《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Fun and Games


You wake up and your whole room is cold, "God..." you whisper as you try to warm up your hands. You sit on the edge of your bed. You look at your camera. "I have uploaded some videos from Japan and Australia..." you talk to yourself. You look at your phone, "I will check some comments." you stand up and pick up your phone. All you see is hate comments on both you and Joji dating, while others were happy about you traveling. You smile at the nice comments, but try to ignore the other mean comments.

You check the time to read, seven. You put the phone back on the desk. "Time to get ready for work..." you smile. You walk to the closet and get some clothes. You slip into them quickly.

You walk to the kitchen. You get two energy bars. "What else do I need?" you ask yourself. You check your pockets to make sure you have your phone and some money. "Oh right!" you shout and run to the bathroom.

There sitting on the bathroom counter was the necklace Calvin gave you. You quickly put it on.

You rush to the door. Waiting outside for you was Calvin. "Hey..." you whisper. Calvin gets up from the floor. You quickly lock the door. "I am having a hard time... I just need a friend and a book..." explains Calvin. You smile, "I have the right person and book just for you."

Calvin follows you to the lobby. "You know... Do you know why I got that necklace?" asked Calvin. "No, Joji, Robert and me were confused." you explain. "Paper Towns... Travel by plane." Calvin gives you a hint. "Oh!! Now I get it!" you shout. "Good." Calvin laughs a little.

You enter the store to see Robert. "Hey." smiled Robert but right away he frowns when he sees Calvin. "I come as a friend." explains Calvin. "But still... Shouldn't it be Joji?" asked Robert. "Don't be rude..." you hiss. Robert shakes his head, "Isn't rude, if it is the truth..." muttered Robert.


Robert steps out of the store. "You should read that book..." you point at a book with a red cover. "Me Before You?" asked Calvin as he picked up the book. "I heard it was good..." you explain. "Fine..." whispers Calvin as he sits and starts to read the book.

"But why are you not in a good mood today?" you ask. "I see you are wearing the necklace..." smiles Calvin not looking up from the book. You hide the necklace, "I asked you a question..." you hiss. "Some things are going on with me and another YouTuber..." explains Calvin. "Don't you always have a problem with someone..." you laugh. "This time... It is with Ian." muttered Calvin. "No..." you whisper. Calvin shakes his head still not looking up from his book.

"Why with Ian?" you ask. "Some reasons.... Just check some YouTube videos and you will see why." explains Calvin. You shake your head. You look out the window to see Joji, Ian, Max, Chad and Katt hanging out. "What the..." you whisper getting up. "What?" asked Calvin, finally looking up from the book. "They are all hanging out without me..." you explain, you point out towards the window to the group. "That is cold..." whispered Calvin.

The bell rings and Calvin is out the door, "Calvin!" you shout. You run towards the door, "I can't leave the store..." you hiss. You stop yourself from walking out of the store. You run to the windows.

Calvin is yelling into Joji's face. Ian is trying to hold in his laughter. While the rest are having confused faces. Finally, Calvin clams down. Joji smiles and punches Calvin into the jaw. "That's it!" you shout and run out of the store.

You run across the street to the group. Calvin is on the floor, screaming in pain. "Joji! Why?!" you shout. Joji's eyes widen. You fall to the floor trying to help Calvin, "You okay?" you ask. Calvin nods his head, "You know.... Your new video sucks... It wasn't even funny." smirked Ian. Calvin pushes himself off the floor and punches Ian. "Calvin!" you shout.


"Stop getting in this..." muttered Katt into your face. "I am in this! Because you guys are hanging out without me!" you shout into her face. "You don't always have to be with us!" hissed Katt. "Well, maybe I shouldn't go on the road trip with you guys!" you shout into her face. Before Chad could punch Calvin, everyone looks at you. "I don't want to do anything with you guys! It is over!" you shout and run back to the store.

You rush into the store. Robert is waiting for you inside, "Where were you?" asked Robert. "outside... I wasn't too far away." you explain. "Why are your eyes red?" asked Robert. You suddenly feel tears running down your cheek. "Joji... And Calvin..." you whisper but before you could say anything else, you burst into tears.

"I should walk you home..." whispered Robert as he helped you out the door. He quickly closes the door. "I am so sorry..." you whisper. Robert shakes his head, "Let's just get you home." you push him away, "I need.... I need... I need Joji.." you whisper.

You feel a hand, on your back, "Here..." whispers someone into your ear. "Please take her home. If you aren't okay to work tomorrow, I understand." smiles Robert as he walks into the store. Joji takes your hand, "Ready?" Joji looks deep into your deeps. "Ready..." you smile.

You arrive at your apartment. "What happened?" asked Joji. You both sit on the couch. "You tell me." you whisper. "We were just doing a video..." whispered Joji. "lies..." you mutter. You wipe away some tears. "Fine... We were planning to do somethings but Calvin came in and started yelling." Joji explains. "What things?" you ask. "Getting somethings from stores." Joji whispers. "I don't want lies..." you give him a cold stare.

"Max and Katt went on a date. Max then texted us to come. He just wanted to leave. So, we went to the restaurant. Katt got mad at Max, that is why she was rude to you before." Joji looks into your eyes, "No lies?" you ask. "No lies." reassured Joji.

"Thank you..." you whisper. "We weren't hanging out.. We were actually all mad at each other." added Joji. "Why?" you ask. "Calvin and Ian are having problems, Max and Katt and than Chad was mad at all four of us for not staying at the restaurant." Joji tries to explain. "What;s the problem with Ian and Calvin?" you ask. "Ian made fun of Calvin in a video. So Calvin did the same, but Calvin did a horrible job." laughed Joji.

"That is why he was in a bad mood..." you whisper. "Bad mood?" asked Joji. "Calvin came to see me. He wanted to hang out." you explain. "Hang out?!" shouted Joji. "As FRIENDS!" you explain. "Where?!" asked Joji. "At the store..." you answer. "Was Robert there?!" asked Joji. "No..." you answer quietly.

"Wow... When were you planning to tell me?" asked Joji. You don't answer. "I will only forgive you... If you forgive all of us and go on the road trip..." threaten Joji. "Fine...Besides, I can't stay mad at you..."

Joji pulls you into a hug.

Joji's point of View-- "Calvin is SO dead..." I think to myself.

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