《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Don't Mess Up


You wake up to see Katt on your bed. Chad, Max and Ian on the floor with you. You try to recall what happened last night. When you remember it feels like you get punched in the stomach.

"The break up..." you whisper. Ian slowly wakes up, "Already up?" he asked. You smile.

"I will go get your mail..." informed Ian as he walked out the room. You step over Max and go into the kitchen. You hear a knock on the door.

You open it to see Lily. "I heard what happened and couldn't just leave to Japan and leave things like this." smiles Lily.

She leads you to Joji' apartment. She opens the door and you see Joji on the floor naked. You look away. Lily grabs a beer can and throws it at Joji.

"Hey!" shouted Joji. When he sees you, he stops smiling. "Hey..." he whispers. You wave. He covers himself with a blanket.

The blanket slides off of Julie's naked body. You cover your eyes and walk back to your apartment. You can hear Joji call your name but you quickly close the door.

Ian comes in with a red face. "Stupid Julie..." he mutters.

"Why?" you ask. "Slut was standing outside in the hallway... Half naked..." informed Ian. You roll your eyes, "Must she even be here?" you ask.

Ian opens a card, "You are invited to YouTube con this year..." smiles Ian. You smile, "That great..." you whisper.

"Have you seen... You have about 5 million subs!" shouted Ian. You grab a cereal box, "It's doesn't matter if you have 5, 10 or even 20 million subs. It's if they are happy for you and can support you in your darkest times and if you are able to cheer them everyday!" you explain.


Ian's eyes widen, "You deserve all the subs in the world." smiles Ian. You roll your eyes and pour yourself some cereal.

A knock is at the door, "Don't answer." you muttered. Ian peeks through the hole, "Joji..." he answers. You look at Ian, "Don't open it." you order.

You hear a ukulele outside,

"I am so sorry.

For the way I treated you.

We had our ups and downs.

But we can could out strong.

Give me on more chance, is all I am begging.

I lost everyone but I need you back

Answer me, like I answer you."

Sang Joji from outside.

You open the door, "Did Julie leave?" you ask. "I left her..." answered Joji. "Why?!" you shout. "I need you... And no one else... People say 'You never know what you had until it's gone' Truth is you know exactly what you had, you just never thought you would lost it." explains Joji.

"Yeah, well you lost everything." you say and close the door on him. Ian sighs and opens the door again.

"Thanks." smiles Joji. "This isn't for you. This is for her." informed Ian. Joji frowns.

You look at Joji, "I don't want to hear an excuses from your month." you inform. Joji smiles, "I just want you back... I was stupid enough to leave you."

"Why did you then?" you ask. "Because of you!" shouted Joji. You roll your eyes. "Nice..." you mutter.

"Okay, look I am not doing good right now. You are mad at me but I need to know one thing.... Do you still love me?" asked Joji.

You look Joji right into his pretty brown eyes, "Many people have brown eyes.... I find those with blue or green eyes to be interesting..." you inform.


Joji and Ian look at you weird. "But you always seem to be an even more interesting human." you add. Joji smiles slowly.

"Of course I still love you!" you shout. Joji steps into your apartment. But you take a step back, "Last time... Next time and I will make sure you forget about me." you warn.

"No more mistakes." promised Joji. You quickly hug him, "I missed you..." you whisper.

"You two are lucky... That I was here to help." laughed Ian.

"Yes... Yes we are." agreed Joji.

"You going to the YouTube con?" asked Joji. You smile, "I am pretty sure 5 million subs gets you into the party." you wink.

"Actually... I checked a minute ago and your channel grew bigger. 15 million." informed Ian. "How?!" you and Joji shout.

"5 million subs was about two weeks ago when I checked. But I checked again to see 15 million." explained Ian.

"You are more famous then me!" shouted Joji. Ian and you laugh, "Hopefully our booths our close or even better together." prayed Ian.

"I am guessing you would be put with the huge guys..." muttered Joji.

"Hey!" shouted Katt as she interrupted you. "Get away from her!" added Jane. You raise your hands, "Guys we are okay again." you inform. "Again!" shouted Chad.

"Hurt her again and I will hurt you!" warned Katt. Joji raises his arms, "I already promised." he informed. "Good!" shouted Katt.

"Don't mess up." laughed Max. "Thanks..." muttered Joji. "They invited me to the party... What about you guys?" asked Max. "Yup!" shouted Ian. "Of course!" mocked Joji. You nod your head.

"What party?" asked Jane and Katt. You smile, "Just a simple party. Where if you are not invited you can't go." you wink.

Katt looks at Max, "You are going to leave me alone?!" she shouts. "You need to do your job!" shouted Max. "Being a flight attendant sucks!" shouted Katt.

"You have a job?" you ask. "Yes, why do you think our tickets cost cheap?" asked Katt. You think about it for a second, "Makes sense now..." you mutter.

"You can come with us..." whispered Max. "Nah! No! Katt you need to start working!" ordered Ian. "Fine...." groaned Katt.

"What about me?" asked Jane. "You need to work too." you point out. Jane sighs, "I tired..."

You look at Joji, "Don't mess up..." you whisper.

Joji laughs, "I won't plan on that." he winked. You smile to yourself.

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