《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Jack


You sign some autographs when someone throws a paper ball at your face. You look up to see Frank entertaining some people. "Mind keeping your things, at your booth!" you shout at Frank. He looks at you confused.

You look at down to sign more autographs and another paper ball hits your face. "That's it.." you hiss and grab a blank paper sheet and roll it into a ball. You throw it at Frank. "Okay... What's up?!" shouted Frank as he got up.

"You started it!" you shout back. "Started what?!" asked Frank. "The throwing paper balls at me!" you explain.

"That was me!" laughed Jack. You slap your forehead. Frank walks over to you, "Don't get me out of character again.." muttered Joji and he walked back. You smile and sit back down.

"So... Is it just an autograph or will you like me to write something special?" you ask the boy. The boy laughs, "Something special." he answers. You nod and write something.

Soon you check your watch, 5 in the afternoon. "The booths are closed until tomorrow. Please enjoy walking around and checking our new equipment." a women says through the speaker.

You stand up and get a drink of water. Jack runs over, "We are going down to the dance room, to drink and just talk. Want to come?" invited Jack. You smile and look over at Joji to see him busy with Max and Ian.

"Yeah... Sure..." you answer with disappointment. You follow Jack to stairs that lead down. When you step of the stairs you walk into a room filled with pink lights and music. "Seems like a fun room!" you shout over the music. "It is!" agrees Jack.


"Can I call you Sean?" you ask. "Why?" asked Jack. "Jack... Just seems weird..." you answer. "Most people are used to calling me Jack." laughed Sean. "Sean seems more better..." you smile. "Thanks..." smiles Sean.

Sean orders a few drinks, "Want anything?" asked Sean. "Just water..." you answer. Sean orders you water. "So... Was giving autographs fun?" asked Sean. You laugh for a while, "Yes... Yes it was." you answer.

Sean hands you some water. "Is it fun to make videos for you?" asked Sean as he took a drink of coffee. "Making Blogs are fun! Also playing games! Also making new things.... Oh god... Yes... Yes it is." you laugh. Sean laughs with you, "That's great to hear."

Joji, Ian and Max come down with a strange man in a beanie and a women following him. They laugh together as Ian and Max are blogging. You smile as Joji laughs at something Ian says.

"If you want you come leave me alone." smiles Sean. "That's too mean!" you explain. "Go with your friends." encourages Sean. "Nah, he is busy right now." you smile. You take a drink from your water.

Felix calls Sean over, "Going to leave me?" you ask. "That's too mean!" mocked Sean. You laugh. "Go with your friends!" you mock. "Nah... He is... Going to hit me I bet." predicted Sean. "How would you know?" you ask. "Once in a game, I was trying to push him under the bus. Instead I fail and somehow he pushes me under the bus... Or train whatever you want to call it." explains Sean.

"That sounds fun!" you laugh. "You should check it out sometime." smiles Jack. "I will." you smile proudly.


Joji walks over to you, "Hey." you smile. "Hi..." whispers Joji. Sean waves at Joji. "Sorry about forcing you into my video." laughed Joji. "I was once involved in Joji's Human Cake video... Well...More like my pubes were." laughed Sean. You look at Joji in a weird way. "The fans loved it." winked Joji.

You roll your eyes. "Poor you." you pat Sean's back. "It was weird... But funny." confessed Joji. "No it was just plain weird." laughed Sean. You laugh with him.

"Anyways.... Seems like Ian and Max stopped talking to Jacob..." Joji looks at a small kid where Ian shows him the middle finger and the kid laughs.

"Who is he?" you ask. Sean and Joji look at you confused, "Have you lived under a rock this whole time?" asked Sean. "No. I was living in a book store hijacking an old guy in to giving me books for free." you wink. "Poor... Old man.." whispered Sean.

"That kid is Jacob Sartorius. I prefer MattyB but he ins't here." explains Joji. You laugh, "Why do you hate Jacob?" you ask. "Little kid is just...ugh!" shouted Joji as he cringed.

You look over at Max who gives Jacob a dirty look. You smile, "Seems like I need to learn to hate this Jacob guy." you wink. "Trust me, you will hate him once he starts talking." laughed Sean. You roll your eyes.

Joji walks back to Ian and Max once Jacob is gone. An old aged guy and a young women come next. "Hey..." you whisper while Sean just waves.

"My name is Ethan and this is my wife, Hila." smiles the old aged man. You smile and give them a handshake. "We are good friends with Joji." informs Hila. You slap your forehead. "Yeah! I saw you two walk in here with him." you smile.

"We have seen your channel and it is great!" smiles Ethan. You smile, "Thank you... It means a lot when I think it is the worst channel." you laugh. "Trust us, it is great." smiles Hila. You smile, "Thank you."

They exchange numbers with you and walk away. "They were nice people." smiles Sean. You nod your head in agreement.

"When we all have to go home.. I will miss you the most." you smile at Sean. "I will miss you too... You seem like a great friend and person... Actually you are." smiles Sean.

You giggle and smile, "Thank you... Jack..." suddenly it comes out of your month. You cover your month. Jack laughs.

"You finally said Jack." laughs Jack. "It came out by it self." you explain. "Even better." smiles Jack.

You laugh with him until your couldn't breathe no more.

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