《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Booth


You climb into a bus to see Mark, Sean, Felix and many other YouTubers. You look back at Joji, "Just take a seat..." he whispers. You speed walk to sit in two empty seats.

Joji skips you and walks to sit next to Sean and Felix. "The....fuck..." you whisper. Ian sits next to you. "Guy time... You and me can have some girl time." winks Ian. You laugh to yourself.

"Thanks.." you smile and lay your head on Ian's shoulder. "Is this what girls do?" asked Ian. "Yes... Now don't move." You take out your phone and take a selfie with Ian.

"Hey... Let the whole squad take a selfie!" shouted Mark as he move his head, so he would show up in the selfie. You laugh and take the picture. "Let Mark take the picture! He is the tallest." informed Sean.

Mark moves into Ian's seat and Ian goes into Mark's seat. "Give." ordered Mark. You give him the phone and he get's ready to take the picture. Everyone moves in. You smile.

Soon Ian is back next to you. After you and Mark have a deep, serious conversation about using which filter. "Just go with #Nofilter!" shouted Einshine. "Nah use the black and white one!" shouted The Anime Man.

Soon everyone switches phone numbers with you. You look up to see Joji smiling. "Why are you smiling?" you ask. "You seem happy... So I will be too." smiles Joji.

You get off the bus to arrive at a hotel. You look at Joji, "Will you share a room with me.. Or will be it Ian?" you ask. Joji rolls his eyes, "With me." he laughs.


You follow Joji into a hotel room. "So... Where are Ian and Max?" you ask. "They will share a room... I just don't know where..." answered Joji. You slowly clap, "Good job... You lost our two kids already." you tease.

"Look who is talking..." muttered Joji. "I took really good care of Ian!" you deafen yourself. "Yeah.... sure..." mocked Joji. You roll your eyes.

Soon Ian and Max walk through the door, "We are here!" shouted Max as he put up some cups and a shot bottle. Your eyes widen, "No! Not here!" you shout, trying to take away the bottle from Max.

Ian takes the things from Max, "Just one and we leave to the convention place." informed Ian. You roll your eyes, "You three can do it... I am going ahead and going to the convention place." you inform and walk out the front door.

You see Sean, "Hey!" you run up to him. "Hello..." he smiles back. You turn your head to see Felix slap Mark across the face.

You look back at Sean, "Why?" you ask. "Just a simple punishment." smiles Jack. A guy holding the camera looks at Sean. "Excuse me for a second..." whispered Sean as he walked to Mark.

Sean has trouble slapping Mark but finally slaps him hard on the face. Your eyes widen and suddenly a laugh escapes your mouth.

Sean walks back, "Where are you going?" he asked. "Just to the convention place... Going to see where my booth will be." you inform. "Sounds like a good idea... Mind if us three go with you?" asked Sean. "No... No problem at all!" you smile.


You walk into the elevator with Mark, Felix and Sean following you. Soon you feel something on your head. You check your head to see a hat. "In case, you hate taking pictures." winks Sean.

You walk out the elevator and outside to see a lot of people standing by. A girl grabs your shoulder and pulls you into a hug. Your eyes widen. Mark helps you out of the girl's grip.

"You okay?" he laughs. "I think... I just got raped..." you answer. Mark laughs a little, "Hanging out with Papa Frank isn't a great influence."

You nod your head, "It really isn't." you agree.

You enter the bus and sit next to Sean. "So... How is being a YouTuber so far?" asked Sean. You look at him, "It's been easy." you answer.

Joji, Ian and Max enter the bus next. "Thanks for saving a seat." winked Joji. You roll your eyes.

Max sits in front of you, "How many shots did you exactly have?" you ask Max. He shrugs.

"He had about 3. Joji and me didn't even get through one half of a shot." informed Ian. You nod your head.

Soon the bus arrives in front of a large building. You follow Sean outside. "Don't get lost." winked Sean as he followed Mark and Felix.

"No... Come back..." you whisper. Joji laughs, "Why should he come back?" asked Joji. "For starters.. He is more responsible and nice." you answer.

Soon your enter and a women gets all up in your face. "Hello.." you whisper. "What's your Channel's name?" asked the women. "Coconutowl...No space..." you answer.

"Your booth will be in between Jack and Mark." answers the women. "Excuse me... But... I am suppose to be in between Ian and Joji... Also it's not Jack... It's Sean." you correct her. She gives you a death stare.

"Your booth was moved..." muttered the women. "Also... At the convention it will be Jack.. and NOT SEAN!" shouts the women.

You take a step back, "Fine..." you hiss. "Where will my booth be?" you ask. "Over there." points the women, to where "Jack" and Mark are standing.

You speed walk over to them. "That was a nightmare..." you whisper. Sean waves, "Hello, neighbor." winks Jack. "Can I move my booth?" you ask. "No... Today is the last day." informed Mark.

You roll your eyes, "Great..." you mutter. Someone taps your shoulder. You turn around to see, Dan and Phil.

"Hey..." you smile. "We heard your channel was a big success recently." smiles Phil. "Thanks... I guess..." you think about it. "It was a compliment." answered Phil. "Thank you." you smile with more confidence.

Soon you three exchange numbers. Soon more YouTubers come and visit you. Each one trying to make your day better.

After a while a paper ball hits your face. "Wow... Thanks.." you mock. You open your eyes to see Joji across behind a booth.

"Seriously? Also you shouldn't be there." you say serious. "Actually my booth is right in front of you." laughed Joji.

"You are dead..." laughed Sean. You lean back on your chair. "Totally..." you agree.

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