《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Birthday


You wake up to see a bunch of tweets and notification on your phone. "What is going on?" you ask yourself as you check your phone. "What are you doing to do for Joji's birthday?" you read some of the messages. "It is his birthday..?" you ask. You quickly sit up. A new message from Lily appears. "Throwing a surprise party for Joji. Meet us at the park." you read the text. You quickly call Ian.

"Are you at the park?" asked Ian. "No! Is it really his birthday?" you asked. "Yes!" shouted Ian. "What does he like?" you ask getting up from the bed. "He likes.... I don't know..." muttered Ian. You grab some clothes from the closet. "Ian! Tell me!" you shout. "I don't know what he wants. Usually he tells us... But this time he didn't..." explained Ian. "Dammit!" you shout. "It would be amazing if you make him a hand made present..." thought Ian out loud. "It is too late for that!" you shout. "Than... I don't know!" shouted Ian. "I will see you at the park.." you mutter and hang up.

You rush out of your room and towards the door. You rush out and lock your door but Joji comes out, "What day is it?" asked Joji. "Sunday..." you answer. "Yeah... But the number." explained Joji. "The 18th..." you answer. "Of what month?" asked Joji. "September..?" you try to act clueless. "So what does that mean?" asked Joji. "That I don't have work!" you shout. "And?" asked Joji. "I can have a day to myself!" you shout. Joji slams his head on the door. "I will see you tonight." you kiss Joji on the cheek and run down the stairs.


You speed walk to the park to see everyone. "Hey." smiles Lily. You wave. "So, what will Joji want this year?" asked Carson, the father of Joji. "He didn't tell us..." muttered Ian. "He didn't!" shouted Lily. "What will we get him?" asked Ella. "Well... He is going to go out with Carson to some stores... So that leaves Ella and me working at his apartment to get the party ready... That leaves Ian, Max, Katt, Chad and (Y/N) to get him a present..." explained Lily.

"I will go and meet up with him now. Coming Robin?" asked Carson. "Yes!" shouted Robin as he followed Carson. "That leaves you kids to each find Joji a present." ordered Ella. "So... Joji will get five presents?" asked Ian. "Yes!" shouted Ella. "This is going to be hard..." whispered Chad.

Lily and Ella leave next. "What should we get him?" asked Katt. "I call giving him a camera!" shouted Chad. "Dammit..." whispered Ian. "I will get him some beers!" shouted Max. "Beers?" you ask. "It is a nice gift..." whispered Max. "That is SO lame!" shouted Katt. "I don't see neither of you getting ideas!" shouted Max. "Watch my gift be better than yours!" challenged Katt. "Never!" shouted Max. "Watch me!" snapped Katt. "It is on!" shouted Max. You giggle.

"I will think about it, while walking around the mall..." thought Ian out loud. "You should sent us a picture, just so we don't get the same things." suggested Max. "Sure..." whispered Ian. You still don't know what to get him. "What about you (Y/N)?" asked Chad. "I know!" you shout. Everyone looks at you. "Matching outfits!" you answer. Everyone starts to laugh, "Good luck trying to get him into the same outfit, as you!" laughed Ian. You pinch his arm. "Ow!" shouted Ian.


"We will meet at (Y/N)'s apartment at 5." ordered Ian. Everyone nods their heads in agreement. You each walk away from each other. "What is his shoe size?" you ask yourself.

You head to a Vans store. "Watch is his size?" you mutter as you look around for some good shoes. You take out your phone, you quickly dial Lily. "Hey... Lily, do you know Joji's shoe size?" you ask. "7....Okay thanks." Lily hangs up on you. You look around some more. "What could his favorite color be... White or pink..." you answer yourself. You take two different shoes, "Excuse me?" you wave a worker over. "What shoes would you want?" you ask. The work points at the white Vans. "Thank you.." you smile. The worker smiles back and leaves. You put the pink Vans down and order some white Vans in a number 7.

You look around for some shirt. "God...This whole last minute thing... Makes me stress..." you whisper to yourself. "What are you doing here?" asked a voice behind you. You turn around to see Joji. "No.." you mutter. "No what?" asked Joji. "Just... This is a day to myself and you are here..." you explain. "Wow... I feel so welcome." laughed Joji. "I am sorry... I just want to have some alone time..." you smile. "It's okay, I just came to get some Vans." explained Joji. "No!" you shout. "No what?" asked Joji. "No! Vans for you!" you shout. "Why not?" asked Joji. "Vans are my thing... Converse look more like you thing..." you explain. "What?" asked Joji. "Go away..." you laugh and turn back to the shirts.

"Fine... See you tonight!" shouted Joji as he left the store. "I am so lucky he isn't as stubborn as other guys..." you sigh in relief. You pick three shirts. one that is white with flamingos, another one in pink and the words Vans in the front and a block shirt with a palm tree.

You walk out of the store. You walk pass a window filed with necklaces and bracelets. "Wait..." you whisper and go back to the window. "I like those two..." you whisper as you look straight at one necklace with a pineapple and another one with a cactus. You walk into the store. "Hello, how may I help you?" asked an older women. "I would like those two." you point at the two necklaces. "Sure thing..." smiles the lady as she walks into the back room.

You wait at the counter for her to come back. "Here." smiles the women as she hands you two boxes. "How much?" you ask as you get your wallet from your backpack. "15." answers the women. "15 hundred?" you ask. "No just 15." corrected the lady. "How?" you ask. "I am a cheap women." winked the women. You smile and give her 50 dollars, "Keep the cash." you smile. "No! I couldn't!" shouted the women. "Yes, you can." you smile. "Fine...Thank you VERY much." exclaimed the old lady. "No problem." you smile and walk out of the store.

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