《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》New York


You walk up in your bed. Ian of course was screaming, "Oh! My! GOD! We are late once again!" shouted Ian. You look at Joji in panic, "We still have two hours." laughed Joji. "You Asian cunt! Get your ass up and it better be ready in 5 minutes!" shouted Ian. He turns around to face you. You close your eyes ready for him to yell, "You can be ready in 20 minutes." smiled Ian as he walked out of the room. "Sexist!" shouted Joji. "You are basically gay!" shouted Ian. You giggle and get your clothes. "That was sexist..." informed Joji. "That was called being friends for so many years." you explain going out of the room.

You walk out of the bathroom to see Joji and Ian taking the bags down. "You aren't going to New York?" you asked Max. "I need to stay and fix things with Katt." smiled Max. "With Katt?" you say shocked. "I didn't treat her right... When you were here... I felt bad... Because I still have feelings for you..." whispered Max. You look at the floor. "But when you are away... Hopefully I can lose those feelings and make things right with Katt..." smiled Max. You smile, "Good.."

"We are ready!" shouted Ian. You hug Chad, "i am going to miss you.." you whispered. "You forgot to say something..." whispered Chad. You look at Max, "Fat... Cunt..." mouthed Max. You roll your eyes, "I am going to miss you, fat cunt..." you giggle. "Sounds better." smiled Chad as he lets go of you.

You hug Max next, "See you next time fag..." laughed Max. "I will miss you the most." you muttered. Max laughs. "I am kidding... I will miss you a lot though... Text me when you get safe to New York. Also... Text me a lot." added Max. You roll your eyes, "I wasn't planning to just ignore you." you explain.


You hug Katt next, "God... It felt like time went fast...Too fast." cried Katt. "It was just four days... In the future hopefully it is years." you try to hold in your tears. "God... It better be years!" shouted Katt. You laugh, "Don't forget about me..." you whisper into Katt's ear. "Why would I?" asked Katt. "Everyone forgets about me..." you explain. Katt giggles, "Not this family."

You hug Ella, "Good-bye till next month." laughed Ella. "Of course!" you shout. Ella pats your head, "I will miss you... You felt like a second daughter... You are my daughter." smiled Ella. "You are my third mother." you smile. "Third?" asked Ella. "Long story." you explain. "Til the next visit that's for sure." smiled Ella. "Let's both remember that." you promised.

You walk to Robin and your tears burst out, "I will miss you the most.." you cried into Robin's chest. "You know your medicine... Use it..." whispered Robin. You shake your head. "Ella.. She thinks you don't love her no more..." you whispered. "That will change soon... Watch this..." whispered Robin as he lets go of you and walks up to Ella, "May I have this dance?" asked Robin. Ella giggled, "Yes..." Robin takes her hand and they slow dance in the middle of everyone.

Joji pokes you, "Let's go.." he whispered. Ian was already out the door. You follow Joji outside. You hop into the car and look back at the house, everyone is there standing and waving good-bye. "Never say good-bye, because saying good-bye means going away.And going away means forgetting..." whispered Joji. "Peter Pan in the house!" you shout. "More like car." corrected Ian. Joji laughs, Ian and you join in as Ian drives towards the airport.


You are in the plane, "The book!" you shout grabbing your backpack. "Here.." smiled Joji. You take the book, "You have two?" you asked. "No, I grabbed it from your bag." smiled Joji. You giggle, "Thanks dad..." you start to read. "I believe it is actually daddy." corrected Ian. "Ew! No!" you shout.

You read for a while until to the chapter called Book Store. You take a moment to hold onto the tears. "This... Was a poem of love..." you whisper. "Yup." smiled Joji. "With a poem called Book Store." You smirk. "Do I have to explain everything?" asked Joji. "Nope!" you go back and read the poem.

The Book Store

Standing in the bookstore,

near the street where you used to live,

I found myself wishing you

would walk through the door and

we could meet for the first time,

all over again.

-Lang Leav

"But you made me cry the first time we met in the back store..." you whisper. "That is when I knew.. .You really did love me." smiled Joji. You slap him with the book and put your head against his chest. "The love my girlfriend gives me." bragged Joji to Ian. You laugh and soon find yourself asleep.

Joji's Point of View-- I remember that day like it was yesterday. I made her cry when I told her that we shouldn't be friends. I was proved wrong. She cared to be my friend so much that she cried. That was the day I knew that the universe brought us together to prove our relationship was worth keeping.

After a while we were in New York, I took out my phone and took some pictures for (Y/N) to see when it was the right time.

Your Point of View-- "Are we always late!" shouted Ian. You wake up fast, "What?!" you shout. Joji and Ian laugh, "We are always out of the airplane last because of you." blamed Ian. You roll your eyes and grab your backpack. Joji holds your hand, waking out of the airplane. You smile at the air attendant but she frowns, "You have something on your forehead..." she warns. You frown as cover your forehead, "Thank you..." you whisper.

You get off the airplane, "What did you two do?!" you shout punching them. "Dick..." whispered Ian. You look at Joji, "Fine..." Joji licks his thumb and tries to rub it off, "Ew! No!" you shout. "It is coming off! Stop moving!" shouted Joji. "That is what she said..." giggled Ian. You and Joji give him a cold look, "Wrong moment... okay never mind..." Ian backs away. Joji cleans your forehead, "Phone?" asked Joji. You pass him a phone, "Good?" asked Joji as he took a picture and showed you. "Yes..." you hiss and take the phone back.

You walk out of the airport, "Taxi!" shouts Ian. Soon a car pulls up fast. "(Y/N)!" shouted your mother. "No..." you whisper.

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