《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Robert


You wake up, "Last night was fun..." you whisper and get up. You check your phone to see, that Robert has text you. "Come to the store and work." you read. You get happy and run to the closet. "I thought I would never miss going to work again..." you smile. You quickly grab your clothes and run to the bathroom. You take a quick shower and slip into your clothes.

You grab your phone and some cash and run out. Joji is outside in the hallway, "Where are you heading?" asked Joji. "My job." you say proudly, while locking your door. "Nice... Where should I wait for you?" asked Joji. "Pick me up at 3." you order. "Sure thing..." smiled Joji. You walk to the stairs. But Joji grabs your hand, "No kiss?" asked Joji. You laugh and get closer to Joji. He slowly kisses you on the forehead, "Good luck.." you hear him whisper. You giggle and walk back to the stairs. You stop, "Wait, where are you going?" you ask. "Ian, Max and Chad are going to the park to do a video. I am going to help them." explained Joji. You nod your head. You walk down the stairs to the lobby.

You enter the store, "Hey!" you shout. Robert is behind the counter, "Are you okay with handling the store on your own?" asked Robert. "Yes!" you roll your eyes walking behind the counter. "Good." smile Robert as he walked out of the store.

You look out the window, "Today... Will be a good day.." you whisper and close your eyes. You hear the bell, "Hello, how my I help you today?" you ask opening your eyes. Calvin enters the store, "Hey..." he whispers. You slowly wave, "I am sorry about the other day...." whispered Calvin as he sat in a chair. "I just couldn't accept the fact, that you were dating Joji...." explained Calvin. You stay quiet but smile, "I can't either..." you sigh.


Calvin gets up and pulls something out of his pocket, "Here..." Calvin hands you a small box. "What is it?" you ask. "Open it." laughed Calvin. You look at the box, "I can't accept this..." you whisper. "Why not?" groaned Calvin. "I hurt you! I hurt your feelings! I can't just get a present from you, out of the blues!" you explain. Calvin smiles, "You can..."

You look at the present. Calvin sits, "I wouldn't leave until you open the present." threaten Calvin. You sigh, "Fine..." you mutter and start to open the box. Inside you find a necklace, "Why?" you ask and close the box quickly. "Just a present..." explained Calvin. You grab the box and throw it at Calvin. It hits him in the head, "Ow!" shouted Calvin in pain. He falls to the floor, to picks up the present, "What was that for!?" shouted Calvin as he got up with the present. "I am not going to accept that!" you shout pointing at the box. "I come here, to be friends..." explained Calvin.

"Friends don't give, friends necklaces!" you shout. Calvin sighs, "Please..." begged Calvin. "It would be best, if your leave..." you sigh. You hide behind the counter. "(Y/N)... Please..." begged Calvin. "Leave..." you mutter. You hear the bell and notice that Calvin is gone.

You stand up to see that he didn't take the box with him. You sigh and push the box away, "And here I thought, today was going to be a good day..." you whisper. You look back out the window.

Joji soon comes in,"Hey." You smile, "Robert, he isn't here yet. Can we wait?" you ask. "Sure thing." smiles Joji as he sat down on a chair. "Thanks..." you smile.


Robert comes into the store soon after, "Hey...What's with the box?" asked Robert as he pointed at the box on the counter. "Nothing!" you shout as you hide the box behind you. "(Y/N)...." muttered Joji. "Fine... Calvin came in... He gave me this box... Inside of the box is a necklace..." you explain. Joji takes the box, "There is a note..." whispered Joji. "What?" you ask. Joji passes you the note and checks out the necklace.

"I am sorry about the other day. Your parents don't hate Joji. If I jinx somethings... Please inform me. I will do anything in my power to fix whatever, I broke. But can we just be friends, I heard you like to travel now. Have the necklace, please." You read. You put the note down and take the necklace from Joji, "Beautiful..." whispered Robert.

On the necklace was a paper plane. "But why a paper plane?" asked Joji. "I don't know..." you whisper. You give the necklace to Joji, "But it is yours..." whispered Joji. "Put it on me, silly." you laugh. You grab your hair up, Joji laughs and puts it around your neck. He pats your back, "There." smiled Joji. "You aren't mad?" you ask. "No! Calvin wants to be FRIENDS." explained Joji. You smile.

"I see, Joji here can make you happy..." thought Robert out-loud. You and Joji nod in agreement. "Well, see you tomorrow." smiled Robert as he started to walk towards the back room. "Robert!" shouted Joji. "Yes..." whispered Robert. "Next week... (Y/N) will be out..." informed Joji. "Why?" asked Robert. "We are going to do a road trip..." explained Joji. Robert smiles, "Sounds good..." You get a confused face, "You sure?" you ask. "Yes." smiled Robert as he walked to the back room.

You and Joji walk out of the store. "You know... I never knew Robert would let me miss work.." you confess. "Weird..." whispered Joji.

You walk into the lobby to see Katt, Ian, Max and Chad. "The dates begin again!" shouted Katt. "Ian, pick a number!" ordered Max. "17..." answered Ian. "Dress up as superheros and stop at least one petty crime." laughed Max. "Nice going, Ian..." muttered Chad. "This is going to go wrong..." whispered Joji.

Everyone walks towards a shop. "What are we doing here?" you ask. "To get costumes.." answered Katt. "From the thrift shop?" asked Ian. "Yes!" shouted Katt. "This is going to be fun..." whispered Joji.

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