《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Road Trip


You wake up to Ian screaming, "Wake up!!! Asian faggot!" shouted Ian. You slowly wake up. Joji laughs, "You don't tell anything to her?!" shouts Joji. "You can go back to sleep honey, we still have two hours." smiles Ian at you. You giggle, "I am already wide awake." you explain.

You get out of Joji's bed. "Hey, you are feeling better?" asked Ian. You nod your head. "Good. Joji make sure to get ready in 20 minutes." ordered Ian. "Understood..." smiled Joji. "I only need to get dress..." you explain. "See you out in the hallway." smiles Joji.

You walk to your apartment. You rush to your backpack to find that your three suitcases are gone. "What the..." you whisper. Ian comes into your room, "Don't worry, we already took your suitcases." explains Ian. You roll your eyes, "Thanks." You grab some clothes an run to the bathroom.

You grab your backpack from your room and rush out into the hallway. You wait there for awhile until Joji finally shows up. "Ready?" asked Joji. "Yup." you smile. Joji takes your hand and takes you down the stairs. Ian is sitting in the lobby.

Joji runs towards him, "Boo!" shouts Joji. Ian jumps up and says curse words that you would never understand. "Wow...." you whisper. "Dammit Joji!" shouted Ian. "Sorry..." laughs Joji. Ian rolls his eyes, "Go choke on something..." muttered Ian.

Ian finally gets over it and leads you outside. You see a huge truck, "Wow..." you whisper. "Just wait until you get inside." smiles Ian. Joji takes your hand and leads you inside.

You enter to see a kitchen, a bathroom, and 10 beds in the way back. "It is big..." you whisper. "That is what she said." laughs Ian. Joji punches him. "Ow!" shouted Ian. "Stop it with that dirty shit..." hissed Joji. Ian rolls his eyes. He heads towards the front of the truck.


You turn to see Max sitting in the front, "We only have to pick up Chad and Katt." informed Max. "Take a seat, so you don't fall." explains Ian. You take a sit on one of the couches in the middle, located between the bathroom and beds.

"Worried?" asked Joji as he took out his laptop. "Nope!" you lie. "Your voice just almost cracked..." informed Joji. "No, it didn't.." you lie again. Joji rolls his eyes. "Anyways, don't worry. This will be fun." smiles Joji as he logs into his laptop.

You look out the window. "Wow..." you whisper. Soon the truck stops. "Why did we stop?" you ask. Ian gets up and opens the door. Chad and Katt quickly walk in. "Because of us. What? Do you not want us to come?" asked Katt. "No! Of course I want you to come!" you shout. Katt laughs, "I know that!" You roll your eyes and look back out the window.

"Next stop, is Jane's!" announces Ian.

You talk with Katt, "So, who would you say is your best friend?" asked Katt. "I am sorry but Jane is my best friend." you explain. Katt frowns, "you are too! But Jane has been there more." you explain. Katt gets up, "Chad... Can we switch spots?" asked Katt. "Um... Sure..." whispered Chad as he switched spots with Katt. "Katt..." you whisper. "No, Jane can take my place!" shouted Katt as she walked to one of the beds and laid down.

You roll your eyes. Soon the bus stops again. Ian opens the door to Jane. "Hey!" shouted Jane as she gets on. You wave. "Where should I stay?" asked Jane. "How about next to (Y/N) since she says you are her best friend!" shouted Katt. Jane frowns, "This is going to be a long trip..." whispered Jane. You nod your head in agreement.


Jane sits next to you, "So Joji, ready to tell us what you studied in?" asked Jane. "Nope!" answers Joji but not looking up from his laptop. "Cold..." whispers Jane into your ear. You laugh, "He is very secretive." you explain.

Soon you are out in the plain fields. "This is going to be fun..." exclaims Jane as she looks out the window. "Maybe her you!" hissed Katt. "Katt! Stop having this attitude!" shouted Max. Katt rolls her eyes and closes the curtains so no one sees her. You frown, "Katt..." you whisper. "Leave me alone (Y/N)!" shouted Katt. You roll your eyes and look back at Jane.

"Don't let anything she does, bring you down..." you suggest. "I wasn't going to let that happened." laughed Jane. You smile, "Good." Jane frowns, "You should take your advice though." informed Jane. "I will..." you laugh.

Soon Ian stops at a motel parking. "I will go ask if it is okay to park here." informed Ian. Everyone sits and waits for Ian.

Katt comes out from behind the curtains, "Why would you pick her over me?!" shouted Katt. "I have known you for 1 week. I have known Jane for a lot of years. Katt just accept the fact that Jane is my best friend but so are YOU!" you shout. "I won't!" shouted Katt as she runs to the bathroom and locks herself in it.

"Don't worry..." whispers Max. You frown. Ian comes back. "They said yes." informs Ian. "Good..." whispers Jane. "

Max knocks on the bathroom door. "Katt, we need to change." informs Katt. "Go to the motel!" shout Katt. "We will have to pay." mutters Ian. "Does it look like I care?" asked Katt. Joji rolls his eyes, "You know what... I would have Jane as a girlfriend rather than you!" shouted Max. Everyone's jaw drops.

The bathroom door opens slowly. Katt has tears in her eyes and a red face. "I just said that!" shouted Max. Katt pushes Max out of the way and runs to the motel. Ian runs to the door, "We are not paying for anything!" informs Ian.

You frown, "Ian..." you mutter. "I am not paying for her stupid decisions." shrugged Ian. "None of us are!" shouted Max. "Chad go and change no!" ordered Max. "I will go find her..." informed Max as he walks out.

You go into the bathroom next and change. Into sweatpants and a simply shirt. You come out to see Katt and only Katt on the couch. "Hey..." you smile. Katt frowns, "Why are you happy to see me?" asked Katt. "You are my best friend! I will always be happy to have you!" you explain. Katt laughs, "how are you not upset with me?" asked Katt. "You were jealous, I understand." you smile. Katt hugs you, "Thank you.." she whispers.

Everyone gets onto the bus, "Can we no have fun for the rest of the trip?" asked Ian. You and Katt smile, "Yes!" you both shout.

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