《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Travel


You wake up in the morning to find Joji, Ian and Max throwing clothes into their suitcases. "Are we leaving now?" you ask barely awake yet tired. Ian shook you, "Hurry up! The planes leaves in 2 hours!" shouted Ian as he ran to the bathroom. You laugh and look at Max, "2 hours?" you asked. Max shook his head fast, "Don't ask question just get ready!" shouted Max as he ran out the door to the kitchen. You look at Joji, "Ian loves to always be on time." winked Joji as he walked out the door to his dad's office.

You rub your eyes and walk to the backpack you packed last night, "Honestly... I packed since last night... I am set and ready to go..." you whisper to yourself as you get up to change clothes. Ian and Max rush in, "We can't wait till you meet our fr..." But Max gives him a cold stare. "Fine... We will wait..." hissed Ian as he put on his backpack. "Are you ready?" asked Ian. You smile and hold up your clothes, "Just need to change." you inform. "Nice to know that someone is ready for the first time in forever." laughed Ian. Max throws a pair of boxers to Ian, "Shut up! I like to take my time." huffed Max. You laugh and walk to the bathroom.

You change quickly and swing on your backpack to your back. You walk out of the bathroom to see Max, Ian and Joji sitting on the couch waiting for you. "Let's go?" you asked. Ian got up and ran to the car. "Shotgun!" shouted Max as he ran to the car behind Ian. "Look's like you and me are in the backseats." smiled Joji as he grabbed your hand, "I have no problem with that." you blush following Joji to the car.


You sit in the car for hours, "Joji... Where are we going?" you asked. "I am not that easy to get answers out of." smiled Joji as he looked at the window. "Fine... What did you study in Harvard?" you asked. "Again... not that good to get answers out of." repeated Joji. "Why did you fight for Julie?" you asked. Max and Ian laugh upfront while Joji looks at you, "Because... You think you are in love with someone and if you try your best, so they can learn to love you back... Big mistake!" explained Joji as he looked back out the window. You smile, "Will you ever fight for me?" you asked. This time Max looks back, "This questions don't just annoy Joji." smiled Max. You roll your eyes and look out the window. "I would fight for you any day..." you hear Joji whisper.

Ian and Max laugh, "You punched Calvin and it hurt your hand." laughed Max as he slapped his own knee. "How did you guys know?!" shouted Joji. "I was just opening the door when I saw the whole thing." explained Max. Joji covers his face, "Ugh!! You guys are the worst! No more asking Joji questions in front of Max and Ian!" ordered Joji as he hid his face. You laugh and pat Joji's back, "It's okay." you giggle and look back out the window.

You arrive at the airport. "Lily will come for the car later." informed Joji. "Just leave the keys under the car." added Max. You get out of the car and see a lot of people walking around. You smile, "First time... I feel part of a family..." you whisper to yourself.


Joji comes from behind and grabs your hand, "Let's go." smiled Joji as he walked you towards the entrance.

You sit down far away from the window seat. Ian and Max are in front of you and Joji. Joji of course takes the window seat. Max turns around, "Just... Change into shorts when we arrive." winked Max as he turned back around. "What does he mean?" you asked. "Just follow his advice." said Joji in a serious tone.

You lean back in your chair, "Joji... Do I stress you?" you asked. "Not really... Sometimes... You actually can." laughed Joji. "Is The Great Joji still confused about what I think about?" you laughed. "Yes... A lot." smiled Joji. You laugh, Ian turns around to face you, "I think you confuse everyone with your actions and words." confessed Ian. You roll your eyes and look at Joji, "I hope you soon get me." you smile.

Soon you feel your eyes get heavy, "I am already tired.." you yawned and leaned on to Joji. "God... You always miss the beautiful scenes..." complained Joji. "Take a picture." you laugh while falling asleep quickly but you are able to hear, "Good night... My little princess."

Joji's Point of View-- I went through her phone last night, that call was from her father which means it wasn't the wrong number. Taking her home should of had been the first and right thing to do but I am sure that she would of had to love to come to Max's home place. First time I came here I was pretty happy to see every place he took us too.

I stay up, all on my own, "Why stay up?" asked Ian. "because... I need to do a favor." I winked. Ian gets a confused face but forgets it and falls asleep. It is only 11, it is going to be a long night.

I am reading a book, 'Gone' Pretty good book when I see there is a few sunshine, "It is still beautiful..." I smile taking out my phone and taking a few pictures.

Your Point of View-- You wake up to feel Joji shaking you awake, "How are you?" asked Joji. "Better then ever..." you whisper. You stand up to see that it is only you, Ian, Max and Joji on the plane, "You were the first to go to sleep and last to wake up..." laughed Ian. You roll your eyes and get your backpack.

You step outside of the plane to feel the sun hit you, "God... That ray of sunshine hit my eyes..." you whine. Max laughs, "It get worst in the summer time." informed Max. You look around, "Where are we?" you asked. "My home place," smiled Max "Australia!" shouted Max.

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