《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》White


You go back upstairs to see Max, Ian,Katt, Chad and Jane waiting for you. "We thought we would make a new video." smiles Ian.

You walk hand in hand with Joji to the bus. You go in and Chad hands you a fold up table. "You can carry some chairs as well." informs Chad.

Joji stops Chad from walking away, "Shouldn't you be carrying this, big guy." laughs Joji as he takes the table from you and hands it to Chad. "Can't you do it!" shouted Chad into Joji's face.

"I actually with Joji, you should be carrying the table." adds Ian. "I am not going to carry the table when Max needs my help with the camera." muttered Chad. "I can help Max with the cameras. For now, you can carry the table." smiles Ian as he hands the table to Chad.

Chad gives up and takes the table and one other chair. "Sorry about that, Chad isn't having such a great today." informs Ian.

"I don't think anyone is..." you mutter as you take three chairs and follow Max out of the bus.

Joji is carrying come chairs as well. Jane and Katt help with bring more Chairs. Ian and Max are carrying some cameras and laughing as Max explains what will happen in the video.

"so what are we doing today?" you ask Joji. "Card games." answers Joji. "Why bring a whole table and chairs, when we can use the lunch room?" asked Katt. "You will see." smiles Joji as he runs to Ian's side.

"This is going to be a weird video...Isn't it?" asked Jane. "You are correct!" shouted Chad.

Soon everyone was pushed into an elevator. "Okay, make room so Chad can place the table. Everyone else get ready.


You and Joji sit next to each other. "Won't this get is in trouble?" asked Katt. "Now a days people don't use the elevator. They use the stairs. We will be fine." smiles Joji.

Ian and Max start the cameras. "Today will we just have a fun time.... In an elevator!" shouted Max.

"We will drink shots for every pair we make." shouted Ian as he took out some bottles.

"We are SO going to get in trouble!" laughed Katt.

"Okay! I want this fight clean and no cheating.... Start the elevator again!" ordered Chad. Katt presses a button and the elevator starts up again.

You feel you stomach go up side down, "Is this a goo idea to be in an elevator while taking shots?" you ask Joji.

"Hell no! But be strong soldier!" laughed Joji.

You look across you and focus your eyes on Ian's big forehead.

Ian passes the cards around. You look at them to see them all be diamonds and hearts. One queen of hearts and another a queen of diamonds.

"Hey Joji, we can work together..." you lean onto him.

"I hate to play dirty..." confessed Joji. You look at him straight in the eyes. The elevator goes down and that feeling in your stomach comes back.

"Is your favorite color green?" asked Joji. "No.... Why?" you manage to ask. "You whole face is green." laughed Joji.

"Take out your pairs!" shouted Ian as he laid two pairs down. "Shots for days!" shouted Ian as he took the bottle from Max.

"I have none..." whispered Max.

"Give me one..." ordered Chad as he laid down a pair.


Katt and Jane have no pairs.

"Hand me the bottle..." whispered Joji as he laid down three pairs. You look at his hand to see only one more card.

"Bitch! Said you didn't play dirty!" you shout. Joji laughs. "Ian passed the cards, all I am doing is playing." corrected Joji.

You look down at your cards and put two pairs down, "Pass the bottle." you order.

Joji gives you the bottle. "You sure?" asked Joji.

"Yes!" you shout. You pour yourself a shot in a small cup and swallow down two shots. The taste burns your throat but you ignore it.

"Your favorite color red?" asked Joji. You roll your eyes. "Yes!" you shout and go but to the game.

"Any.... Queen of hearts?" asked Ian. You look at your pile. Your eye widen. "Anyone?" asked Ian. "Nope!" answers Max.

You shake your head in agreement. "You guys sure?" asked Ian. Every shakes their heads."Fine..."

"Anyone have one of diamonds?" asked Max. "I do..." answered Joji as he put down the card. "I win..." smiles Joji.

"Way to screw things up, cunt!" shouted Chad as he threw down his cards.

The elevator doors open. You turn around to see Owen.

"Have room for one more?" asked Owen. You smile. "Luck for you we brought two chairs extra!" shouted Max as he unfold a chair.

Owen makes his way to the chair. " Luck for all of us, we can also start a new game!" added Max.

You lean on Joji, "How?" you ask. "I didn't cheat..." whispered Joji. "Fine...." you whisper and lean back.

Ian passes the cards. Each person gets 7 cards.

"Let all the pairs out!" ordered Ian.

Owen, Joji and you put down three pairs which leaves one card for the each of you.

Katt, Jane and Chad don't have any pairs yet.

Leaves Ian and Max with only one pair.

"Shot!" shouted Owen as he took the first shot of the second round.

Joji passes you the cup and bottle. You take the last drink slowly, leaving your throat bitter and strong.

"Everything can get ruined here..." laughed Ian. "I will go!" volunteered Owen. "3 of hearts?" asked Owen. You look down and shake your head no.

"5 of diamonds?" asked Chad. The elevator makes your stomach turn up side down again. "You seriously like the color red." laughed Joji.

You put down your card. "I win..." you hiccup. The elevator doors open and your rush out.

"Bathroom... Need the bathroom..." you whisper as you look around for the bathroom sign. "Take a right! Than another right!" you hear Joji shout.

You follow his instructions to find a bathroom just in time.

You come back out to see Joji leaning against the door. "That teacher of yours can really beat everyone under 10 seconds." laughed Joji.

"You guys played a third round?" you ask leaning against the wall beside him. "Yes, until Max and Ian also had to throw up. Chad and the rest stayed and cleaned up everything. I figured you would be lost." laughed Joji.

You punch in the arm. "That hurt..." mocked Joji. You roll your eyes. "I found out what my favorite color is..." you whisper. "What is it?" asked Joji. "White..." you smile and start to walk back to the bus.

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