《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》June


You wake up to Ian. "What are you doing?" you mouth. "Go back to sleep..." mouthed Ian back. You shake your head. You follow him outside.

"I am going to get Max and say sorry." explains Ian as you close the door of the bus. "Really?" you ask. Ian shakes his head. "Even after all those mean things he said?" you ask confused. Ian smiles, "That cunt is mine, can't just leave him in that motel. If he wants to stay there, he will have to make room."

You smile, "Go get him."

Ian runs to the motel and Joji comes out. "I knew one of them would come to their senses." laughed Joji. You roll your eyes.

"Want to go for a walk?" asked Joji. Your eyebrow goes up, "This late at night?" you ask. Joji checks his phone, "It is 3 in the morning. What night?" laughed Joji. You shrug your shoulders and follow Joji around the bus.

"Joji, there isn't no lake, sidewalk or anything. It is just a desert." you inform. "I always wanted to jump from a cliff..." sighed Joji as he looked up at the sky.

"Did you hear me?" you laugh. "Did you hear me?" asked Joji. He turns around to look at you straight into your eyes. "Yes... I did..." you whisper.

"I always thought that would bring me freedom." laughed Joji as he covered his forehead with one of his hands. "Would it?" you ask. "No! It would just bring my mother more into my life." explained Joji.

"She loves you, she wants to take care of you." you explain. "No.... I just... I don't know, I want to jump... Maybe to my death..." explains Joji. Your eyes widen upon hearing the word death.


"You know... All the seizures and medication... It's too much..." Joji doesn't stop looking at the sky. You feel a tear fall on your cheek. "Don't say such things..." you whisper through the pain.

"Do you know my pain?" asked Joji. His eyes meet yours. His serious faces goes into a frown, "Sorry.... I went too far..." Joji tires to hug you.

"No!" you shout pushing him away. "You are mature enough to your decisions... Do what you love..." you start to walk back to the bus.

"Why are you crying?!" shouted Joji. You stop but don't look back at him. "Hearing you say such things makes me believe you regret everything in your life... Even me." you explain and keep walking.

"Don't start assuming!" shouted Joji. He quickly grabs your hand. "You are always running away from this relationship... Do you even love me still?" asked Joji.

The question slaps you in the face. Your jaw drops, "Are you really asking me this?!" you hiss. Joji doesn't look away from your eyes. You shake off his hand. "Don't talk to me until that question is out of your head!" you order.

"Guess this ends our relationship!" shouted Joji. You stop and don't move your hand to the door handle. You feel tears in your eyes. "Fine..." you whisper and run to the motel.

You don't hear anything but the air beat against your ears.

"Bob! We have another one of those teens!" shouted a women. "How many we help you?" asked a guy. "I would like a room." you say through the tears.

"You brought a bus... What is wrong with you and your friend's head?" asked the women. "We are going through a lot of pain." you explain.


"We have a bar." informed the women. "That isn't necessary." you frown. The women rolls her eyes, "One drink won't hurt you." she informs.

You follow the women into another room. Slow music fills the room. A dim room. You sit around a table and the women comes back with some drinks, "This might help." she informs pouring everything into one cup.

"Drink up!" she smiles, shoving the cup into your face. The smell burns your nose, "What is that?" you groan. "My special vodka, red bull and a pitch of red wine with some double X." smiles proudly the women.

You smile back and take the cup. "I am only 24...." you warn. "I have had worst at age 18." bragged the women. You fake a laugh.

"What is your name?" you ask. Before she can answer you think a quick sip and your throat burns. "Fu..." you scream.

You get up with a lot of energy. "This is the shit!" you shout taking a sip after sip. "While... Thank you." smiles the women. "By the way, my name is June." You smile.

"Nice to meet your June. My name is (Y/N)." you introduce yourself and put down the cup. Which was empty. "Another one coming up!" laughed June.

You talk with June some more, after having about one TOO many. "I must go..." you burp. "The fun was just going to start!" laughed June as she took a sip from red wine.

"You know... All you have been drinking is Red wine..." you inform. "Honey... An old women like me doesn't some rest. Not a hungover." laughed June.

You get a confused look. "You look so young through..." you inform. "I am 55." whispered June.

Soon the door slams and Joji comes in, "You have kept everyone waiting! Are you drunk?!" shouted Joji. You smirk.

"June meet Joji... Joji meet June." you add. "We are leaving..." muttered Joji. "She is just getting started through!" whined June. "With what?!" shouted Joji.

"She deserves to drink until all her feelings are out!" explained June. You soon feel lightheaded from all the yelling. "June.." you whisper in a sick tone.

"What sweetie?" asked June. She faces goes serious when she sees your face.

"You like the color green? Don't you?" asked Joji with a serious tone. "I guess..." you laugh and soon the floor rises and slaps you in the face first.

Joji's Point of View-- "Hey!" I shout as (Y/N) falls to the floor. "Oh dear... Seems like she drink one too many." laughed June. Soon she fell to the floor as well.

I shake my head, "I am sorry..." I whisper into her ear as I carry her on my back, back to the bus.

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