《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Dares and Beer


The group is sitting around you. You are barely half way through your first beer bottle. "So, How about this," Ian stands up and walks to a kitchen cabinet. She takes a small object and comes back. He sits next to Chad. "We roll this dice. When ever you get even numbers... You can give anyone in the room to do a dare. If you land on any odd number... You can ask anyone in the room to give the truth." smile Ian evilly.

Katt grabs the dice quickly, "I will start!" she smiles. She rolls the dice. It lands on 2. "Max! You have to take me out on a date... In New York tomorrow!" ordered Katt. "If you don't do the dare before going back to Australia, she has the permission to make you sleep on the couch." added Ian. Max rolls his eyes, "Whatever..." he mutters and takes the dice.

Max quickly rolls it, it lands on 6. "Joji...Get a wedgie from everyone in the room." Max claps his hands and stands up. "What?!" shouted Joji in panic. "Get up." you order. Joji slowly gets up after everyone else is already up and ready.

Ian slaps Joji's butt, "Ready?" asked Max. "Nope!" shouted Joji closing his eyes. Max laughs, "Count of three..." ordered Max. "One..." Max says and Ian pulls on Joji's boxers. "No!!" shouted Joji in pain. You close your eyes and look away. "God..." you hear Katt whisper.

"Do you even have the balls?" laughed Chad. Joji shakes his head in pain. Chad claps his hands together. "Ready?" asked Max again. "How many more...?" asked Joji in pain. "Four..." informed Max. You sit down, "Three actually..." you smile. Katt smiles and sits down too, "It is so much pain... I won't do it either." smiled Katt as she took a sip from her beer.


"Thank you..." whispered Joji. "Party-poopers!" shouted Max. Chad pulls on to Joji's boxers. Joji is lift up from the floor. "Crap..." whispered Max. Joji soon had tears running down his cheek. "Max, this was to much..." you mutter. Max shakes his head, "My turn..." he smiles.

Max pulls on Joji's boxers. Joji in laying on the floor, "Help... Me..." he whispered. You pat his back. "It will be okay..." you whisper.

Joji recovers quickly and takes the dice, "Chad... You are next..." threatened Joji. He rolls the dice, it lands on a three. "Good..." whispered Chad. "Let your inner fag explore!" shouted Joji. "Who looks more sexy among Ian, Max and me?" asked Joji. Chad narrows his eyes, "Stupid cunt..." whispered Chad as he thought about it, "Max, he is basically transgender." laughed Chad.

"Shut up!" shouted Max. "It is true... I sometimes mistake other females as you..." confessed Ian. Max shakes his head, "You also wear dress and make-up..." whispered Joji. Max punches Ian and Joji. "Mother.... You already broke my nuts! piss off!" shouted Joji. You smile.

Chad takes the dice and rolls it next. "6..." whispered Ian. "It will either be, Katt, Ian, or (Y/N)..." whispered Joji. You slaps your forehead. Katt groans, "No..." she whispers. Ian starts to cry, "Don't kill me...." whispered Ian.

"(Y/N)... Shave Joji's legs." laughed Chad. Everyone expect you and Joji laugh with him. "No..." both you and Joji whisper.

Chad and Ian come back with a razor for men. Ian hands it to you. "Shaving cream?" asked Katt. "Didn't find any." informed Chad. You look at Joji, "It won't hurt..." you reassure. "I know!" shouted Joji. "Than... Why are your legs so hairy..." you ask poking his knee. "Because... I am lazy..." muttered Joji. You sigh and start to shave his leg.


You finally finish after a while. "God... You cut me more than emo cuts themselves..." whispered Joji in pain. "You moved a lot..." you muttered. "Don't blame me!" shouted Joji. "Than don't blame me!" you shout and throw the razor at Joji. He falls out of the chair. "You deserved that..." you mutter and grab the dice.

You roll it, it lands on 2, "Ian!" you shout and look at him in an evil way. Ian frowns, "Of course... Choose the defenseless one!" shouted Ian. "Put ice cubes in your pants for 10 minutes..." you grin.

Max comes back with 7 ice cubes, "Open..." whispered Max, his hand have been holding the ice for too long. Ian takes one put one the ice cubes and drop them into his pants. Max takes the last one, "Boxers..." ordered Max. "You won't..." muttered Ian. "I would!" shouted Max. Chad grabs Ian and Max shoves the ice into Ian's boxers. "Sit!" ordered Chad as he sat with Ian next to him. "God dammit..." whispered Ian.

The whole group sits on the floor, after 5 minutes past, "No! They are melting!" shouted Ian as he moved around. "Calm down, you are almost there." informed Katt. Ian shakes his head.

But finally 10 minutes pass and Ian runs to the bathroom. Ian comes back, "Piss off.." muttered Ian too Max and Chad. He rolls the dice, it lands on 1, "You are lucky Katt..." whispered Ian. "Who was your first kiss and how did it go?" asked Ian. Katt's eyes widen, "I have never had my first kiss..." whispered Katt. "Sad..." whispered Max as he grabbed the dice. "Everyone went. Now... Let's go to bed." smiles Max. Katt sighs.

"Hey... (Y/N)'s friend wants to go on a road trip to Harvard..." smiled Joji. "Yes!" shouted Ian. "Seriously?" asked Joji. "Yes!" shouted Ian. "Well, anyone else want to come?" asked Joji. "Me!" said Chad and Max at the same time. "Katt?" asked Joji. "No thank you..." whispered Katt as he took down her fort.

"Why not?" you ask. "I don't feel like tripping anywhere..." whispered Katt. "If you don't go... I won't take you out on a date." threatened Max. Katt rolls her eyes and sighs, "Fine... But if it is boring... I will jump out of the car..." warned Katt. "It won't be boring!" you shout. You quickly hug her.

You walk into your apartment. Joji follows you, "Don't you have to be somewhere else?" you ask. You are walking to your phone. Joji takes a sit on the couch, "I just want to be with you longer." smiled Joji. You roll your eyes, you look around your contacts to see Jane's number.

"Hey!" shouted Jane. "Are you still up for the road trip?" you ask. "In a week." informed Jane. "Sure." you smile.

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