《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Tattoo


You wake up to laying on Joji, "... Joji...?" you whisper but he doesn't move. He just has a dumb goofy smile, "Are you awake?" you ask. Joji just stays quiet. You pat his chest and get up. "God..." you feel your head pound. "I should of had not taking that vodka..." you whisper. Soon Joji pulls you back into a hug, "Get ready in 10 minutes..." whispered Joji into your ear.

You get up, "You better not be late." you joked. "I will be 10 minutes late..." followed Joji into the joke. You laugh and get your clothes from your backpack.

You walk out to go to the bathroom but you see Max half naked coming out of Katt's room. "Don't think about what we did... That is not what happened." said Max with wide eyes. "It happened?" you asked. "No!" whispered/shouted Max. You giggle, "Sure, it didn't." you wink and walk to the bathroom.

You take a quick shower and slip into your clothes.

"Hey." Joji was leaning on the railing, "Ready?" asked Joji. You take his hand. "Of course." you smile and walk down the stairs with him.

"You guys going to eat?" asked Ella as she sat down. "We are going out to eat." smiled Joji. Robin tosses you his keys, "This is YOUR car... I can't drive your car." you say handing Robin back his keys. "An old man like me has nowhere to go. Take the car." explained Robin as he handed you back the keys. "Thanks..." you smile. Joji pulls on you to the front door.

You get in the drivers seat, "Joji... I know-" But Joji cuts you off, "I say the directions, you drive. What a wonderful team?" laughed Joji as he put on his seat belt, "Now pull out and take a right." ordered Joji.

You pull up in front of a Denny's, "Here?" you asked. Joji smiles, "Or... Do you want to go with an empty stomach to the next place?" asked Joji. You park quickly, "Let's go." you smile and get out of the car.


You walk into Denny's, "Two?" asked the waiter. Joji nods his head. The waiter sits you two in the back. "What are you going to have?" you asked looking at the menu confused. "Just order what you want." smiled Joji as he read the menu with a huge grin. You roll your eyes and scan through the menu. The waiter comes back to take your order, "What will you two like today?" You look at Joji in panic. "For me... I'll have chocolate chip pancakes..." ordered Joji. You look back at the menu, "What will the lady be having?" You clear your throat and say, "I would like the ____* Please."

*~Banana Pancakes ~Chocolate Chip Pancakes ~Blue Berry Pancakes ~Strawberry Pancakes*

You hand the menu to the waiter and sit back. "What will you like to drink?" asked Joji quickly. You sit up, "We were suppose to pick something to drink?!" you freak out. Joji rolls his eyes, "You are so complicated..." You sigh, "Tell me about it..." you lean back in the chair. The waiter comes back, "What will you two like to drink?" You panic inside. "I will have an orange juice. The lady will have a strawberry lemonade." said Joji quickly. The waiter then walks away. "Thank you..." you whisper. "No problem." smiled Joji.

You sit up, "So...What are we doing today?" you ask excited. "A surprise." smiled Joji. The waiter brings back the drinks. You take a sip, "Hint?" you ask. "....Skin." smiled Joji with an evil grin. You cringe, "No, thank you..." you whisper. "Ew! Don't take it that way!" exclaimed Joji. "Than what are we doing?!" you ask once more. "Hint... Compass." smiled Joji. You get excited, "Matching tattoos..." you whisper. Joji nods his head. The pancakes soon come.

"Hey... How were you able to drive last night?" you ask taking a bite out of your pancakes. "I... I didn't think about anything but driving..." explained Joji but he didn't sound very convince. "Well... Thanks for not killing me." you joke. "Thanks for trusting me." Joji rolled his eyes. "I do trust you... But it depends..." you say remembering all the things Joji made you go through. "Wow...Can't even trust me." laughed Joji. "You made me go through a lot!" you get defensive. Joji rises his arms, "Because you deserve the best." smirked Joji. "What is that smirk suppose to mean?!" you ask. "I love you." said Joji as he went back to eating his breakfast. You roll your eyes and go back to eating. "You didn't say it back..." whispered Joji. "I hate you too." you manage to say through eating your food. Joji laughs.


Joji pays both your foods, "So... You ready." Joji said clapping his hands together. "Yes!" you get excited. Joji takes your hand. "Lucky of us, the tattoo shop is right around the corner from here. So we can walk." smiled Joji. You shake your head in agreement. You walk side by side with Joji, "Here we are." smiled Joji as he pushed the doors into the shop.

When you enter there it is a dim room. You look at Joji who doesn't look scared, so you try to shake it off. "Hey." smiled a man. You wave. "Hey, Juan." smiled Joji as he made a hand shake with the man named Juan. "What brings you here?" asked Juan. "We need a tattoo done." smiled Joji. "Two." you add. Juan laughs, "What will it be?" asked Juan. Joji takes out his phone, "It is a surprise." smiled Joji as he only shows Juan.

Joji takes your hand and takes you into a small room. "Since it is a surprise you will get it first." smiled Joji. "Is it ugly?" you ask Juan. Juan laughs and shakes his head yes. "Traitor..." you hiss at Joji and sit down. Juan gives you a poke with the needle. "Can you handle the pain?" asked Juan. You nod your head but bite on your lips. Joji rolls his eyes and holds your other hand, "It will only take 30 minutes... Mean while talk to me about your life." smiled Joji. You look deep into his brown eyes while the pain spreads.

"Almost done..." whispered Juan after awhile. You don't take your eyes off of Joji, "My first book... That I could understand and read.... Was a Mickey Mouse book." you confess to Joji. You both laugh and Juan joins in. "Now... Let me just put the D in daddy." smiled Juan. You freak out, "Don't tell me you did?!" you shout. Joji high fives Juan, "He was just kidding." reassured Joji. You breathe out a sigh on relief.

A women comes in, "Now it's your turn." she smiled at Joji. "She is my wife." informed Juan as he blew a kiss to her. She rolls her eyes and goes to the next room. Joji stands up, "Juan make sure she doesn't look at it until I am next to her." ordered Joji. You roll your eyes. Joji steps out of the room.

Juan stands up, "I promised Joji so... Mind sitting like that for awhile?" asked Juan. "No... I am tempted to see it..." you confess. Juan shook his head and looked around... "I will wrap it then." suggested Juan as he got a soft towel and put it over your whole arm. Juan steps out of the room.

Joji comes back in, "I think I am bleeding..." whispered Joji in pain. "Are you okay?!" you panicked. Joji laughs, "I am alright." smiled Joji. "Jerk..." you whisper. Joji takes out his phone. "Just wait till Juan comes back." smiled Joji as he sat next to you.

"What do you need?" asked Juan. "Take a video." ordered Joji as he shoved the phone towards Juan. "Me?" asked Juan. Joji nods his head. Juan takes the phone and starts recording.

You take off the towel slowly with Joji, "Dude... It turned out better than I thought." said Joji happy. You don't say anything. "Is it that horrible?" asked Juan. You shake your head no, "It perfect..." you smiled. You look at Joji's tattoo. "It was everything I ever wanted." you cry into his chest. Joji laughs, "Why I want to record this memories.." you heard Joji whisper to Juan.

Joji's Point of View-- "I have never seen her so happy..." I thought to myself while hugging (Y/N)

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