《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Pirates


You put on a pirate suit, "Now what?" you asked Joji. "We wait for the rest." laughed Joji. You sit next to him on his couch, "What advice did Robert give you?" you ask again. "Some words of advice." explained Joji. "No crap..." you hiss. Joji laughs. the rest are ready. So Katt leads the way to the store.

You end in front of a store. "Ian! You will push me around!" ordered Chad as he tried to get into the cart but failed. "Need help there?" asked Katt. "I got this!" shouted Chad as he got one leg in the cart. "Wait!" shouted Joji as he stopped Chad but it was too late the cart leaned to the side quickly and the cart fell on top of Chad. "You stupid cunts! Help me!" shouted Chad. Ian and Max push the cart off. "I am going with the idea, that I will be in the cart." laughed Ian. Chad rolled his eyes and got up.

Joji helps you into the cart. "There." smiled Joji. "Don't get me killed.." you ordered. "Aye! Aye! Captain!" shouted Joji as he grabbed onto the cart. Max helps Katt into their cart. Ian climbs into the cart, "Need help here..." whispered Ian. "You didn't help me! So don't expect help from me!" shouted Chad as he turned away quickly. Joji laughs, You slap him on the chest, "Go help Ian..." you hiss.

Joji and Max walk up to Ian as the help him up onto the cart. The wind gets strong, so your cart starts to move slowly away from the group. "Um... Guys!" you shout. Katt smiles, "Good luck!" shouted Katt. You look back at Joji, "Hold on tight!" shouted Joji. Chad pushes the cart and off you go down the parking lot. "Crap!" you yell.


You close your eyes and hold onto the sides of the cart. "No... God... Don't..." you whisper. Soon the wind around you doesn't feel so much against your face. You slowly open your eyes, "God..." you whisper as the cart hits the sidewalk. Slowly the cart leans, "No!" you shout. Soon the cart dumps you, "Crap!" you shout holding onto your hand. Your hand feels broken, your back feels like they threw rocks onto your back.

Joji finally reaches you, "Wasn't that fun?" asked Joji. You sit up with the help of Joji, "My hand..." you manage to whisper through the pain. "What about it?" asked Joji. You show him your hand, "What?" asked Joji. "It hurts... My back hurts too..." you whisper. Katt and Max come next, "What a crybaby!" laughed Max. Joji slaps his leg, "She hurt her hand dumb shit..." hissed Joji. Joji helps you stand up slowly.

Chad and Ian catch up, "The security is coming!" warned Ian. "Good." smiled Joji as he walked you towards the car. "Not good!" shouted Chad as he stopped Joji, "She hurt her hand..." informed Joji. "We can fix that at home! Right now we need to run!" shouted Chad as he pushed everyone out of his way. Joji looks at the car, "Are you guys having fun?" asked the security. Joji rolls his eyes and helps you run away.

You finally make it home, "I know how to help you with the back pain but not the hand..." whispered Katt as she went into the kitchen. "That is good for now..." smiled Joji. "Put some ice on it.." suggested Chad. You roll your eyes, "I am okay..." you whisper. Joji gave you a serious look, "Well... I think I broke it..." you explain. "Because you did..." hissed Ian. "Didn't you study this in college?" asked Max. You shake your head, "I only learn how to work with people and medicine..." you explain. Katt comes back, "Here." she whispers handing you an ice pack. Joji takes it from your hand. "Lean back and I will put the ice pack." explained Joji as he helped you sit back on the couch.


You lay there in pain, "Can we just wait till tomorrow!" you whine while Katt and Max call a doctor. "No..." hissed Ian for Joji. You roll your eyes. "But I am okay." you lie. You sit up, "My back doesn't hurt." you smile. "Your hand..." pointed Joji at your right hand. "Dude... Doesn't hurt no more!" you lie. Ian grabs your hand. "Ow! Son of a!" you bite on to your lips. "Ian!" shouted Joji. "Just wanted the truth..." explained Ian. Joji laughs, "She isn't good at lying though." you punch Joji with your good hand. "You are not left handed because that punch didn't hurt!" laughed Joji. You roll your eyes and sit back onto the couch.

Soon a doctor arrived, "Who got hurt?" asked the man. You lift your good hand up. "I am guessing your right hand is the problem?" asked the doctor. "Yes!" shouted everyone but you. The doctor laughs while checking your hand carefully. "Yup.. It is broken." smiled the doctor. "How did you break it?" asked the doctor as he took out an arm brace. "She was in a cart and the cart leaned over and I guess she fell on the hand." explained Ian. You shake your head in agreement. "God... Well.. You guys are crazy." laughed the doctor. "Tell me about it..." whispered Joji.

The doctor leaves and you sit there looking at the brace, "Looks like we can't do the crazy things until your hand heals." frowned Katt. You shake your hand, "This thing won't stop me from doing crazy things!" you say with confidence. Joji grabs your hand. "Ow!" you shout. "Maybe in three days we can do the crazy things again." suggested Joji. You shake your head in agreement. "Well! Tomorrow we will continue this!" shouted Katt.

Max, Katt, Ian and Chad leave. Leaving you and Joji alone. "Want to have our one on one date?" asked Joji. "Sure!" you shout. Joji laughs, "You sure?" asked Joji. "Yes... I don't want to still here for the whole night." you explain, Joji smiles and takes your left hand and leads you out the door.

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