《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Roof


You walk out into the roof again, "It is beautiful..." you whisper seeing the sun going down. "I know right..." whispered Joji as he sat down on a chair. "Did you... Plan this?" you asked sitting on another chair. "Lily did..." explained Joji. You nod your head.

"Joji... Do you know what life is?" you asked. "Just google it..." whispered Joji as he leaned back. "What does life mean to you?" you repeat. "Google it..." repeated Joji. You shake your head, "For real..." you whisper. "I feel like life.... Is fair.. yet unfair. Sometimes, life lets you do what you want to do... Other times he slams you to the ground saying... You can't do that..." explained Joji as he closed his eyes. You nod your head, "You know... I always thought... Life was unfair..." you say and lean back on the chair.

"What is life for you?" asked Joji. You sigh, "It's an unfair place. It pushes people around and expect this people to get up... Sometimes... They don't even get enough help..." you explain. Joji nods his head. "High school.. Was the place, I let myself be this... FilthyFrank guy." explained Joji. You look at him, "I know..." you whisper. "But... I let myself be funny for others. I was in the talent show, it was a group of us boy. Just dancing normal and then there was me... 15 seconds into the dance and I was already slapping a belt against the floor while screaming." laughed Joji. He covers his forehead with one hand. You giggle, "Weird kid... I bet..." you smile.

"I let myself go.. I didn't let anything hold me back. That girl, back in Japan... Julie, she hated people knowing she was dating me... Because of how weird of a person, I was." explained Joji. "But that is what makes Joji... Being a weird guy." you smile. "I know! So we broke up and than got together than broke up then got back together and then broke up... We just couldn't stay together for so long until we got in a fight and broke up." explained Joji.


You nod your head, "Did you think, that if you never met me... Would you go back to her?" you ask. "No! I would never! Mistakes were made in the past but my present isn't going to be mistake after mistake!" explained Joji. You smile, "What if, I am a mistake?" you ask. "We have known each other since College... Calm down." laughed Joji. You laugh with him.

"How was your life?" you asked. "It was okay...I guess..." answered Joji as he looked up at the starry night. "How?" you asked. "Well, considering the seizures...They didn't interfere with my life a lot. Also, I always had friends.... To be there for me. My rapping career was great. I was, funny enough to make people laugh. My college life was great. But of course you had to come in and kiss me." laughed Joji. You roll your eyes, "Was I that of a problem?" you ask.

"Thing is... You were my first kiss..." muttered Joji. "I was?!" you shout. "Julie... I knew it was, never going to work... So whenever she tried to kiss me.. I would move away." explained Joji. "Good job." you clap. "Thanks.." smiled Joji.

You look up at the sky. Millions of stars in the sky. Joji takes your hand, "Thanks..." you hear Joji whisper. You look over at Joji. He has his eyes closed. With a huge grin on his face. "For what?" you ask. "I was talking to the universe." laughed Joji. "For what?" you repeat. "For giving me, you... For having you in my life." smiled Joji, still with his eyes closed. You play around with his hand, "How did we meet again?" you ask Joji.


Joji quickly opens his eyes. "I don't remember..." whispered Joji. You pinch his hand, "Ow!" shouted Joji. "Remember..." you whisper. "I remember, you from the party... So at the party!" said Joji fast. You laugh, "I don't remember, so well... I only remember you from the bookstore and the apartment building..." you confess. "The past... It is always hard to remember.." whispered Joji. "That is true..." you nod in agreement.

"This is going to sound weird... But do you regret meeting me?" asked Joji. You shake your head, "I regret not meeting you before.." you smile. Joji nods, "I regret... Not saying something to you at the end of college...." whispered Joji. "What do you mean?" you ask. "I mean... I was looking around for you... But you... Were all alone... I thought... It was the wrong time..." explained Joji. You look down at your hands holding each other.

Past-- You were in your seat sitting next to Jane. "Damn... It is all over..." cried Jane. You turn around to face her, Jane had tears in her eyes, "I will miss you so much (Y/N)!" cried Jane as she hugged you. You pat her back and smile, "There... There... It will be alright.." you laugh. "Why are you not crying?!" shouted Jane. "Because... We will talk to each other each night!" you smile. Jane smiles too, "You are right!" shouted Jane. She gets up and waves, "Good-bye!" shouted Jane, she turns around and runs towards her family.

You sit in your chair, "I... I will talk to her each night... I promise..." you whisper and close your eyes. You open them to see a guy looking at you. "What the..." you whisper. The guy runs away quickly.

Present-- "I saw you..." you whisper. "Yeah, I know.." laughed Joji. "Why did you run away?" you ask. "Like I said... I thought it was the wrong moment.." explained Joji. You nod your head. "Jane!" you shout. "What?" asked Joji.

"I made a promise! To a girl named Jane... That I would call her... Every day!" you shout and get up. "Does this end our date?" asked Joji. You nod your head. Joji stands up quick. "Let's go then." smiled Joji.

You run down the stairs, "Where is my planner!" you shout running into your apartment. You look around your boxes, "Here..." you whisper, flipping around the pages of the planner. You walk to your phone and dial the number.

"Hello?" asked Jane. "Hello!" you shout. "You finally called..." whispered Jane. You laugh, "Did you keep this number, in hopes that I would call?" you joke around. "Actually... yes... Many promised to call... SO.. I stuck with this number for years..." explained Jane. You frown, "I am sorry..." you whispered. "It's okay.. I am just glad you finally called." laughed Jane. You smile, "Sorry it took me years." you giggle.

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