《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Super Hero


You walk out of the store in a black cape and your normal clothes, "That is sad!" shouted Ian as he came out with blue tights, red underwear with a blue shirt and green cape. "You are sad!" you hiss. "That is true..." confessed Ian. You giggle. Joji comes out next. He is in all pink except a black cape. "Wow..." you whisper. "Cancer shit over here!" shouted Ian. You elbow Ian, "Now, that's mess up." laughed Joji.

Max and Katt come out with matching outfits. "I take it but... That is more sad..." laughed Ian. Both Max and Katt have purple shirts, pink tights with black shorts but Katt has a pink cape while Max has a black cape. "I agree." laughed Joji. "Shut up!" shouts Max. You giggle. "Where is Chad?" asked Ian.

"Here..." whispered Chad. He doesn't have a shirt on. Only blue tights with red shorts, "Wow... Bro..." Max quickly covers Katt's eyes. "Don't judge.." muttered Chad. "Put on a shirt!" ordered Ian. Chad take a shirt from his backpack, "Fine..." muttered Chad. You giggle.

"The most to stop crimes.. Wins!" shouted Katt as she took off with Max. "Let's start at the park..." suggested Joji. You follow him to the park.

You walk and see a kid throw trash to the floor. Joji stops the kid, "Pick that up." ordered Joji. "That is not my trash..." lied the kid. "We just saw you throw it to the floor." you explain. "Why should I listen to two people dressed up silly." mocked the boy. You take your cape off, "Pick it up, or you will face the police and I don't think your parents would want to pay a fee for their kid throwing trash." you threaten. The boy rolls his eyes and picks the trash up. You put on your cape again. "There is a trashcan over there." pointed Joji. The boy walks over to it.


You keep walking around the park. You see another kid litter and make them pick it up. "We have two so far.." whispered Joji. You walk to sit at the bench. "Where else...?" asked Joji. "We could check if people are walking across the street when they should... Or help an elder walk across." you suggest. "Good plan! Follow." ordered Joji as he walked away. You quickly follow him.

Joji gets a message from Max, "Ian has one and we have four!" you read. "We must hurry..." muttered Joji. You walk to see a group of kids wanting to cross the street. You run up to them, You stop them before they could step onto the street. "No!" you shout. "Why not?" asked the boy. "We can only walk when the light tells us too." you point to the light up stop hand. The kids roll their eyes.

Soon the light turns to the light up human, "Go." you smile. The kids each thank you as they walk pass. "Three..." whispered Joji. "Over there!" you shout and point to a women carrying a lot of bags. Joji runs after her, "Need help?" asked Joji. "Yes..." whispered the women. Joji helps her walk across the street while helping her with some bags. He waves you over.

You rush over, "Please... Don't go through so much trouble." smiled the women. "It is our pleasure to help you." smiles Joji. You take some bags from the women. "Lead the way." you smile. Joji and you follow her to her apartment.

You finally arrive, "Thank you so much!" shouted the women as you all three set the bags down. "No problem." smiled Joji. You nod your head. "Wants some brownies?" asked the women. You smile as you are about to grab one, "No thank you." smiled Joji as he pulled you out of the house.


"I wanted a brownie..." you whined. "That could of had been dangerous..." muttered Joji. "How..." you whisper. "She freshly baked them..." explained Joji. "So?" you ask. "She could of had put something in them." explained Joji. You nod your head, "I guess..." you whisper.

You meet back at the park, "We won!" shouted Max. "We did something huge though." challenged Joji. "Like what?!" asked Max. "We helped a women carry her bags... ALL THE WAY TO HER HOUSE!" informed Joji as he high five you. "That is a good deed... You didn't stop a bad deed...." explained Katt. Joji cruses under his breathe, "Ian, how many did you make?" asked Max. "Two..." whispered Ian. "How?!" shouted Katt. "Chad is mean to many people..." explained Ian. Joji laughs, "We did three. So at least we aren't loser." explained Joji. you nod in agreement.

You walk back to the apartment, "So when is the road trip?" asked Katt. "In 5 days or so..." informed Joji. "So we must get ready!" warned Ian. "Jane should already be ready..." you whisper. "Jane?" asked Katt. "My friend, who is going with us." you inform. "Is she your best friend?" asked Katt. "Yes..." you whisper. "Wow... Than what am I?" asked Katt. "My best friend..." you answer. "You can only have one!" shouted Katt. "Than Jane..." you answer. Katt pinches your arm. "Ow!" you shout. "Wrong answer!" shouted Katt. You giggle.

You finally arrive at Joji's apartment, "How is your hand?" asked Ian. "It is better, since I just carried bags with it." you answer. "I forgot about your hand!" shouted Joji. "Don't worry it is okay." you reassure. "You sure?" asked Joji. You nod your head. "Good..." whispered Joji.

"So... What car are we taking?" asked Max. "My parents are going to let us borrow a special bus." explained Joji. "With bathroom, kitchen and beds?" asked Katt. "They have the money, so yes.." answered Joji. "Nice..." whispered Ian. Joji laughs, "Yeah..."

You stand up, "I have never traveled like this before..." you muttered. "Just take everything." laughed Katt. "Joji... help..." you order. "I will help you, after work tomorrow." smiles Joji. "Thank you...." you sigh and sit back down onto the couch.

"Let's just have as much fun as we can, on this road trip." smiled Ian. You shake your head in agreement.

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