《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》$60.59


You climb on to the bus. "We are heading home." announces Ian. You lay down on your bed.

"You okay?" asked Jane. "Yeah." you smile and roll over on your side.

"Winning isn't everything... You know right?" asked Katt. "I just need some rest guys..." you whisper and close your eyes.

"Well... Next stop some motel!" shouted Ian as he started to move the bus.

You don't go to sleep though you lay on the bed thinking.

"You awake?" asked Joji. You turn to face him. "What?" you ask. "Want to take a guess on what I studied?" asked Joji.

You make room on the bed so he can sit next to you. "Music?" you ask. Joji smiles, "Yes and what else?" asked Joji. "That's all..." you whisper. "I also went to film classes." answers Joji.

Everyone gets off the bus expect you and Joji. "Owen.... Was he a great teacher?" asked Joji. "Yes... He actually was!" you answer. "Ms.Gomez?" you ask. "She was great! She would always put a smile on my face." explains Joji.

Soon music started to play. "What the..." you whisper looking around. "Just listen..." smiles Joji as he holds your hand. Soon lyrics filed your ears.

"Take to the middle

meet in the the middle"

You can hear it repeat in your head.

"Like it?" asked Joji. "Sounds weird...I don't like it." you frown. "What?!" shouts Joji. You smile, "I don't like it.... I love it."

Joji hugs you. "I worked on it for too long..." confesses Joji. "You didn't have too..." you whisper.

"No... I did..." whispers Joji.


"Who did you get to sing the lyrics?" you ask. "Some friends. I sent them what they had to sing and they sent back the auto." explains Joji. You smile. "Thank you..."

Ian comes back onto the bus, "Want to have a late late late date with the rest of us?"

Joji pulls you to Ian, "of course!" he shouts.

You roll your eyes, "I am tired... But why not.."

You walk out to see everyone laying on the floor.

"What happened? Did they die already?" you ask. Joji laughs.

"No..." Ian pinches Joji. Joji stops himself from laughing. "We are going to stargaze and talk about life." explains Katt.

You lay down next to Joji. "You know... This is WAY better..." you smile.

"Better than getting pushed down a hill in a cart?" asked Joji. "Yes!" you laugh.

You look up and soon everything was dark.

Joji's Point of View-- "Looks like she fell asleep..." muttered Jane. "You don't sound surprise." laughed Ian. "She was always like this, after every hangover she would walk to our dorm but only make it half way." explains Jane. Katt laughs, "Seems like nothing has changed."

I sigh and get up slowly. "Leave her... She needs to feel the air after being through so much today." begs Jane.

I go back to the grass and soon the air hits us hard. I turn to face (Y/N) her frown turns into a smile and she whispers my name. I can feel myself blush.

I face Ian, "Do you regret anything in your life?" asked Max.

"I regret studying to become an actress..." muttered Jane.

"I regret not traveling..." sighed Katt.


All I can hear around me were their complaints.

"Joji!" I hear my name and my eyes open.

"Any regrets?" asked Ian.

"No.... None at all..." I smile and close my eyes again.

"I regret everything in my life until now." I hear (Y/N)

Your Point of View-- "Weren't asleep?" asked Joji. "I was just the air woke me up." you confess.

"What do you regret the most?" asked Katt.

"Living the life my parents wanted me to live. Having the friends my parents wanted me to have. All of them were bad decisions." you sigh and look at the sky.

"I regret meeting you!" shouted Ian. You look up to see him pointing at Max.

"Wow... Hold on sugar daddy." laughed Max as he put his hands up in the sky. "I am innocent!"

"Yeah right?! Who was the one who got me in a waldo suit and make me step onto rat traps?!" asked Ian.

"That would be me..." whispered Max.

"The one who gets me to play games and drink shots when I lose?!" asked Ian.

"That would be me again..." confessed Max.

"The one who makes me travel all over the world?!" shouted Ian.

"Me again! But don't you LOVE to travel princess?!" asked Max.

"I would love to just take a rest!" shouted Ian.

Joji got up and covered Max's month. "I don't want that language around here..." informed Joji. Max bites down on Joji's hand.

"Ow! Bitch!" shouted Joji as he cleaned his hand on his pants.

"You stupid ass bitch cunt! You ungrateful son of a bitch! You should just kill yourself if you want to take a rest!" Shouted Max.

Everyone becomes silent. "Anything else you want to say?" asked Ian.

"Go into that bus if you don't want to be friends... Stay if you find courage within you..." muttered Max as he sat back down.

"The stars are worth seeing... Not your dirty ass cunt!" shouted Ian as he stomped to the bus.

"Max...You should of had not said that..." whispered Joji. "Who's side are you on?!" shouted Max.

"I am on the right side!" shouted Joji but he soon laughed, "Did you get that?" asked Joji. You smile, "I don't think it is the right time to start making jokes..."

"Right... Sorry..." Joji blushes and looks back at Max. "Just go say sorry..." muttered Joji.

"Are you on his side?!" shouted Max. "No... But you did say some mean things." explained Joji.

"Go die in a ditch!" shouted Max as he walked to the motel.

"Remember it cost $60.59 for a room!" shouted Joji. "Who the fuck cares!" shouted Max.

Chad bites down on his lips, "It did look like you were against him..." whispers Katt.

"You heard what he told Ian. Both should say sorry to each other." adds Joji.

You look at Max slam the door. "You guys coming?!" shouted Ian from the bus.

You sigh. Joji holds your hand. "It will be okay..." he informs.

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