《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Without Him


You walk out of the shop, "When do you plan on showing me this videos?" you ask. Joji laughs, "When you most need them." explained Joji as he put his phone away and holds your hand. You walk to the car and sit there, "How do you know most of the places here?" you ask putting on your seat belt. "Max and Ian... Also Chad. We have worked around here for awhile because of Max." explained Joji. "Seriously?" you asked. "It's easy to remember beautiful places." smiled Joji. You laugh and start the engine, "Where?" you ask. "Home. Max needs to do a video." explained Joji. You frown, "Don't worry. I will be back before you know it." explained Joji. "You better..." you warn him and you pull out of the parking lot.

You arrive at the house to see Chad covered in cotton that's brown, "What the..." you whisper. "I will be back soon." Joji blows you a kiss and hops into Max's car which drives away. You get out of the car slowly, "I really can't live without him..." you whisper and turn around to see Katt. "I am bored!" she yells to the sky. "And she can't live without Max..." you laugh to yourself.

Katt hears you giggling and makes her way towards you, "Want to make another video?" asked Katt. "Want to go out shopping?" you asked Katt. "Yes!" she shouts. "You know were the mall is?" you ask. Katt shakes her head. "We can take my car." suggested Katt. "Sure... Let me just go give Robin his keys."

You walk through the front door to see Ella, "Hey." you smile. "I need everyone out of the house till 3." ordered Ella. You step back, "Why?" you ask. "Book club... Does everything seem clean?" asked Ella. "Yes... Do you want us to take Robin?" you ask. "No... He is as quiet as a mouse." laughed Ella. You join her, "Well... Here are his car keys." you say handing her the keys. "You and Joji are a serious thing me." snicked Ella. You laugh, "Not really." Ella points at the tattoo, "When this happens, it means it is serious because you trust in each other to not break up." informed Ella. You look down at the tattoo and can't help but smile, "Okay...Maybe it is a little bit serious." Ella and you jump up and down. "Hey! Are we going?!" shouted Katt. You wave good-bye to Ella and follow Katt outside.


You hop into the car, "You know... Sometimes I can live without Joji." you smile. "How can you say that?!" gasped Katt. You look at her weird. "You shouldn't say that. It is disrespectful." said Katt in a serious tone. "Because it is obvious you can't live without Max." you joke. "It is that obvious?" asked Katt worried. "Crystal clear." you wink.

Soon the car is in front of a mall, "What is your favorite store?" asked Katt so excited. You look down, "I think it is pretty obvious." you laugh. Katt looks you down and up, "Not really..." whispered Katt. You sigh, "Vans..." you confess. "What?" asked Katt. You gasp, "You don't know about... Vans?" Katt shakes her head no. "You are about to discover the most wonderful shoes in the world."

You take out your camera from your backpack. You turn it on, "Hello there Owls, today me and Katt are at the mall. I am about to show her the most wonderful store in the world! So stay tune!" you smile and Katt waves at the camera. You giggle, "Too much?" asked Katt. "No... It's perfect." You quickly take a shot of the environment around you. "Okay... Let's go." you shut down the camera and grab your backpack. You climb out of the car.

You walk into the mall, "Okay... Where is the map?" you asked. "Who needs a map when all you need to go to is Forever 21!" shouted Katt. People look at both of you weird. You turn to see a girl your age, "Excuse me... Where is the map?" you asked. The girl points to a billboard not so far away. "Thank you." you smile and take Katt's hand, "Let's not do anything embarrassing." you giggle.


You look around to see that there is a Vans store. "Good.." you whisper. You turn back to Katt, "Where to first?" you asked. "Forever 21!" shouted Katt again. You roll your eyes. Katt pulls on your arm and takes you deeper into the mall.

You enter the store, "What are your thoughts on Victoria Secrets?" you asked Katt as you recorded her answer. "It is a wonderful store. Let's go there next after this." suggested Katt. "Why buy something that no one is going, to see you in?" you asked. Katt shrugs, "Who said that no one will see it." winked Katt. "Ew! Let's remember that I have under age viewers." you laugh.

Katt buys a few shirts, "Victoria Secret?" suggested Katt. "Don't waste all your money remember there is still the store I want to take you too." you remind her.

You enter the store to see an underwear fly right pass you. You turn around to see who it was but you see no one. "Weird..." you whisper to yourself. "That is not weird... That's creepy!" corrected Katt. You roll your eyes and walk side by side with Katt.

Soon you hear someone say, "I eat ass..." you turn around to see no one. "God... Are this to pink?" asked Katt as she hold up a pair of underwear. "It is the color of your soul." you winked at Katt as you look around.

You see a group of girls laughing and acting disgusted by someone. You walk closer to hear, "I eat ass..." you hear familiar voices laughing in the back ground. "Crap.." you catch a glimpse of Ian. You speed walk back to Katt, "Let's go..." you hiss. "I found the perfect pair of bra and underwear! I do not plan on leaving them behind!" cried Katt. You look back at the guys, "We can come back later..." you hiss. "Why?" asked Katt. "Because... I want to go to the store now..." you lie.

Katt gives you a cold face, "Is that Max?!" shouted Katt. "Being surrounded by girls!" shouted Katt. You pull her and run out the store. You reach the Vans store.

"You owe me..." hissed Katt as she walked into the store. "I owe you my life." you laugh as you sit on a chair.

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