《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Feel


Everyone helps Joji carefully get out of the bus. "Guys... This is necessary." laughed Joji. "We know you. Not your body. We don't know how it can react." explains Ian. Joji only rolls his eyes.

Everyone follows Joji into the hospital. "Carson Miller?" asked Joji. The nurse nods and leads everyone to the room. "He is stable right now." she informs.

Everyone waits outside of the room while Joji goes into the room with his mom. He comes back out and sits next to you. No one says anything.

"Cunt... Are you ever going to get a tattoo of Joji?" asked Max. Everyone's jaw drops. Even Chad's, "I don't think we should..." Ian starts talking but Joji interrupts him, "You did make a bet with Max and me." smirked Joji.

"You assholes ask for too much!" Chad shouts and rolls his eyes. You giggle. "We can go and get it right now!" suggested Joji.

"Wow.... Hold on there Asian cunt!" laughed Ian. "We need to be here until you dad is okay." added Max. "Nah... Besides I need to get my mind out of the dark pits of hell." informs Joji.

Everyone looks at Chad. "God... My beautiful butt.... It is going to hell..." laughed Chad. You giggle. "It was never beautiful in the first place!" laughed Max. "Ooooooooooooh!!!" shouted everyone. Chad rolls his eyes.

You, Joji and Ian take the first taxi to the tattoo shop. Max, Katt, Jane and Chad in another taxi. "Doesn't it hurt to get a tattoo?" asked Ian. "No... It hurts at first but after a while your hand feels... Numb." you explain. Ian nods his head.

"So, what are you planning Joji?" asked Ian. "My face in one butt cheek and on the other cheek a quote saying, Papa Franku is my sugar daddy." explains Joji. You laugh. "That's horrible!" you shout. Joji shrugs "He was asking for it."


You finally arrive at the shop. "We should get another tattoo." suggested Joji. "Hell no! Last time we almost broke up and that tattoo would remind me about you!" you explain.

"Relationships that go through bad experiences only come out more stronger." mocked Joji. You laugh, "Fine." you smile.

The next taxi comes out and it takes everyone even the taxi driver to get Chad out of the car, "I don't want to do this!" he shouted as he grabbed on to the driver.

"Get out of the taxi! Now... Cunt!" shouted Max as he was trying to push Chad out of the car.

Soon inside, Joji checks out the tattoo book. "My face please." he ordered the tattoo artist. "The rest will be secret." winked Joji. Ian and you look at each other knowing what Joji was going to order.

Soon Chad is laying across a bed. "Last time... I film for you guys...." groaned Chad. "Yeah... Sure." laughed Max. "I hope you all have two beautiful children... and they die of cancer...." muttered Chad.

The tattoo artist looks at you weird. "That's how they show their love." you explain. The tattoo artist gets more confused but goes back to work.

Joji pulls you out of the room, "Out turn." smiles Joji. "Great..." you muttered. Joji drags you into a room where a tattoo artist is waiting, "Don't show her until I return with my phone." ordered Joji.

You sit on a chair and extend your arm. You look away from the needle and think about how Joji would be brave and won't cry. So you try to be strong yourself.

Joji comes back in, "I forgot you don't like needles." laughed Joji as he sat next to you. He is to your right now while your second tattoo will be on your left.


"What book.... Did you really fall in love with?" asked Joji. "Me Before You..." you whisper through the pain. "What is that book about?" asked Joji. You hold on tight to his hand and take a deep breathe, "A man... in a wheelchair. His name is Will... His caretaker...Lou... Takes care of him. She has six months to convince him to not die. But, she falls in love with him in the process..." you explain. "Does he die?" asked Joji. You smile and shriek as the needle pokes you too hard.

"Sorry..." whispers the women. "That book is my favorite too..." she smiles. You smile with her.

"If I wanted to die... and if I did... Would you forgive me?" asked Joji. "I would never...Ever, forgive you dumb ass." you laugh. Joji smiles, "Thought so..." he whispers.

Soon the a man comes into the room, "You ready?" asked the man. "Yes." smiles Joji. "Don't show her until I come back." ordered Joji. The women nods and covers your left arm with a towel. "Don't peek." she winks and walks out of the room.

Katt and Jane come in, "Two tattoos... You have beat me in life." laughed Jane. "Is that a good thing?" you ask while laughing. "Bad!" shouted Katt.

They sit on your left, "Look away, so we can peek." ordered Jane. "You won't spoil anything?" you ask. "No one word." promised Katt. You nod and look away.

Katt lifts the towel, "I am already jealous..." whispered Jane. "I especially like the S in Sugar Daddy." laughed Katt.

"He didn't!" you shout. "I was just kidding!" laughed Katt. You sigh.

Katt covers the tattoo again, "You will love it." winks Katt.

Joji comes into the room with a towel over his arm, "Katt please take a video." begged Joji as he hands his phone to her. "Fine..." Katt mutters and points the phone towards you and Joji.

"1....2...3!" shouted Joji as you both lift the towels.

You look down to see so much red.

You see a huge heart and inside of it is a small quote, "I can feel my heart beating in my chest." And below the heart is another quote,"That's the way you should feel your whole life."

You smile to yourself, "It is beautiful...." you whisper through the tears. "I knew you would love it..." smiles Joji. He shows you his tattoo which is exactly the same. Just that on top of the heart it says, "I can feel my heart beating in my chest." while inside of the heart says ,"That's the way you should feel your whole life."

You look up at Joji, "Next tattoo... It is my pick!" You shout. "Watch her demand a penis tattooed on his forehead..." whispered Jane to Katt.

"That's what I was thinking!" you shout. Joji's eyes widen.

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