《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Break Up


You wake up to Joji and Ian screaming, "What the..." you whisper. "We are late!" shouted Ian. "Hurry up!" shouted Joji. You sit up and look at them both running around. Katt shows up at the door, "Guys... We have 1 more hour," laughed Katt "Good morning (Y/N)" You wave hello and Katt leaves.

"We are so stupid..." whispered Ian as he sat on his bed and covered his face. "No... You are, waking me up early screaming that we are late." corrected Joji. You laugh and get up, "But it was funny to watch." you explained getting your clothes. Joji pinches you. "OW!" you shout checking your arm. "God..." you whisper grabbing Joji's hand and showing him, "You have long nails!" you shout shoving his hand in his face. "Why do you think they are long?" asked Ian.

You let go of Joji's hand and roll your eyes, "You have other ways of protecting yourself. Stop having long nails." you say and walk to the bathroom.

You quickly slide into black shorts and a grey T-Shirt. "God... I really will die out there..." you whisper to yourself. You put on your socks. You stand up and walk back to the room.

"I am dead..." whispered Ian. "Why?" you asked. Ian looks at your with wide eyes, "Thank god..." whispered Ian with a sigh of relief. "What did you do?" you asked. "I kind of...Just look at this." Ian shows you a book and slowly opens it. Three pages fall out, "What happened?!" you shout. "I kind of... Chad and me were pulling on the book and we ripe out the pages without noticing..." explained Ian. You pick up the pages and grab the book out of Ian's hand.


You check out the book to see, 'Paper Towns.' you look at Ian, "You did not just ripe my book." you say with a cold stare. Ian freaks out, "It is your book! I thought it was Robin's book!" explained Ian. You slap Ian with the book, "You are lucky this was the book Calvin gave me!" you shout. "Why?" asked Ian. "Because if it was the book Joji gave me! You would be dead be now!" you shout. You look at the book with a frown, "Do you think Robin would want a book that is ripe?" you asked.

"Yes, he would." smiled Robin from the door. You and Ian freak out quickly. "Robin!" shouted Ian. "Let me see the book." ordered Robin. You hand him the book. "This is easy to fix." smiled Robin. "Would you want it back when I fix it?" asked Robin. You shake your head yes. "Fine by me." smiled Robin.

"Are you not going to hike with us?" asked Ian as he pointed at Robin wearing Pajamas. "No... An old man like me can only sit back and wait for his death." laughed Robin. You smile, "Can I sit with you until my death comes too?" you asked. "Why would you want that?" asked Robin. You pointed at your black shorts, "I will die out there." you explained. "I have hiking shoes that you can borrow." smiled Robin. "Really?" you asked. "Yes... How about we leave Ian with his freaked out face." smiled Robin.

You look over at Ian with his jaw open. "What?" you asked. "I just remembered... I think...I mean... I tell you later!" shouted Ian as he ran pass Robin and down the stairs. You laugh and look back at Robin. "Let's go see if those hiking shoes fit you." smiled Robin as he sticks out his arm. You grab his arm, "Wouldn't Ella get jealous?" you asked confused. "Not really." frowned Robin as he dragged you to his office.


You sit on the couch while Robin goes into a closet. He comes back out with a dusty box. "Sad... How I can't hike.." whispered Robin as he handed you the box. You smile, "On the bright side... You can take a seat and drink cold lemonade." Robin thinks about it, "I haven't heard of a wonderful idea like that in 20 years." laughed Robin. "You can even make fresh lemonade by yourself." you winked. Robin got a serious face. "Did they fit?" asked Robin. You tie the last lace, "They fit perfect." you smiled.

Robin gets up, "Hopefully you have fun... Now, this old man is going to go daydream while drinking fresh lemonade that he messed up making." laughed Robin. You laugh with him.

You walk out of his office. Katt meets you outside, "I am not going..." whispered Katt. "Why not?" you asked worried. "Max... Max doesn't want me to go..." whispered Katt. You hug her quickly, "Don't tell me he...Broke up with you?" you asked. "He... He... He did..." cried Katt into your shoulder. "I am so sorry..." you whispered with pain. "I don't know, what I did wrong!" cried Katt. You see Max come up the stairs, "Hey! What is wrong with you!?" you shout. Max sees you holding Katt and runs back downstairs.

You roll your eyes, "It will get better... You know what... I won't go." you said taking off your shoes but Katt stops you, "Maybe tomorrow... We can hang out to get the pain away.... Right now I need time alone..." smiled Katt. "You sure?" you asked. Katt nods her head, "Besides... I don't think Joji would want that." said Katt pointing at Joji. "She is telling the truth!" shouted Joji.

You look Katt right in the eyes, "Don't do anything stupid for a foolish boy..." you whisper. Katt giggles, "I won't." smiled Katt. You walk back to Joji's side. He hands you, your backpack. "Ready?" asked Joji. You smile, "Let's go..." you look back at Katt. "I will be okay..." smiled Katt.

You walk down the stairs with Joji. "You know... You were always a pain in the butt.." you giggle. "Still don't get you..." laughed Joji. "You don't have too." you smile as you walk towards the cars.

Soon you are in front of a plain field, "I am going to die..." you confirm. "Don't worry... We will be in a jeep." informed Ian. You smile, "Thank god..." you walk towards a jeep while holding Joji's hand.

Joji's Point of View-- "She is going to die..." I thought to myself.

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