《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Jane


You wake up. You look around. "Today, I will meet up with Jane..." you smile and get up. Your phone starts to ring. You walk to your desk and grab your phone.

"Where are you going today?" asked Joji. "To hang out with a friend." you inform. "Can, I come?" asked Joji. "Why do you want to come?" you ask. "Because, I have to take care of you and that hand of yours." explained Joji. You look down to see the arm brace. "I will be okay..." you laugh. "Come on, I want to come. Besides after we are done with your friend Jane... We need to meet up with Katt and the rest." explained Joji. You sigh, "Fine... Meet you outside in 30 minutes." you hang up and put the phone down.

"Besides... I can't live without him.." you smile and walk to the closet. "What should I wear?" you ask yourself. You quickly grab a few clothes and run to the bathroom. You take a quick shower and slip into your clothes.

You put your camera in your backpack and walk out the door. You see Joji leaning against the wall. "You ready?" asked Joji. You roll your eyes, "Of course." Joji holds your hand and walk down the stairs. "Where will we meet her?" asked Joji. "In the park, from there she will take us somewhere." you explain.

You walk towards the park. "Where is she?" you ask. You look around until you see a pink car. "God..." you whisper. Jane hops out of the car, "(Y/N)!" shouts Jane. You laugh. You let go of Joji's hand and run up to Jane. You hug her.

"Until last night..." she whispers. You laugh, "Sorry.. For breaking my promise..." you whisper back. You pull away from Jane. "Jane... This is Joji. Joji this is Jane." you explain to both of them. Joji and Jane shake each others hand.


"Wait... You seem familiar..." whispered Jane. "Porn guy." you laugh. Jane laughs with you, "Now, I remember." laughs Jane. Joji rolls his eyes. "I wasn't watching porn though!" exclaimed Joji. "But it did sound like you did!" explained Jane. "It was when I was making my videos!" Joji got defensive. "Well, your videos must be weird." said Jane in sassy. "Tell me about it..." you whisper.

You sit in the passenger's seat while Joji sits in the back. "Did you guys have breakfast?" asked Jane. "Nope!" answered Joji. You shake your head no too. "Good. We can go somewhere with good food." Jane got excited and started to drive.

Jane parks in the parking lot of a Panera. You get out of the car. You follow Jane into the shop. "It is great here!" explained Jane. You agree and look at the menu.

"I will just have a bagel..." whispered Joji as he put the menu down. "Really?!" shouted Jane. Joji shakes his head. "Won't you want anything else?" you ask. "Orange juice..." added Joji. "He acts like a little kid.." muttered Jane. You laugh, "He actually does... A lot." you explain. "I just don't want to interfere so much. This day is for you and Jane to have fun." explained Joji. "Thanks..." you whisper and look back at the menu. You order a

~Sandwich ~Bagel ~Soup with

~Lemonade ~Green tea ~Water

You eat up while trying to catch up with Jane. "So how long have you been dating Joji?" asked Jane. "Not that long... About a few weeks..." you explain. "Really?!" shouted Jane. "Well, I was shy and he was all over the place." you laugh. "Actually, you were all over the place. I couldn't even find you!" exclaimed Joji. You roll your eyes.


"How did your career go?" asked Jane. "Not that good..." you confess. "Thank god.." whispered Jane. "What?" you ask. "Remember, I wanted to act. So, I am getting nowhere." explained Jane. "I had to work in a book store." you informed. "I had to work as a waiter..." whispered Jane. "Harvard..." whispered Joji. Both Jane and you look at Joji. "Well... That makes three of us... Harvard didn't help any of us." laughed Joji.

"Wow... I hope at least many others did get their career." whispered Jane as she played with her food. "What did you study?" you ask Joji. "That is a secret..." smirked Joji as he took a bite from his bagel. "I was studying the arts of drama..." whispered Jane. "Really.. I thought you were studying something else..." you inform. "No... But honestly... Look where I am..." laughed Jane. "New York..." whispered Joji. "I was suppose to go to Hollywood..." sighed Jane as she took a drink from her tea.

"I was suppose to go somewhere with my videos..." explained Joji. "I was suppose to study Cancer and the illness from the world..." you sigh. "WE should hang out more." smiled Jane. "Yeah, let's also talk about our depression." joked Joji. You punch his arm, "Ow!" shouted Joji.

Jane shakes her head, "God... Do you take things so serious..." laughed Jane. "We can hang out once a week." you suggest. "That sounds good." smiles Jane. "Where too?" asked Joji. "We should have a road trip!" shouted Jane. "What?" you ask. "Sometime this month or next month... We should have a road trip!" explained Jane. "To where?" asked Joji. "To see our school! Harvard!" smiled Jane. "No..." you whispered. "Yes!" shouted Joji over your voice.

You walk out of Panera with Jane and Joji. "It is settle... Call me whenever you both are ready for a road trip." Jane waves good-bye and rides away.

"That road trip will never happen." you laugh. "It will..." Joji smiles. "That is crazy..." you whisper. "But it will be fun." smiled Joji as he took your hand and started to walk back home.

You arrive in the lobby to see Katt, Ian, Chad and Max. "Hey." you smile. They all wave hello. "Chad, pick a number." ordered Max. "Five." answered Chad. "Yay!" shouted Katt as she jumps up and down. "What?" you ask. "Build forts out of furniture and blankets. Than have a wage war with paper planes." laughed Max. You laugh with him. "Watch one of your eyes get poked out by a paper plane." laughed Ian. You punch him, "Don't jinx it!" you shout.

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