《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Parents


You hug your mom quick. (Since I don't know your parent's names... Like give them nicknames. You call your mother Ellen and your father Owen. Good? Okay. Thank you.)

"(Y/N)." smiled Owen. You grin. "Go..." you mouth back at Joji and Ian. But Ian orders the taxi to go away. "Hello." smiled Joji as he shakes both your parent's hands. "Who is he?" asked Owen. "My friends..." you say quietly. "What did we say about boys as friends..." hissed Ellen. "Sorry, but (Y/N) is at a good age to have friends." explained Ian. "We are her parents we know the best for her..." hissed your dad.

All five of you stand there, "Well. Have a good ride home. We need to take (Y/N) to her apartment." explained your dad as he reached for you backpack but you hide it behind you, "I will go with my friends... You already saw me... It will be best if your go home now..." you whisper. "(Y/N) you just saw them... GO with them... I will meet you back at the apartment." ordered Joji. "You live together!" shouted your mother. "No... We are next door to each other..." you explained softly.

Your dad shakes his head no. "Who do you think you are...?" asked your mother. She takes your arm and walks you back to the car. "Joji!" you shout. Joji waves good-bye. Your mom throws you into the car. You watch out through window to see your dad say something to Joji. Joji shakes his head no and your dad punches him. "Don't lie to me!" he shouted. Ian catches Joji from fallen to the floor. Joji winks at you and gets a seizure.


Your dad panics, "Are you okay?!" shouted your dad. Ian pushes your dad and says something. Ian fake helps Joji. "He is faking it..." you whisper and laugh. "Your friend is dying! Why are you laughing!" shouted your mother. Your dad gets into the car and rides away fast. You look from behind the car to see Joji stand up and apologize to everyone.

You arrive to your apartment room. "Open it..." hissed your dad. You open the door slowly, "Have you worked on being a good doctor?" asked your mother. "No..." you whisper. "What?!" shouted your dad. "Why did you go to college then?!" asked your mother. "You didn't pay, anything for me to go to college! So don't shout at me like I used your money when I didn't!" you hiss back. You mom sits on the couch.

"We didn't pay because we knew you were a failure..." explained your dad. "I cured two people from cancer!" you shout. Your mom and dad look at your with a shocked face. "I cured many others as while when I told the hospital how to cure it. Both in Colorado and Japan!" you shout. Your mom gets up, "You didn't..." she whispers. " I did..." you hiss. You dad falls to the couch, "I am sorry..." whispered your dad. You walk to the kitchen.

You pull out an orange juice. "How?" asked your dad. "Mix a few medicine here and there and boom!" you explain. Your dad nods his head, "What about that guy who had the seizure?" asked your mom. "He went to Harvard. Like me. Just studied something else." you explained. "He also faked the seizure, so you guys would just take me home." you added. Your dad laughed, "He is good..." smiled your dad.


"What is that?" asked your mom as she pointed at your tattoo. You accidentally rolled up your sleeves when pouring yourself a glass of juice. "I got this tattoo back in Australia..." you explained. "Australia?!" shouted your dad. "I lied to you... I was in Japan for a few days and Australia for four days..." you explain. Your dad covered his face. You giggle, "I felt alive when I was with these friends... I need them in my life." you explained.

Your dad nodded his head, "I approve of the one that is Asian." smiled your dad. "I approve the one with glasses." smiled your mom. "Thank you..." you whispered. "Be more responsible though..." ordered your dad. "I will..." you promised. "We are also going to meet this friends of yours." ordered your mom. "Sure. It is a huge group... SO you might not, meet all of them." you warned.

You take out your phone and text Joji.

You sent the message.

You sent the message and look back at your dad, "I would like to explain more things when you meet my friends..." you smile. "Like what?" asked your dad. "Things..." you whisper. "(Y/N) That kid that faked the seizure better not be dating you..." warned your mother. "Why?" you asked. "We met a guy... Calvin... He sounds and looks like someone you should date..." smiled your dad. You jaw drops, "Calvin.... I know him!" you shout. "What?" asked your dad. "He wanted to date me but I want to date Joji!" you explain. "But we want, you to date Calvin!" shouted your parents. "It is not what you want! It is what I want!" you shouted.

"(Y/N) this Joji guy isn't good... I saw the tattoo! They are matching tattoos!" shouted your mother. "Matching!" shouted your dad. "Yes!" you shout in your dad's face. You phone rings in your pants.

You look up from your phone, "This thing about dating Calvin won't happen..." you warn. Someone knocks at the door. You dash towards it, "Joji!" you shout but instead get a hug from Calvin. He closes the door behind him. "Nope! It is Calvin!" He shouted. You cover your face.

Joji's Point of View-- "Max! I need you here in New York by tomorrow!... No! Like right now! (Y/N) parents want her to date Calvin.... Now!" I shout into the phone. I could hear Calvin's laugh from (Y/N)'s apartment.

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