《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Welcome


You grab a suitcase and some clothes from your closet. "We will be there for a week. So pack as much clothes as you can." informed Joji. You nod your head.

Ian comes in screaming, "We leave in under 2 hours!!!" You look at him confused, "I thought we were leaving tomorrow..." you whisper. "I checked the tickets, they are for today!" shouted Ian.

Max comes next, "Good job Ian..." muttered Max. Joji comes in, "Ready?!" he asked. You grab the suitcase and your backpack and run out the door with the guys.

You hop into the taxi with Max in the front seat, and you, Ian and Joji in the back seat.

"We still have one hour and a half..." you whisper. "Better to be early than late..." whispered Ian. You roll your eyes and look out the window.

Soon you are running to Gate 12 in the airport. "Have you ever been to California, Los Angeles?" asked Joji. "Nope!" you shout and keep running. "How about... Any place in the world...?" asked Max. "Japan... Australia..." You answer.

"You haven't been anywhere basically..." corrected Ian. "Japan is a wonderful place!" shouted Joji. "Yeah! Australia is a wonderful place!" added Max. Ian rolls his eyes, "You should go to Texas." winked Ian.

Max elbows Ian, "We have a cowboy over here!" he laughs. Ian rolls his eyes.

Soon you sit next to Joji. Ian and Max sit in front of you, facing you. "Airplanes like this exist?" you ask. "What do you mean?" asked Max as he took out a notebook. "Where the seats face each other." you add. "Yes." answered Ian as he took out a book.


Joji leans back in his seat, "This is cool.." you whisper. "Agreed." laughed Joji. You roll your eyes. "Can I look out the window?" you ask. Joji shuts the window, "No... You won't." Joji answers and closes his eyes.

"Ian?" you ask. Ian sighs and closes the window too. "Nope!" he answers and goes back to reading his book. "Fine..." you mutter and look through your backpack.

"What you writing faggot?" asked Ian to Max. A couple behind coughs. Ian looks behind to see two men.

"Shit..." whispered Ian. "Screwed up, cunt?" asked Max. "Shut.. the fuck...up.." whispered Ian. You giggle and go back to writing in your notebook.

"I got you a new book..." informed Joji as he went into his backpack. Your eyes widen. Joji takes out a book filled with 200 pages. He hands it to you, "Thanks..." you whispers. "No problem..." Joji smiles and goes back to leaning back.

"What were you writing, hoe?" asked Ian to Max. "I was writing on about your big-ass forehead but maybe I should be writing ON your forehead!" shouted Max as he grabs a sharpie and starts to draw on Ian's forehead.

Ian finally pushes Max off and looks at you, "Is it bad?" he asked. You look up from your book to see a big dick drawn onto Ian's forehead. "No... He just drew lines..." you lie.

Max smirks, "I will wait and wash it out later..." informed Ian as he went back to reading. You look back at your book. "Nice job..." muttered Joji.

Max hand-fives you quickly and goes back to writing.

"Move hoe.." muttered Ian as he tried to get pass Max. "Why?" asked Max. "I need the bathroom..." cried Ian. "Why?" asked Max. "To pee... and the flight attendants are looking at me weird..." explains Ian. You laugh out loud.


"What did he really draw on my forehead?" asked Ian. "A dick..." answered Joji. "You fa...I mean..." Ian is about to say faggot when the couple behind him give him the death stare.

"You hoe..." muttered Ian to Max. "I thought you were on my side!" shouted Ian to you. "Nah..." you answer. Ian rolls his eyes and jumps over Max's legs.

"You should of have left the dick... You just turned yourself 5% black." laughed Max as Ian came back. The people on the over side give Max death stares. You look at them to see that they are black.

"I think you turned me black..." muttered Ian as he sat down.

You look at the people, "Sorry... They never watch their months..." you smile.

Joji smiles, "You guys... It 10 at night... Well it was... Just go to sleep!" shouted Joji. You smile. You slide the book and notebook into your backpack and lean back with Joji.

"You know what would make this great..." you whisper. "What?" asked Joji. "If we could look up and see stars everywhere..." you answer with a smile. "You are right..." whispered Joji.

Soon you close your eyes and fall asleep slowly.

Joji's Point of View-- "I will just like a coffee..." I inform the flight attendant. I look out the window. "Here..." she whispers.

I take it careful and start to look back out the window. "Why are you still up?" asked the flight attendant. "I want to take a picture as soon as we enter California." I inform.

"Why?" asked the flight attendant. "She hasn't seen the world... I want her to see as much as possible..."I inform.

She smiles, "You are very caring... Have a nice night..." she smiles and walks away. I see the airport.

I take out my camera fast and take a few shots, "The sun... and sky... always beautiful when it is pink..."I whisper to myself.

Your Point of View-- "Women! Wake up!" shouted a voice. You open your eyes to see Max and Ian. You turn your head to the right to see Joji.

"Always out last because of you..." whispered Ian. You laugh and grab your backpack.

You step out of the airplane to feel a cold breeze on your skin. "Fuck..." you whisper. Joji quickly covers you with a hoodie, "I am sorry... Forgot to tell you the whether over here is crazy..." laughed Joji.

You grin and walk into the airport.

You see a lot of people inside holding up signs, "Welcome Coconutowl" you look to your right to see other signs, "Welcome IDubbbzTv." "Welcome FilthyFrankTv!" or "Welcome MaxMoeFoe."

You smile to yourself. "Picture!" shouted a lot of people but you keeping walking with Joji by your side.

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