

"Fine... Just know one thing... Joji won't like this...one bit." Informed Ian. You get to your knees, "Please don't tell Joji!" You beg.

"He doesn't need too..." groaned a voice. You look around to see Joji leaning against the door frame.

"Joji..." you try to talk but Joji stops you. "Please... go talk to him. He is a good parson and friend... just come back." Joji goes back into the room.

You look at Max with his phone. "Did you... text him?!" You shout. Max shrugs, "He needs to know this." You roll your eyes and run to Jack's room.

You run down some stairs and up to Jack's room. You knock three times on the door.

"Coming!" You hear Mark. He opens the door, "Sean isn't here right now." Mark informs. "Where is he?" You ask. Mark shrugs, "Went to go get breakfast."


Mark opens the door more, "Want to come in and wait?" Suggested Amrk as he went back to the closest and started to pack some clothes.

"Thank you but no... if he comes back...can you tell him to text me..." you order. Mark smiles, "Sure thing. Close the door by the way." You smile and close the door.

You turn but to the stairs and see Jack running up the stairs, "Sean!" You shout with a smile. He looks up, "Hey!" He shouts back.

He walks up to you, "Thought you might want some coffee." He hands you a cup with coffee.

You smile, "Thanks..." Jack starts to drink the coffee fast, "why do you look so sad?" Asked Jack. "This is the last day... I will see you, Mark, Felix, Lily and Ethan." You inform.

Jack nods in agreement. "Where will you go?" Asked Jack. You look into his eyes, "New York... you?"

"It doesn't matter..." Muttered Jack. "But it does matter..." you shout. Jack smiles, "You don't really understand right now..."

You push Jack away, "I just thought we could be friends!" You shout and walk pass him to the stairs. Jack follows you, "We are!".

"Than where are you going?!" You ask. "Far away... out of USA!" Shouts Sean. "... Why?" You ask. Jack looks at the floor. You walk up the stairs.

You reach your room and find Joji, Ian and Max eating and laughing.

"Hey." Smiles Max. You wave. "Did Jack make you cry?" Asked Joji as he took a bite from his pancakes.

You bite your lips. "This is happening all over again... Calvin versus Joji...Sean versus Joji...Why do I do this to myself?!" You think to yourself and sit down next to Joji.

"No... He wasn't even in his room.." you inform. Your phone goes off. You check it to read Sean. You turn it off and look back at your food.

"Not going to answer?" Asked Joji. You look at your arms with the tattoos on them. You smile and look up, "No..." you kiss Joji's cheek and start to eat.

"Get a room!" Shouted Max. You laugh. "Sean made you mad." Confirmed Joji. "No... He made me open me eyes." You smile.

"How?" Laughed Ian. "He is going somewhere else and I am going to New York." You explain.

Max looks at you weird. "That doesn't help..." you look up and smile ,"It does to me."

You grab your fork with your left hand and grab Joji's hand with your right hand.

"I don't care what Jack didnt... but I am glad he did it." Laughs Joji.

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