《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》The Meet up


You wake up to see so many messages on your phone.

You see one from Calvin, your mom and dad but you ignore them and turn your phone off.

You look up at the roof. "This is the most hardest problem in my life..." you whisper to yourself and cover your face. You hear someone knock on your door. You sit up slowly. You stay quiet in case it is Calvin or your parents. You look through the peep hole to see Max, Ian, Chad, Katt and Joji. You quickly open the door. "Thank god..." you smile hugging Katt.

"What happened?" laughed Katt. "Calvin..." you hiss. You hug Joji next and just smile that you finally get to see him. "What is up with you?" laughed Joji, when you don't let him go. "They are coming..." you whisper. Max looks at the elevator. "They are almost here..." explained Max. "We need to go!" shouted Katt as she looks panicked. "No...." whispered Joji as he holds your hand.

The elevator doors open to see both Joji's parents and Max's parents. The group sighs a relief. "What happened? Were you all holding your breath?" laughed Lily as she hugs you. "We were expecting (Y/N)'s parents to show up with Calvin." explained Ian. "(Y/N) you are not dressed up... Go and dress up. We are going to walk around New York today." smiled Ella. You walk into your apartment and everyone follows you in. "Make it quick before your parents come." warned Katt.

You roll your eyes and enter your room and pick up random clothes.

You rush out of your room, "Ready?" asked Robin. You nod your head. You all walk out to the elevators. There the doors open and your parents are in there. "Hello..." whispered your mother as she sees everyone. You grab Joji's hand and run down the stairs. The rest follow you two down. Joji's parent and Max's parents stay with your parents though.


"Why are you running?" asked Joji. "Because.... I never want to see them again..." you explain. You rush out into the lobby, "Hey..." smiled Calvin. "Seriously... Why are you alive?" asked Joji as he pulled you behind him. You hide behind him. Ian holds your other hand while your right hand holds Joji. "Many times, I have tried to kill myself... They always seem to fail." laughed Calvin. "Really?" asked Katt. "No!" shouted Calvin.

You pull on Joji's hand. "No... Now hold on." ordered Joji. Calvin pushes Joji away from you, "Your parents want me.... Not him." informed Calvin. Ian pulls you behind him, "But she wants Joji not you..." informed Ian back. Max holds your right hand while your other hand holds onto Ian. "Calvin... Please..." you whisper. Calvin rolls his eyes. "This was a waste of time... Your parents will still make you leave Joji because they hate him!" shouted Calvin as he left the building.

Joji comes back to your side, "Your parents... hate me?" asked Joji. "What did.... My dad ask you before punching you...?" you asked. "If we were dating... I said yes and he punched me and called me a liar..." explained Joji. You shake your head, "The real reason why you never had friends... Was because of your dad?" asked Ian. You smile, "You found me out... The answer is yes. He hated everyone of my friends...." you explain. Joji holds your hand, "I can't take this no more..." Joji drags you back up the stairs.

You see your dad with a red face, "What the..." you whisper. Robin and Joji's dad are clam."(Y/N)'s dad... I am dating your daughter. I am sorry but I love her and she loves me, you can't accept that, then that's your problem. But I won't let anything or anyone take her away from me AGAIN!" explained Joji, looking into your father's eyes.


"I don't know... What you see in her..." asked your mother softly. "I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity and her flaming self respect. And it's these things I'd believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicious that she wasn't all she should be.... I love her and that is the beginning of everything." smiled Joji. You turn Joji to face you, "What..." you whisper. Joji leans close to you and kisses you.

Joji pulls way slowly, "I fell in love with you... You make me a different person..." smiled Joji. You feel tears in your eyes. "I approve of this relationship..." smiled your mom. You hug Joji quickly. "I approve as well..." whispered your dad in defect. Joji hugs your dad, "Thank you..." sighed Joji. Your dad hugs Joji back, "Please tell me... You will take care of her?" laughed your dad. "Of course!" shouted Joji.

You dad and mom hug you, "We will be back when it is Thanksgiving." informed your mom. "They will be in Australia though..." added Ella. "No, they will be in Japan..." Lily informed. "We are going to be busy..." whispered Joji as he covered his face. All three mom's laugh, "We can come to New York." laughed Lily. "No!" shouted Joji. All three mom's look at him, "I mean... Yes..." smiled Joji.

Your mom pulls you aside, "I am glad you finally met friends..." smiled your mom. "You never let me have any..." you frown. "They won't worth it, Joji... He stood up for you... He is worth it." explained your mom. You hug your mom, "I already know that." you smile.

"(Y/N)... How about Marriage?" asked Joji. "Ew! No!" you shout. "God... Do you always have to reject me?" joked Joji. "It was a joke, right?" you asked. "Of course!" laughed Joji. "Than... Why ask?" you frown. "So... I could reject you..." muttered Joji. "That will never happen." you laugh.

Joji holds your hand quickly, "I found a place we can go..." whispered Joji as you sit on the couch in your apartment. "Where?" you asked. "Somewhere..." muttered Joji. "Let's go..." you smile. "Really?" asked Joji. "Yes!" you shove him out, the door and follow him up the staircase.

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