《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Manicure


You wake up in your bed, "Today is the last day..." you whisper. "Yeah..." whispered Joji packing up. "You are ready to leave?!" you shout. "Yeah... I kind of want to meet your parents..." smiled Joji. "You don't..." you whisper laying back down. "Hey!" shouted Joji as he threw a shirt at you. You get up, "Ew! Have you washed this?!" you shout, then throw the shirt back at him. He gets an evil grin, "Nope." laughed Joji.

"Can you two shut up!" shouted Ian. You grab one of Joji's shirt from the floor and throw it at Ian's face. "Oh My God! It sticks!" shouted Ian as he threw it on the floor. "See!" you shout. "I sweat more than a pig, that has been standing in front of the sun for a while. So! Don't judge!" shouted Joji.

You laugh, "But what do you need?" you get up and sit on the edge of the bed. "Seems like no one is going to be quiet. If you need me I will in sleeping on Chad." said Ian as he grab his pillow and left the room. "Sleeping on Chad?" you asked. "Hey! Chad is a comfortable person to sleep on!" explained Joji. You laugh and look back at Joji's smiling face. You can't help but grin.

"What?" asked Joji. "Nothing..." you whisper. "No, you seem happy... What's wrong?" asked Joji. "What's wrong about being happy?" you ask. "You are (Y/N). You aren't suppose to be happy out of nowhere..." explained Joji. You throw a pillow at his face, "You face is just beautiful..." you whisper. "My face what?" asked Joji as he took the pillow off his face. "It is ugly." you smirk. "Wow... Like I haven't heard that before...." muttered Joji.


"By the way... Ella wants to spent some time with you and Katt." informed Joji. "Where will you be?" you asked. "Watching the big game." winked Joji. "Can't I just be with you...." you whined. "Ella wants to spent time with you before you leave. You won't be out there with her forever. You can come back and I will take you out somewhere." informed Joji. "It better be worth it." you warn. "It will!" shouted Joji.

You roll your eyes and get some clothes from your backpack. Joji laughs, "What?" you asked. "Someone tweeted... Why they haven't met me... I replayed with because they would be disappointed." explained Joji still laughing. "Why won't they. FilthyFrank looks tall but in real life he is short." you smirk. Joji gives you in the evil eye. You grab another backpack, "See you tonight Shorty!" you shout walking through the door to the bathroom. On your way there you hear, "Be safe! Love you!" you roll your eyes and enter the bathroom.

You put on the flower crown and go downstairs, "Hey." you smile to Katt. "Twins!" shouted Katt as she showed her backpack, "I knew you would wear it." you smile. Katt winks. Ella comes out of her room, "We ready to go?" asked Ella. "Where?" you asked. "Go get our nails down!" shouted Katt.

Joji laughs. You look up to see him smirking, "You are still not off the hook!" you shout. Joji plays dead, "I think he is." joked Ian. You give them both cold stares, "Don't worry (Y/N) I will take you somewhere worth waiting." smiled Joji. You look at his face not able to hold in your smile, "I know..." you whisper.

You walk out the front door, "(Y/N)!" shouted Joji. You turn around, "What?" you asked. Joji blows you a kiss, "Ew! No get that away from me!" you shout pretending to doge the kiss. Joji laughs, "I bet it would taste like sweat..." thought out loud Ian. Joji punches his arm, "It smells like sweat from here!" you agree. Joji rolls his eyes. You laugh and run to Ella's car. You hop into the back seat.


Ella parks in front of a small store, "Let's Go!" shouted Katt as she ran out. "I will catch up." you informed Ella. You take out your camera, "Well, Today Coconut is going to get manicure....This is not going to go out right." you laugh. You take a video of your surroundings and get out of the car. You stuff the camera back into the backpack and walk into the store. Katt is bouncing in her seat, "Ready?!" asked Katt. you giggle and nod your head.

You sit in a chair that in between Katt and Ella. "How serious is your relationship with Joji?" asked Ella. "It is not serious. He hasn't even met my parents." you explain. "Max hasn't met my parents and it is serious." bragged Katt. You and Ella look at her confused. "Okay... Well not that serious." Katt rolled her eyes. Both you and Ella laugh.

"How long with Robin?" you asked Ella. "So many years...I don't think... He loves me anymore.." whispered Ella. Katt and you frown, "He loves you!" shouted Katt. You nod your head in agreement, "Oh, girls... Love doesn't last forever." explained Ella in a small smile. You shake your head no, "Joji has loved me since college. I don't know why... But that was for... Four years!" you explained. Ella smiled, "You girls don't get it..." whispered Ella as she looked back down at her nails.

"How is Max and you?" you asked Katt. "It's the best..." smiled Katt. "Lying..." whispered Ella. "The truth?" You smirked. "He doesn't pay attention to me..." whispered Katt as she hit head head on the table. "The only one doing great is you." smiled Ella. You giggle, "I don't even know how... But in college Joji was called a pervert for watching too much porn. Turns out it was him making his videos." you laughed explaining. Ella and Katt laughed with you. "Towards the end... When he gave his speech he rapped out a line..." you bite your lips, to not laugh to loud.

"Your eyes..." whispered Ella. You look up at her, "What?" you asked. "They shine... When you talk about Joji..." added Katt. You roll your eyes, "Not..." you whispered. Ella and Katt give you a serious face. "I don't know about this Joji, you are talking about... But your whole face lights up when you talk about him..." explained the women who was doing your nails. Your eyes widen, "No..." you whisper. "Yes!" shouted everyone around you.

When the manicures where finished you wait outside for Katt and Ella. A black car shows you, "Ready for your date with Joji?" asked Ian as he pulled up. "Shouldn't Joji be in the car?" you giggle. "Cunt, can't drive." explained Ian. "Where is he?" you ask picking up your backpack from the floor and walk towards the car. "In a secret place..." winked Ian. You get into the car, "Does Ella and Katt know?" you asked. Ian nodded. You put on your seat belt, "Let's go..." you smile.

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