《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Secret Place


Ian drives you to a forest, "No..." you whisper. "Here is a map. If you go the right way, you should see Chad." said Ian as he hands you the map. "Joji knows he will die... Right?" you asked. Ian laughs, "Trust me...He knows." smirked Ian. You climb out, "If you get lost, just know, that I will wait here." added Ian. "That helps." you give him a thumbs up and walk away.

You walk for a long time," Chad!" you shout. You only hear monkey sounds, "What..." you whisper walking towards the sound. "Chad..." you ask finding him. "Hey." he smiled. "Just keep walking towards that path." pointed Chad to a dark green patch of grass. "How is that not dry?" you ask. "Secret Place..." winked Chad. You roll your eyes and follow the path.

You see Joji sitting on a bench, "Wow..." you whisper. The bench was on a cliff looking beyond. Joji smiles, "Was it worth it?" asked Joji. "Nope!" you shout sitting on the bench. "What?!" shouted Joji. "Dude... I almost got lost in the forest." you explain. "Now, you are calling me dude!" shouted Joji. You giggle, "Buddy... Don't worry." you smirk. "This is a cruel world..." laughed Joji.

You pat his back, "Where too next?" you asked in hopes of him not saying New York. "New York." said Joji in a serious voice. You sigh, "I tried..." You whispered pulling your legs to your chest. "What are you worried about? They are your parents!" asked Joji. "No... Well they are but... I don't see them like family..." you explain. "Why not..." frowns Joji. "Look... Your family, if you ever have a problem you can go to them for them to protect you. My parents... They would push me away and try to not get involved... Last time, I had problems with what college to go too... They told me to no worry about college and to go work at some MC Donald..." you explain. "What's wrong with working at MC Donald?!" shouted Joji. "I knew I won't go anywhere from there... I would be trapped there and my parents would never help me..." you explain. Joji nods.


"Look... Now you have Ian, Max, Ella, Lily, Robert, Robin, Chad, Katt...You especially have me." smiled Joji. "Funny..." you whisper. Joji grabs your chin and pulls it close to his face, "I mean it..." whispered Joji in a serious voice. "God... Your low voice gets me every time..." you whisper. Joji giggles and kisses you.

He slowly pulls away, "You have your picture?" asked Joji to no one. You turn back to the forest to see Chad and Ian in tears, "Yes... It will be amazing on my Instagram page." cried Ian. Joji waves good-bye. "Do we have to leave?" asked Chad. Joji nods his head. Ian and Chad disappear into the forest.

"You know... That wasn't fair.." you whispered. "What?" asked Joji. "You used your low voice which... Damn it always gets me... Than you kiss me!" you explain. "Was it worth it?" asked Joji. "Nope!" you shout and look back at the sun that was going down. "God... I still don't get you." laughed Joji. "You don't need too..." you whisper. Joji pulls you close to his body, "Want to go have fun?" asked Joji. "Why leave?" you asked. Joji takes your hand and begins to walk. You walk close to the edge of the cliff, where there is a small lake. "Swim?" asked Joji. You smile. Joji takes off his shirt, "Let's go." smiled Joji. You smile and push him into the lake.

You make your way back to the bench with Joji's shirt and sit there alone. You take out your phone and take a picture of the sun going down. "beautiful..." you whisper to yourself. Soon your feel a wet hug, "No!" you shout. "Sorry..." whispered Joji. You push him away. "Let me guess, for almost getting lost in the forest?" asked Joji. You shake your head yes, "Now.. That was worth it." you smile. Joji rolls his eyes and gets a towel from his backpack and dries himself off. "My shirt?" asked Joji. "River." you answer. "What?!" shouted Joji. You toss him the shirt. "Thank god..." whispered Joji as he put it on.


He sits next to you and puts an arm around you. "You know... Dating you...Wasn't a mistake." you smile putting your head on his shoulder. "You know... Asking you out was a mistake.." laughed Joji. You punch his jaw softly, "Ow..." joked Joji as he rubbed the 'pain' away. You laugh, Joji gives you a book, "Read it.." whispered Joji. "Right now?" you asked confused. "No! in the airplane." explained Joji. You stuff it into your backpack. "I knew, I should of had gotten it as a hard cover." whispered Joji as he looks horrified. "It is, not that bad." you roll your eyes. Joji rolls his eyes.

"Joji... You are no normal guy..." you whisper rubbing the tattoo he got with you. "I love you... But I don't know what to do..." sighed Joji. You look at his face, "I love you too." you smile. Joji laughs, "Sounds so real." you roll your eyes. "I hate you." Joji laughs, "Now that sounds real." You punch his arm. "The love I get." bragged Joji.

You look at your tattoo. "Will your parents approve?" asked Joji. Your head shots up, "I forgot about my parents!" you shout. "What?" asked Joji. "They hate tattoos..." you whisper. "No..." hissed Joji. You cover your face, "I am dead..." you whisper. Joji pats your back, "I will remind you to wear a long sleeve." suggested Joji. "Thanks..." you whisper. "No problem..." whispered Joji.

You rest your head on his chest and close your eyes, "That feeling in my chest... It is always there... Around you..." you whisper still with your eyes closed. "Is that bad?" asked Joji. "No... It is actually good..." you whisper. Joji laughs, "You are now weird..." You shrug, "We can be weird together..." you whisper falling asleep on his chest.

Joji's Point of View-- "I love her... Because the entire universe conspired to help me find her." I thought to myself as I stroked her hair.

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