《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Paper Planes


You walk up the stairs with Katt. "Do you know how to make Paper planes?" asked Katt. "Nope." you laugh. "I don't either..." laughed Katt. "I don't either!" shouted Max in shock. "We are going to lose again..." muttered Katt. "I don't think, any of us... Know how to make paper planes." laughed Chad. "Ian and me do." smirked Joji. "Thank god..." you whisper.

You enter Joji's apartment. "This is going to be fun!" shouted Katt as she jumped on the couch. "Just don't break anything." laughed Joji. You grab the kitchen chairs, "You have blankets?" you ask. "No.." whispered Joji. "Dammit Joji!" shouted Max. "I have some... Joji come help me." you order.

You enter your apartment. "How many?" asked Joji. "20..." you think about it. "Damn..." whispered Joji. "I get cold easily!" you get defensive. Joji helps you carry the blankets back to his apartment.

"You are a lifesaver!" shouted Ian as he grabbed some blankets. Katt takes some blankets as well. Joji helps you create a fort around the kitchen. "You are a genius..." whispered Joji. "They can't attack from the back because that can't get into the kitchen." you get an evil grin. "Hold on a minute!" shouted Ian. "Isn't that cheating?" asked Chad. "No! Because no rules were made!" you explain. "Damn..." muttered Chad.

You sit on the kitchen floor, "How do you make this?" you asked flipping the paper around. "I will make the planes... You throw them." ordered Joji. "I will keep watch..." you smile and look out to see Ian and Chad walking to Max's fort.

You run back to Joji, "Give me two... Quick..." you whisper. Joji smiles and gives you two planes. You run back to the kitchen door. You aim and throw the airplane. It flies smoothly towards Chad and Ian. Soon the plane hits Chad and than the floor. "Out!" you shout. Before you could throw the second plane Ian runs back to his fort. "God..." muttered Chad as he sat on the sidelines.


You run back to Joji, "I got Chad out." you inform. "What about Ian?" asked Joji. "He ran away before I could hit him..." you explain. "That is sad..." whispered Joji. You pinch him, "No... It is a success.." you smile. Joji pulls you into a hug. "Ow..." you whisper. "Max! Go away!" shouted Joji. "We only made one!" shouted Max as he ran away. You push yourself away from Joji and grab a plane. You throw the plane. It misses Max by an inch. "Dammit..." you whisper. "Ha!" shouted Katt. You stick out your tongue and go back to Joji, "Thanks..." you smile. "No problem.."

You sit on the kitchen floor with Joji. "Should we attack.." you whisper. "Yes..." whispered Joji. "I attack Ian.. You attack Katt and Max..." you order. Joji nods in agreement and walks towards the exit of the fort.

You crawl to Ian's fort while Joji crawls to Max's fort. You open the fort door slowly. Ian is still making Planes. "If I make five more... I could either attack Max or Joji.." you hear Ian whisper. You laugh and throw the plane. It hits Ian's butt and falls to the floor. "What the?" asked Ian as he turned around. "No..." muttered Ian as he sees you. "Out..." you whisper and crawl back out of the fort.

You crawl towards Joji. "Ready?" asked Joji. You nod your head and get ready. Joji opens the fort's door and two planes fly out but don't hit either of you. "Run!" shouted Joji. You get up and run to your fort. A few planes fly pass you but don't hit you. You crawl into the fort and Joji follows you in.


"That was close..." you whisper. "We are lucky..." laughed Joji. You laugh, "But did you get Ian?" asked Joji. You smirk, "Of course..." you smile.

You sit on the kitchen floor with Joji. "Do you hear them..." whispered Joji. You clear your mind and try to hear their footsteps, "Yes..." you whisper getting you planes ready.

Katt comes in and you throw the plane. "Ow!" shouted Katt as she fell back. Katt falls back onto Max though. Joji throws his plane, "Out!" shouted Joji. The plane hits Max. "Losers..." you whisper with an evil grin. "That means the next fight is between Ian, Chad, Max and Katt..." explained Max as he got out. "You guys win again..." whispered Katt as she followed Max.

You sit on the kitchen floor, "Want a beer?" asked Joji as he walked to the refrigerator. "No!" you shout. Joji laughs, "Sorry, I forgot you can't drink." Joji grabs a water and one beer. "God..." you whisper. Joji hands you the water bottle. "Thanks..." you smile and take a sip.

Chad comes into the fort, "I got out again..." muttered Chad as he walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. "Sad..." whispered Joji. "Shut up fag..." hissed Chad as he sat next to you. You laugh, "Why are you guys so mean to each other?" you ask. "He is my brother from another mother, that's why." smiled Joji. "It is because he makes fun of me first..." explained Chad better. Joji rolls his eyes.

Max comes in next, "That stupid cunt..." hissed Max as he also walked to the refrigerator. "Who?" asked Joji. "Ian... He threw a plane and it hit me.." explained Max as he sat next to Chad. "Is that not part of the game?" you ask. "Of course.... Just..." Max clams down. "Hopefully the cunt wins..." muttered Chad as he took a drink.

Soon Katt came in, "Four eyes... Hit me..." she muttered. She also walks to the refrigerator and takes a beer. "Where is he?!" shouted Chad. "Right here." smiled Ian as he walked in. Chad stands up and gives him a hug, "You did it!" smiled Chad. Ian pushes himself away, "God... You smile like beer..." muttered Ian. Katt passes him a beer.

"Why are you not drinking?" asked Ian. "I start drinking... And I don't finish until I don't remember my name..." you laugh. "You are a mature adult now... Try." smiled Katt as she gave you a beer. "No..." you whisper. "Katt is right... If you get out of control... I will stop you." suggested Joji. You roll your eyes and take the beer.

You take a sip, "God... This taste as good as I remember it..." you smile. "Now.. Be mature." smiled Katt.

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