《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》One Day


You wake up to see Katt sitting in a chair, "What?" you ask. "In one day we are leaving... I want you to check if I have everything." informed Katt. "Fine..." you muttered and sit up. "I am cold..." you whisper. "But it is so sunny outside!" exclaimed Katt. "I think I am about to get sick again..." you explain. "Better not!" shouted Katt. You laugh, "I won't." you roll your eyes.

Soon you get a phone call. You check it to see that it is from Jane. You pick it up, "Hello." you smile. "Tomorrow we are leaving!" shouted Jane. "I know!" you shout back. "Just make sure to pick me up!" explains Jane. You laugh, "We will make sure to forget about you." you joke. "You already did once, don't do it a second time..." muttered Jane. "That hurts..." you frown. "Sorry, anyways see you tomorrow!" You hang up on Jane.

"Why should she can always..." muttered Katt. "Because it was her idea to go on a road trip." Katt rolls her eyes. "Just check this bag for me." ordered Katt. You get out of bed and fall to the floor. "Are you okay?" laughed Katt. "My legs... They feel weak..." you inform Katt. "Let me help, they should be asleep." Katt helps you up. Just take a few steps and fall again but this time you fall and everything goes dark.

"OMG! (Y/N) get up!" you hear Katt shout but you don't have enough energy to open your eyes. "Joji! Joji! (Y/N) just fainted! Call someone!" shouted Katt into a phone. Next thing you know you can see or hear anything.


Joji's Point of View-- "Katt said they are at the hospital already. Make a turn here!" I ordered Chad who was driving. "How could she have fainted?" asked Max. "Katt said she had weak legs and fell and hit her head." I explain. "Weird..." whispered Ian. "Just pray she is okay!" shouted Chad. "She is okay!" I shout back.

Your Point of View-- You feel your hands wet, "What the.." you whisper. You slowly open your eyes to see Joji in tears. He is resting his head on your hand. "Joji?" you shake him awake. "Hey..." whispered Joji with a yawn. You giggle, "Where are we?" you ask. "hospital, you fell to the floor and hit your head." explains Joji.

"What?!" you shout. Joji places his finger to his month, "Shh... You are okay, doctor says you didn't have enough sugar and it made your whole body weak." explains Joji. "Thank god..." you whisper. "No! no thank god! This is your fault for not eating a good breakfast or any good meal!" shouted Joji. You roll your eyes, "Just take care of yours..." laughed Joji.

The doctor comes back in, "You are okay to leave whenever." smiles the doctor. Joji and you say thank you. You sit up and grab your clothes from the table. "So, why were you crying?" you ask. Joji turns around while you change, "You do know you are my girlfriend...Right?" asked Joji. "Yes." you smile. "Than way would there be any other reason?" asked Joji. "Fair enough." you sigh.

You and Joji walk out of the room. "Take care!" shouted the doctor. You smile and wave. Joji and you take the elevator. "Where are the rest?" you ask. "They need to eat, just like you do too." informed Joji. "Lead the way...." you mutter.


You follow Joji to one of a Panera in front of the hospital. "This is a great place to eat." explains Joji. You nod your head in agreement.

You walk in and Joji orders a sandwich for both of you. "So, for how long as I passed out?" you ask and take a bite from the sandwich. "2 or 3 hours." informed Joji. "Wow.." you whisper. "Katt did say you hit your head hard." added Joji. "I didn't feel good... I was cold and my knees were weak." you explain. "His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti." laughed Joji. You grab an onion and throw it at Joji. "Ew!" shouted Joji. You giggle.

Joji and you walk out of Panera. "Hey, Ian! We are outside of the hospital!" shouted Joji into his phone. he hangs up, "They will soon arrive, they had problem again with Calvin." informed Joji. You frown when you hear Calvin's name. "What is going on with him and Ian?" you ask. "Ian said some shit about Calvin. So Calvin said shit back. Both there fans are say Ian's roast was better but Calvin was just stating stupid shit." explains Joji. "God..." you whisper. "YouTube Drama!" shouted Joji. You giggle.

Ian soon pulls up. "That was fast..." muttered Joji. "I didn't want to stick with Calvin..." explains Ian. You nod your head. "Anyways, are you okay (Y/N)?" asked Ian. You smile, "Better than ever."

You climb into the back seat with Joji. You lay your head against his shoulder. "I just want to go home..." you whisper. "Are you cold?" asked Joji. "No, why?" you ask. "Your cheeks are cold..." informed Joji. You touch your cheeks and feel coldness, "You are right..." you whisper. "do you want to go to the hospital?" asked Ian. "No... I would rather go head and bury myself in blankets." you laugh. Ian smiles, "Whatever you say.

You arrive to your apartment door. You enter with Joji. "Why are you here?" you ask Joji. "I was going to bury myself with you..." explained Joji. You roll your eyes. You walk into your room and Joji follows, "My bed isn't big." you explain. "Mine is..." whispered Joji. You grab a few blankets and Joji does too. "Let's go." smiles Joji.

You arrive into his room. Both of you jump into the bed and roll into a blanket. "This is better..." you whisper. Joji nods his head in agreement. You lay your head back onto his chest. "You know you are still cold... Right?" asked Joji. "It doesn't matter..." you whisper and close your eyes. Before you know it, you are asleep.

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